1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)get_names.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 3/13/86";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: #include "talk.h"
  12: #include <sys/param.h>
  13: #include <protocols/talkd.h>
  15: char    *getlogin();
  16: char    *ttyname();
  17: char    *rindex();
  18: static  any();
  19: extern  CTL_MSG msg;
  21: /*
  22:  * Determine the local and remote user, tty, and machines
  23:  */
  24: get_names(argc, argv)
  25:     int argc;
  26:     char *argv[];
  27: {
  28:     char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
  29:     char *his_name, *my_name;
  30:     char *my_machine_name, *his_machine_name;
  31:     char *my_tty, *his_tty;
  32:     register char *cp;
  34:     if (argc < 2 ) {
  35:         printf("Usage: talk user [ttyname]\n");
  36:         exit(-1);
  37:     }
  38:     if (!isatty(0)) {
  39:         printf("Standard input must be a tty, not a pipe or a file\n");
  40:         exit(-1);
  41:     }
  42:     my_name = getlogin();
  43:     if (my_name == NULL) {
  44:         printf("You don't exist. Go away.\n");
  45:         exit(-1);
  46:     }
  47:     gethostname(hostname, sizeof (hostname));
  48:     my_machine_name = hostname;
  49:     my_tty = rindex(ttyname(0), '/') + 1;
  50:     /* check for, and strip out, the machine name of the target */
  51:     for (cp = argv[1]; *cp && !any(*cp, "@:!."); cp++)
  52:         ;
  53:     if (*cp == '\0') {
  54:         /* this is a local to local talk */
  55:         his_name = argv[1];
  56:         his_machine_name = my_machine_name;
  57:     } else {
  58:         if (*cp++ == '@') {
  59:             /* user@host */
  60:             his_name = argv[1];
  61:             his_machine_name = cp;
  62:         } else {
  63:             /* host.user or host!user or host:user */
  64:             his_name = cp;
  65:             his_machine_name = argv[1];
  66:         }
  67:         *--cp = '\0';
  68:     }
  69:     if (argc > 2)
  70:         his_tty = argv[2];  /* tty name is arg 2 */
  71:     else
  72:         his_tty = "";
  73:     get_addrs(my_machine_name, his_machine_name);
  74:     /*
  75: 	 * Initialize the message template.
  76: 	 */
  77:     msg.vers = TALK_VERSION;
  78:     msg.addr.sa_family = htons(AF_INET);
  79:     msg.ctl_addr.sa_family = htons(AF_INET);
  80:     msg.id_num = htonl(0);
  81:     strncpy(msg.l_name, my_name, NAME_SIZE);
  82:     msg.l_name[NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
  83:     strncpy(msg.r_name, his_name, NAME_SIZE);
  84:     msg.r_name[NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
  85:     strncpy(msg.r_tty, his_tty, TTY_SIZE);
  86:     msg.r_tty[TTY_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
  87: }
  89: static
  90: any(c, cp)
  91:     register char c, *cp;
  92: {
  94:     while (*cp)
  95:         if (c == *cp++)
  96:             return (1);
  97:     return (0);
  98: }

Defined functions

any defined in line 89; used 2 times
get_names defined in line 24; used 1 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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