1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)yyid.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: #include "whoami.h"
  12: #include "0.h"
  13: #include "tree_ty.h"    /* must be included for yy.h */
  14: #include "yy.h"
  16: #ifdef PI
  17: extern  union semstack *yypv;
  18: /*
  19:  * Determine whether the identifier whose name
  20:  * is "cp" can possibly be a kind, which is a
  21:  * namelist class.  We look through the symbol
  22:  * table for the first instance of cp as a non-field,
  23:  * and at all instances of cp as a field.
  24:  * If any of these are ok, we return true, else false.
  25:  * It would be much better to handle with's correctly,
  26:  * even to just know whether we are in a with at all.
  27:  *
  28:  * Note that we don't disallow constants on the lhs of assignment.
  29:  */
  30: identis(cp, kind)
  31:     register char *cp;
  32:     int kind;
  33: {
  34:     register struct nl *p;
  35:     int i;
  37:     /*
  38: 	 * Cp is NIL when error recovery inserts it.
  39: 	 */
  40:     if (cp == NIL)
  41:         return (1);
  43:     /*
  44: 	 * Record kind we want for possible later use by yyrecover
  45: 	 */
  46:     yyidwant = kind;
  47:     yyidhave = NIL;
  48:     i = ( (int) cp ) & 077;
  49:     for (p = disptab[i]; p != NIL; p = p->nl_next)
  50:         if (p->symbol == cp) {
  51:             if (yyidok(p, kind))
  52:                 goto gotit;
  53:             if (p->class != FIELD && p->class != BADUSE)
  54:                 break;
  55:         }
  56:     if (p != NIL)
  57:         for (p = p->nl_next; p != NIL; p = p->nl_next)
  58:             if (p->symbol == cp && p->class == FIELD && yyidok(p, kind))
  59:                 goto gotit;
  60:     return (0);
  61: gotit:
  62:     if (p->class == BADUSE && !Recovery) {
  63:         yybadref(p, OY.Yyeline);
  64:         yypv[0].i_entry = NIL;
  65:     }
  66:     return (1);
  67: }
  69: /*
  70:  * A bad reference to the identifier cp on line
  71:  * line and use implying the addition of kindmask
  72:  * to the mask of kind information.
  73:  */
  74: struct nl *
  75: yybaduse(cp, line, kindmask)
  76:     register char *cp;
  77:     int line, kindmask;
  78: {
  79:     register struct nl *p, *oldp;
  80:     int i;
  82:     i = ( (int) cp ) & 077;
  83:     for (p = disptab[i]; p != NIL; p = p->nl_next)
  84:         if (p->symbol == cp)
  85:             break;
  86:     oldp = p;
  87:     if (p == NIL || p->class != BADUSE)
  88:         p = enter(defnl(cp, BADUSE, NLNIL, 0));
  89:     p->value[NL_KINDS] |= kindmask;
  90:     yybadref(p, line);
  91:     return (oldp);
  92: }
  94:     /*
  95:      *	ud is initialized so that esavestr will allocate
  96:      *	sizeof ( struct udinfo ) bytes for the 'real' struct udinfo
  97:      */
  98: struct  udinfo ud = { ~0 , (struct udinfo *) ~0 , 0};
  99: /*
 100:  * Record a reference to an undefined identifier,
 101:  * or one which is improperly used.
 102:  */
 103: yybadref(p, line)
 104:     register struct nl *p;
 105:     int line;
 106: {
 107:     register struct udinfo *udp;
 109:     if (p->chain != NIL && ((struct udinfo *) p->chain)->ud_line == line)
 110:         return;
 111:     udp = (struct udinfo *) esavestr((char *) &ud);
 112:     udp->ud_line = line;
 113:     udp->ud_next = (struct udinfo *) p->chain;
 114:     p->chain = (struct nl *) udp;
 115: }
 117: #define varkinds    ((1<<CONST)|(1<<VAR)|(1<<REF)|(1<<ARRAY)|(1<<PTR) \
 118:             |(1<<RECORD)|(1<<FIELD)|(1<<FUNC)|(1<<FVAR) \
 119:             |(1<<FFUNC)|(1<<PROC)|(1<<FPROC))
 120: /*
 121:  * Is the symbol in the p entry of the namelist
 122:  * even possibly a kind kind?  If not, update
 123:  * what we have based on this encounter.
 124:  */
 125: yyidok(p, kind)
 126:     register struct nl *p;
 127:     int kind;
 128: {
 130:     if (p->class == BADUSE) {
 131:         if (kind == VAR)
 132:             return (p->value[0] & varkinds);
 133:         return (p->value[0] & (1 << kind));
 134:     }
 135:     if (yyidok1(p, kind))
 136:         return (1);
 137:     if (yyidhave != NIL)
 138:         yyidhave = IMPROPER;
 139:     else
 140:         yyidhave = p->class;
 141:     return (0);
 142: }
 144: yyidok1(p, kind)
 145:     register struct nl *p;
 146:     int kind;
 147: {
 149:     switch (kind) {
 150:         default:
 151:         case FUNC:
 152:             return (   p -> class == FUNC
 153:                 || p -> class == FVAR
 154:                 || p -> class == FFUNC );
 155:         case PROC:
 156:             return ( p -> class == PROC || p -> class == FPROC );
 157:         case CONST:
 158:         case TYPE:
 159:         case FIELD:
 160:             return (p->class == kind);
 161:         case VAR:
 162:             return (p->class == CONST || yyisvar(p, NIL));
 163:         case ARRAY:
 164:         case RECORD:
 165:             return (yyisvar(p, kind));
 166:         case PTRFILE:
 167:             return (yyisvar(p, PTR) || yyisvar(p, FILET));
 168:     }
 169: }
 171: yyisvar(p, varclass)
 172:     register struct nl *p;
 173:     int varclass;
 174: {
 176:     switch (p->class) {
 177:         case FIELD:
 178:         case VAR:
 179:         case REF:
 180:         case FVAR:
 181:         /*
 182: 		 * We would prefer to return
 183: 		 * parameterless functions only.
 184: 		 */
 185:         case FUNC:
 186:         case FFUNC:
 187:             return (varclass == NIL || (p->type != NIL && p->type->class == varclass));
 188:         case PROC:
 189:         case FPROC:
 190:             return ( varclass == NIL );
 191:     }
 192:     return (0);
 193: }
 194: #endif
 195: #ifdef PXP
 196: #ifndef DEBUG
 197: identis()
 198: {
 200:     return (1);
 201: }
 202: #endif
 203: #ifdef DEBUG
 204: extern  char *classes[];
 206: char    kindchars[] "UCTVAQRDPF";
 207: /*
 208:  * Fake routine "identis" for pxp when testing error recovery.
 209:  * Looks at letters in variable names to answer questions
 210:  * about attributes.  Mapping is
 211:  *	C	const_id
 212:  *	T	type_id
 213:  *	V	var_id		also if any of AQRDF
 214:  *	A	array_id
 215:  *	Q	ptr_id
 216:  *	R	record_id
 217:  *	D	field_id	D for "dot"
 218:  *	P	proc_id
 219:  *	F	func_id
 220:  */
 221: identis(cp, kind)
 222:     register char *cp;
 223:     int kind;
 224: {
 225:     register char *dp;
 226:     char kindch;
 228:     /*
 229: 	 * Don't do anything unless -T
 230: 	 */
 231:     if (!typetest)
 232:         return (1);
 234:     /*
 235: 	 * Inserted symbols are always correct
 236: 	 */
 237:     if (cp == NIL)
 238:         return (1);
 239:     /*
 240: 	 * Set up the names for error messages
 241: 	 */
 242:     yyidwant = classes[kind];
 243:     for (dp = kindchars; *dp; dp++)
 244:         if (any(cp, *dp)) {
 245:             yyidhave = classes[dp - kindchars];
 246:             break;
 247:         }
 249:     /*
 250: 	 * U in the name means undefined
 251: 	 */
 252:     if (any(cp, 'U'))
 253:         return (0);
 255:     kindch = kindchars[kind];
 256:     if (kindch == 'V')
 257:         for (dp = "AQRDF"; *dp; dp++)
 258:             if (any(cp, *dp))
 259:                 return (1);
 260:     return (any(cp, kindch));
 261: }
 262: #endif
 263: #endif

Defined functions

identis defined in line 221; never used
yybadref defined in line 103; used 2 times
yybaduse defined in line 74; used 4 times
yyidok defined in line 125; used 2 times
yyidok1 defined in line 144; used 1 times
yyisvar defined in line 171; used 4 times

Defined variables

kindchars defined in line 206; used 3 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
ud defined in line 98; used 1 times

Defined macros

varkinds defined in line 117; used 1 times
Last modified: 1985-06-06
Generated: 2016-12-26
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