1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)print.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  10: /*
  11:  * Routines to print out symbols.
  12:  */
  14: #include "defs.h"
  15: #include "sym.h"
  16: #include "process.h"
  17: #include "tree.h"
  18: #include "runtime.h"
  19: #include "classes.h"
  20: #include "sym.rep"
  21: #include "process/process.rep"
  23: /*
  24:  * Note the entry of the given block, unless it's the main program.
  25:  */
  27: printentry(s)
  28: SYM *s;
  29: {
  30:     if (s != program) {
  31:         printf("\nentering %s %s\n", classname(s), s->symbol);
  32:     }
  33: }
  35: /*
  36:  * Note the exit of the given block
  37:  */
  39: printexit(s)
  40: SYM *s;
  41: {
  42:     if (s != program) {
  43:         printf("leaving %s %s\n\n", classname(s), s->symbol);
  44:     }
  45: }
  47: /*
  48:  * Note the call of s from t.
  49:  */
  51: printcall(s, t)
  52: SYM *s, *t;
  53: {
  54:     printf("calling %s", s->symbol);
  55:     printparams(s, NIL);
  56:     printf(" from %s %s\n", classname(t), t->symbol);
  57: }
  59: /*
  60:  * Note the return from s.  If s is a function, print the value
  61:  * it is returning.  This is somewhat painful, since the function
  62:  * has actually just returned.
  63:  */
  65: printrtn(s)
  66: SYM *s;
  67: {
  68:     register SYM *t;
  69:     register int len;
  71:     printf("returning ");
  72:     if (s->class == FUNC) {
  73:         len = size(s->type);
  74:         dread(sp, process->sp, len);
  75:         sp += len;
  76:         printval(s->type);
  77:         putchar(' ');
  78:     }
  79:     printf("from %s\n", s->symbol);
  80: }
  82: /*
  83:  * Print the values of the parameters of the given procedure or function.
  84:  * The frame distinguishes recursive instances of a procedure.
  85:  */
  87: printparams(f, frame)
  88: SYM *f;
  89: FRAME *frame;
  90: {
  91:     SYM *param;
  93:     for (param = f->chain; param != NIL; param = param->chain) {
  94:         if (param == f->chain) {
  95:             printf("(");
  96:         }
  97:         printv(param, frame);
  98:         if (param->chain != NIL) {
  99:             printf(", ");
 100:         } else {
 101:             printf(")");
 102:         }
 103:     }
 104: }
 106: /*
 107:  * Print the name and value of a variable.
 108:  */
 110: printv(s, frame)
 111: SYM *s;
 112: FRAME *frame;
 113: {
 114:     ADDRESS addr;
 115:     int len;
 117:     if (s->class == REF) {
 118:         dread(&addr, address(s, frame), sizeof(ADDRESS));
 119:         len = size(s->type);
 120:     } else {
 121:         addr = address(s, frame);
 122:         len = size(s);
 123:     }
 124:     printf("%s = ", s->symbol);
 125:     if (!rpush(addr, len)) {
 126:         printf("*** expression too large ***");
 127:     } else {
 128:         if (s->class == REF || s->class == VAR) {
 129:             printval(s->type);
 130:         } else {
 131:             printval(s);
 132:         }
 133:     }
 134: }
 136: /*
 137:  * Print the fully specified variable that is described by the given identifer.
 138:  */
 140: printwhich(s)
 141: SYM *s;
 142: {
 143:     printouter(s->func);
 144:     printf("%s", s->symbol);
 145: }
 147: LOCAL printouter(s)
 148: SYM *s;
 149: {
 150:     if (s->func != NIL) {
 151:         printouter(s->func);
 152:     }
 153:     printf("%s.", s->symbol);
 154: }

Defined functions

printcall defined in line 51; never used
printentry defined in line 27; never used
printexit defined in line 39; never used
printouter defined in line 147; used 2 times
printparams defined in line 87; used 1 times
  • in line 55
printrtn defined in line 65; never used
printv defined in line 110; used 1 times
  • in line 97
printwhich defined in line 140; never used

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
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