#ifndef lint static char *rcsid = "$Header: eval.c,v 1.6 83/09/07 17:54:42 sklower Exp $"; #endif /* -[Thu Aug 18 10:07:22 1983 by jkf]- * eval.c $Locker: $ * evaluator * * (c) copyright 1982, Regents of the University of California */ #include "global.h" #include #include "frame.h" /* * eval * returns the value of the pointer passed as the argument. * */ lispval eval(actarg) lispval actarg; { #define argptr handy register lispval a = actarg; register lispval handy; register struct nament *namptr; register struct argent *workp; struct nament *oldbnp = bnp; int dopopframe = FALSE; int type, shortcircuit = TRUE; lispval Ifcall(), Iarray(); Savestack(4); /*debugging if (rsetsw && rsetatom->a.clb != nil) { printf("Eval:"); printr(a,stdout); printf("\nrsetsw: %d evalhsw: %d\n", rsetsw, evalhsw); printf("*rset: "); printr(rsetatom->a.clb,stdout); printf(" evalhook: "); printr(evalhatom->a.clb,stdout); printf(" evalhook call flag^G: %d\n", evalhcallsw); fflush(stdout); }; */ /* check if an interrupt is pending and handle if so */ if(sigintcnt > 0) sigcall(SIGINT); if (rsetsw && rsetatom->a.clb != nil) /* if (*rset t) has been done */ { pbuf pb; shortcircuit = FALSE; if (evalhsw != nil && evalhatom->a.clb != nil) { /*if (sstatus evalhook t) and evalhook non-nil */ if (!evalhcallsw) /*if we got here after calling evalhook, then evalhcallsw will be TRUE, so we want to skip calling the hook function, permitting one form to be evaluated before the hook fires. */ { /* setup equivalent of (funcall evalhook ) */ (np++)->val = a; /* push form on namestack */ lbot=np; /* set up args to funcall */ (np++)->val = evalhatom->a.clb; /* push evalhook's clb */ (np++)->val = a; /* eval's arg becomes 2nd arg to funcall */ PUSHDOWN(evalhatom, nil); /* bind evalhook to nil*/ PUSHDOWN(funhatom, nil); /* bind funcallhook to nil*/ funhcallsw = TRUE; /* skip any funcall hook */ handy = Lfuncal(); /* now call funcall */ funhcallsw = FALSE; POP; POP; Restorestack(); return(handy); }; } errp = Pushframe(F_EVAL,a,nil); dopopframe = TRUE; /* remember to pop later */ if(retval == C_FRETURN) { Restorestack(); errp = Popframe(); return(lispretval); } }; evalhcallsw = FALSE; /* clear indication that evalhook called */ switch (TYPE(a)) { case ATOM: if (rsetsw && rsetatom->a.clb != nil && bptr_atom->a.clb != nil) { struct nament *bpntr, *eval1bptr; /* Both rsetsw and rsetatom for efficiency*/ /* bptr_atom set by second arg to eval1 */ eval1bptr = (struct nament *) bptr_atom->a.clb->d.cdr; /* eval1bptr is bnp when eval1 was called; if an atom was bound after this, then its clb is valid */ for (bpntr = eval1bptr; bpntr < bnp; bpntr++) if (bpntr->atm==a) { handy = a->a.clb; goto gotatom; }; /* Value saved in first binding of a, if any, after pointer to eval1, is the valid value, else use its clb */ for (bpntr = (struct nament *)bptr_atom->a.clb->d.car; bpntr < eval1bptr; bpntr++) if (bpntr->atm==a) { handy=bpntr->val; goto gotatom; /* Simply no way around goto here */ }; }; handy = a->a.clb; gotatom: if(handy==CNIL) { handy = errorh1(Vermisc,"Unbound Variable:",nil,TRUE,0,a); } if(dopopframe) errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(handy); case VALUE: if(dopopframe) errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(a->l); case DTPR: (np++)->val = a; /* push form on namestack */ lbot = np; /* define beginning of argstack */ /* oldbnp = bnp; redundant - Mitch Marcus */ a = a->d.car; /* function name or lambda-expr */ for(EVER) { switch(TYPE(a)) { case ATOM: /* get function binding */ if(a->a.fnbnd==nil && a->a.clb!=nil) { a=a->a.clb; if(TYPE(a)==ATOM) a=a->a.fnbnd; } else a = a->a.fnbnd; break; case VALUE: a = a->l; /* get value */ break; } vtemp = (CNIL-1); /* sentinel value for error test */ /*funcal:*/ switch (TYPE(a)) { case BCD: /* function */ argptr = actarg->d.cdr; /* decide whether lambda, nlambda or macro and push args onto argstack accordingly. */ if(a->bcd.discipline==nlambda) { (np++)->val = argptr; TNP; } else if(a->bcd.discipline==macro) { (np++)->val = actarg; TNP; } else for(;argptr!=nil; argptr = argptr->d.cdr) { /* short circuit evaluations of ATOM, INT, DOUB * if not in debugging mode */ if(shortcircuit && ((type = TYPE(argptr->d.car)) == ATOM) && (argptr->d.car->a.clb != CNIL)) (np++)->val = argptr->d.car->a.clb; else if(shortcircuit && ((type == INT) || (type == STRNG))) (np++)->val = argptr->d.car; else (np++)->val = eval(argptr->d.car); TNP; } /* go for it */ if(TYPE(a->bcd.discipline)==STRNG) vtemp = Ifcall(a); else vtemp = (*(lispval (*)())(a->bcd.start))(); break; case ARRAY: vtemp = Iarray(a,actarg->d.cdr,TRUE); break; case DTPR: /* push args on argstack according to type */ protect(a); /* save function definition in case function is redefined */ lbot = np; argptr = a->d.car; if (argptr==lambda) { for(argptr = actarg->d.cdr; argptr!=nil; argptr=argptr->d.cdr) { (np++)->val = eval(argptr->d.car); TNP; } } else if (argptr==nlambda) { (np++)->val = actarg->d.cdr; TNP; } else if (argptr==macro) { (np++)->val = actarg; TNP; } else if (argptr==lexpr) { for(argptr = actarg->d.cdr; argptr!=nil; argptr=argptr->d.cdr) { (np++)->val = eval(argptr->d.car); TNP; } handy = newdot(); handy->d.car = (lispval)lbot; handy->d.cdr = (lispval)np; PUSHDOWN(lexpr_atom,handy); lbot = np; (np++)->val = inewint(((lispval *)handy->d.cdr) - (lispval *)handy->d.car); } else break; /* something is wrong - this isn't a proper function */ argptr = (a->d.cdr)->d.car; namptr = bnp; workp = lbot; if(bnp + (np - lbot)> bnplim) binderr(); for(;argptr != (lispval)nil; workp++,argptr = argptr->d.cdr) /* rebind formal names (shallow) */ { if(argptr->d.car==nil) continue; /*if(((namptr)->atm = argptr->d.car)==nil) error("Attempt to lambda bind nil",FALSE);*/ namptr->atm = argptr->d.car; if (workp < np) { namptr->val = namptr->atm->a.clb; namptr->atm->a.clb = workp->val; } else bnp = namptr, error("Too few actual parameters",FALSE); namptr++; } bnp = namptr; if (workp < np) error("Too many actual parameters",FALSE); /* execute body, implied prog allowed */ for (handy = a->d.cdr->d.cdr; handy != nil; handy = handy->d.cdr) { vtemp = eval(handy->d.car); } } if (vtemp != (CNIL-1)) { /* if we get here with a believable value, */ /* we must have executed a function. */ popnames(oldbnp); /* in case some clown trashed t */ tatom->a.clb = (lispval) tatom; if(a->d.car==macro) { if(Vdisplacemacros->a.clb && (TYPE(vtemp) == DTPR)) { actarg->d.car = vtemp->d.car; actarg->d.cdr = vtemp->d.cdr; } vtemp = eval(vtemp); } /* It is of the most wonderful coincidence that the offset for car is the same as for discipline so we get bcd macros for free here ! */ if(dopopframe) errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(vtemp); } popnames(oldbnp); a = (lispval) errorh1(Verundef,"eval: Undefined function ",nil,TRUE,0,actarg->d.car); } } if(dopopframe) errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(a); /* other data types are considered constants */ } /* * popnames * removes from the name stack all entries above the first argument. * routine should usually be used to clean up the name stack as it * knows about the special cases. bnp is returned pointing to the * same place as the argument passed. */ lispval popnames(llimit) register struct nament *llimit; { register struct nament *rnp; for(rnp = bnp; --rnp >= llimit;) rnp->atm->a.clb = rnp->val; bnp = llimit; } /* dumpnamestack * utility routine to dump out the namestack. * from bottom to 5 above np * should be put elsewhere */ dumpnamestack() { struct argent *newnp; printf("namestack dump:\n"); for(newnp = orgnp ; (newnp < np + 6) && (newnp < nplim) ; newnp++) { if(newnp == np) printf("**np:**\n"); printf("[%d]: ",newnp-orgnp); printr(newnp->val,stdout); printf("\n"); } printf("end namestack dump\n"); } lispval Lapply() { register lispval a; register lispval handy; lispval vtemp, Ifclosure(); struct nament *oldbnp = bnp; struct argent *oldlbot = lbot; /* Bottom of my frame! */ struct argent *oldnp = np; /* First free on stack */ int extrapush; /* if must save function value */ a = lbot->val; argptr = lbot[1].val; if(np-lbot!=2) errorh2(Vermisc,"Apply: Wrong number of args.",nil,FALSE, 999,a,argptr); if(TYPE(argptr)!=DTPR && argptr!=nil) argptr = errorh1(Vermisc,"Apply: non-list of args",nil,TRUE, 998,argptr); (np++)->val = a; /* push form on namestack */ TNP; lbot = np; /* bottom of current frame */ for(EVER) { extrapush = 0; if (TYPE(a) == ATOM) { a = a->a.fnbnd; extrapush = 1; } /* get function definition (unless calling form is itself a lambda- expression) */ vtemp = CNIL; /* sentinel value for error test */ switch (TYPE(a)) { case BCD: /* push arguments - value of a */ if(a->bcd.discipline==nlambda || a->bcd.discipline==macro) { (np++)->val=argptr; TNP; } else for (; argptr!=nil; argptr = argptr->d.cdr) { (np++)->val=argptr->d.car; TNP; } if(TYPE(a->bcd.discipline) == STRNG) vtemp = Ifcall(a); /* foreign function */ else vtemp = (*(lispval (*)())(a->bcd.start))(); /* go for it */ break; case ARRAY: vtemp = Iarray(a,argptr,FALSE); break; case DTPR: if (a->d.car==nlambda || a->d.car==macro) { (np++)->val = argptr; TNP; } else if (a->d.car==lambda) for (; argptr!=nil; argptr = argptr->d.cdr) { (np++)->val = argptr->d.car; TNP; } else if(a->d.car==lexpr) { for (; argptr!=nil; argptr = argptr->d.cdr) { (np++)->val = argptr->d.car; TNP; } handy = newdot(); handy->d.car = (lispval)lbot; handy->d.cdr = (lispval)np; PUSHDOWN(lexpr_atom,handy); lbot = np; (np++)->val = inewint(((lispval *)handy->d.cdr) - (lispval *)handy->d.car); } else break; /* something is wrong - this isnt a proper function */ rebind(a->d.cdr->d.car,lbot); if (extrapush == 1) { protect(a); extrapush = 2;} for (handy = a->d.cdr->d.cdr; handy != nil; handy = handy->d.cdr) { vtemp = eval(handy->d.car); /* go for it */ } break; case VECTOR: /* certain vectors are valid (fclosures) */ if(a->v.vector[VPropOff] == fclosure) vtemp = (lispval) Ifclosure(a,FALSE); break; }; /* pop off extra value if we pushed it before */ if (extrapush == 2) { np--; extrapush = 0; }; if (vtemp != CNIL) /* if we get here with a believable value, */ /* we must have executed a function. */ { popnames(oldbnp); /* in case some clown trashed t */ tatom->a.clb = (lispval) tatom; np = oldnp; lbot = oldlbot; return(vtemp); } popnames(oldbnp); a = (lispval) errorh1(Verundef,"apply: Undefined Function ", nil,TRUE,0,oldlbot->val); } /*NOT REACHED*/ } /* * Rebind -- rebind formal names */ rebind(argptr,workp) register lispval argptr; /* argptr points to list of atoms */ register struct argent * workp; /* workp points to position on stack where evaluated args begin */ { register struct nament *namptr = bnp; for(;argptr != (lispval)nil; workp++,argptr = argptr->d.cdr) /* rebind formal names (shallow) */ { if(argptr->d.car==nil) continue; namptr->atm = argptr->d.car; if (workp < np) { namptr->val = namptr->atm->a.clb; namptr->atm->a.clb = workp->val; } else bnp = namptr, error("Too few actual parameters",FALSE); namptr++; if(namptr > bnplim) binderr(); } bnp = namptr; if (workp < np) error("Too many actual parameters",FALSE); } /* the argument to Lfuncal is now mandatory since nargs * wont work on RISC. If it is given then it is * the name of the function to call and lbot points to the first arg. * if it is not given, then lbot points to the function to call */ lispval Ifuncal(fcn) lispval fcn; { register lispval a; register lispval handy; struct nament *oldbnp = bnp; /* MUST be first local for evalframe */ lispval fcncalled; lispval Ifcall(),Llist(),Iarray(), Ifclosure(); lispval vtemp; int typ, dopopframe = FALSE, extrapush; extern lispval end[]; Savestack(3); /*if(nargs()==1) /* function I am evaling. */ a = fcncalled = fcn; /*else { a = fcncalled = lbot->val; lbot++; }*/ /*debugging if (rsetsw && rsetatom->a.clb != nil) { printf("funcall:"); printr(a,stdout); printf("\nrsetsw: %d evalhsw: %d\n", rsetsw, evalhsw); printf("*rset: "); printr(rsetatom->a.clb,stdout); printf(" funhook: "); printr(funhatom->a.clb,stdout); printf(" funhook call flag^G: %d\n",funhcallsw); fflush(stdout); }; */ /* check if exception pending */ if(sigintcnt > 0 ) sigcall(SIGINT); if (rsetsw && rsetatom->a.clb != nil) /* if (*rset t) has been done */ { pbuf pb; if (evalhsw != nil && funhatom->a.clb != nil) { /*if (sstatus evalhook t) and evalhook non-nil */ if (!funhcallsw) /*if we got here after calling funcallhook, then funhcallsw will be TRUE, so we want to skip calling the hook function, permitting one form to be evaluated before the hook fires. */ { /* setup equivalent of (funcall funcallhook ) */ protect(a); a = fcncalled = funhatom->a.clb; /* new function to funcall */ PUSHDOWN(funhatom, nil); /* lambda-bind * funcallhook to nil */ PUSHDOWN(evalhatom, nil); /* printf(" now will funcall "); printr(a,stdout); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); */ }; } errp = Pushframe(F_FUNCALL,a,nil); dopopframe = TRUE; /* remember to pop later */ if(retval == C_FRETURN) { popnames(oldbnp); errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(lispretval); } }; funhcallsw = FALSE; /* so recursive calls to funcall will cause hook to fire */ for(EVER) { top: extrapush = 0; typ = TYPE(a); if (typ == ATOM) { /* get function defn (unless calling form */ /* is itself a lambda-expr) */ a = a->a.fnbnd; typ = TYPE(a); extrapush = 1; /* must protect this later */ } vtemp = CNIL-1; /* sentinel value for error test */ switch (typ) { case ARRAY: protect(a); /* stack array descriptor on top */ a = a->ar.accfun; /* now funcall access function */ goto top; case BCD: if(a->bcd.discipline==nlambda) { if(np==lbot) protect(nil); /* default is nil */ while(np-lbot!=1 || (lbot->val != nil && TYPE(lbot->val)!=DTPR)) { lbot->val = errorh1(Vermisc,"Bad funcall arg(s) to fexpr.", nil,TRUE,0,lbot->val); np = lbot+1; } } /* go for it */ if(TYPE(a->bcd.discipline)==STRNG) vtemp = Ifcall(a); else vtemp = (*(lispval (*)())(a->bcd.start))(); if(a->bcd.discipline==macro) vtemp = eval(vtemp); break; case DTPR: if (a->d.car == lambda) { ;/* VOID */ } else if (a->d.car == nlambda || a->d.car==macro) { if( np==lbot ) protect(nil); /* default */ while(np-lbot!=1 || (lbot->val != nil && TYPE(lbot->val)!=DTPR)) { lbot->val = error("Bad funcall arg(s) to fexpr.",TRUE); np = lbot+1; } } else if (a->d.car == lexpr) { handy = newdot(); handy->d.car = (lispval) lbot; handy->d.cdr = (lispval) np; PUSHDOWN(lexpr_atom,handy); lbot = np; (np++)->val = inewint(((lispval *)handy->d.cdr) - (lispval *)handy->d.car); } else break; /* something is wrong - this isn't a proper function */ rebind(a->d.cdr->d.car,lbot); /* since the actual arguments are bound to their formal params * we can pop them off the stack. However if we are doing * debugging (that is if we've pushed a frame on the stack) * then we must not pop off the actual args since they must * be visible for evalframe to work */ if(!dopopframe) np = lbot; if (extrapush == 1) {protect(a); extrapush = 2;} for (handy = a->d.cdr->d.cdr; handy != nil; handy = handy->d.cdr) { vtemp = eval(handy->d.car); /* go for it */ } if(a->d.car==macro) vtemp = eval(vtemp); break; case VECTOR: /* A fclosure represented as a vector with the property 'fclosure' */ if(a->v.vector[VPropOff] == fclosure) vtemp = (lispval) Ifclosure(a,TRUE); break; } /* pop off extra value if we pushed it before */ if(extrapush == 2) { np-- ; extrapush = 0; } if (vtemp != CNIL-1) /* if we get here with a believable value, */ /* we must have executed a function. */ { popnames(oldbnp); /* in case some clown trashed t */ tatom->a.clb = (lispval) tatom; if(dopopframe) errp = Popframe(); Restorestack(); return(vtemp); } popnames(oldbnp); a = fcncalled = (lispval) errorh1(Verundef,"funcall: Bad function", nil,TRUE,0,fcncalled); } /*NOT REACHED*/ } lispval /* this version called from lisp */ Lfuncal() { lispval handy; Savestack(0); switch(np-lbot) { case 0: argerr("funcall"); break; } handy = lbot++->val; handy = Ifuncal(handy); Restorestack(); return(handy); } /* The following must be the next "function" after Lfuncal, for the sake of Levalf. */ fchack () {} /* * Llexfun :: lisp function lexpr-funcall * lexpr-funcall is a cross between funcall and apply. * the last argument is nil or a list of the rest of the arguments. * we push those arguments on the stack and call funcall * */ lispval Llexfun() { register lispval handy; switch(np-lbot) { case 0: argerr("lexpr-funcall"); /* need at least one arg */ break; case 1: return(Lfuncal()); /* no args besides function */ } /* have at least one argument past the function to funcall */ handy = np[-1].val; /* get last value */ np--; /* pop it off stack */ while((handy != nil) && (TYPE(handy) != DTPR)) handy = errorh1(Vermisc,"lexpr-funcall: last argument is not a list ", nil,TRUE,0,handy); /* stack arguments */ for( ; handy != nil ; handy = handy->d.cdr) protect(handy->d.car); return(Lfuncal()); } #undef protect /* protect * pushes the first argument onto namestack, thereby protecting from gc */ lispval protect(a) lispval a; { (np++)->val = a; if (np >= nplim) namerr(); } /* unprot * returns the top thing on the name stack. Underflow had better not * occur. */ lispval unprot() { return((--np)->val); } lispval linterp() { error("BYTE INTERPRETER CALLED ERRONEOUSLY",FALSE); } /* Undeff - called from qfuncl when it detects a call to a undefined function from compiled code, we print out a message and will continue only if returned a symbol (ATOM in C parlance). */ lispval Undeff(atmn) lispval atmn; { do {atmn =errorh1(Verundef,"Undefined function called from compiled code ", nil,TRUE,0,atmn);} while(TYPE(atmn) != ATOM); return(atmn); } /* VARARGS1 */ bindfix(firstarg) lispval firstarg; { register lispval *argp = &firstarg; register struct nament *mybnp = bnp; while(*argp != nil) { mybnp->atm = *argp++; mybnp->val = mybnp->atm->a.clb; mybnp->atm->a.clb = *argp++; bnp = mybnp++; } }