/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint char *copyright = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\ All rights reserved.\n"; #endif not lint #ifndef lint static char *sccsid = "@(#)fmt.c 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/21/85"; #endif not lint #include #include /* * fmt -- format the concatenation of input files or standard input * onto standard output. Designed for use with Mail ~| * * Syntax: fmt [ -width ] [ name ... ] * Author: Kurt Shoens (UCB) 12/7/78 */ #define NOSTR ((char *) 0) /* Null string pointer for lint */ int pfx; /* Current leading blank count */ int lineno; /* Current input line */ int mark; /* Last place we saw a head line */ int width = 72; /* Width that we will not exceed */ char *calloc(); /* for lint . . . */ char *headnames[] = {"To", "Subject", "Cc", 0}; /* * Drive the whole formatter by managing input files. Also, * cause initialization of the output stuff and flush it out * at the end. */ main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register FILE *fi; register int errs = 0; register char *cp; int nofile; setout(); lineno = 1; mark = -10; if (argc < 2) { single: fmt(stdin); oflush(); exit(0); } nofile = 1; while (--argc) { cp = *++argv; if (*cp == '-') { width = atoi(cp+1); if (width <= 0 || width >= BUFSIZ-2) { fprintf(stderr, "fmt: bad width: %d\n", width); exit(1); } continue; } nofile = 0; if ((fi = fopen(cp, "r")) == NULL) { perror(cp); errs++; continue; } fmt(fi); fclose(fi); } if (nofile) goto single; oflush(); exit(errs); } /* * Read up characters from the passed input file, forming lines, * doing ^H processing, expanding tabs, stripping trailing blanks, * and sending each line down for analysis. */ fmt(fi) FILE *fi; { char linebuf[BUFSIZ], canonb[BUFSIZ]; register char *cp, *cp2; register int c, col; c = getc(fi); while (c != EOF) { /* * Collect a line, doing ^H processing. * Leave tabs for now. */ cp = linebuf; while (c != '\n' && c != EOF && cp-linebuf < BUFSIZ-1) { if (c == '\b') { if (cp > linebuf) cp--; c = getc(fi); continue; } if ((c < ' ' || c >= 0177) && c != '\t') { c = getc(fi); continue; } *cp++ = c; c = getc(fi); } *cp = '\0'; /* * Toss anything remaining on the input line. */ while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) c = getc(fi); /* * Expand tabs on the way to canonb. */ col = 0; cp = linebuf; cp2 = canonb; while (c = *cp++) { if (c != '\t') { col++; if (cp2-canonb < BUFSIZ-1) *cp2++ = c; continue; } do { if (cp2-canonb < BUFSIZ-1) *cp2++ = ' '; col++; } while ((col & 07) != 0); } /* * Swipe trailing blanks from the line. */ for (cp2--; cp2 >= canonb && *cp2 == ' '; cp2--) ; *++cp2 = '\0'; prefix(canonb); if (c != EOF) c = getc(fi); } } /* * Take a line devoid of tabs and other garbage and determine its * blank prefix. If the indent changes, call for a linebreak. * If the input line is blank, echo the blank line on the output. * Finally, if the line minus the prefix is a mail header, try to keep * it on a line by itself. */ prefix(line) char line[]; { register char *cp, **hp; register int np, h; if (strlen(line) == 0) { oflush(); putchar('\n'); return; } for (cp = line; *cp == ' '; cp++) ; np = cp - line; /* * The following horrible expression attempts to avoid linebreaks * when the indent changes due to a paragraph. */ if (np != pfx && (np > pfx || abs(pfx-np) > 8)) oflush(); if (h = ishead(cp)) oflush(), mark = lineno; if (lineno - mark < 3 && lineno - mark > 0) for (hp = &headnames[0]; *hp != (char *) 0; hp++) if (ispref(*hp, cp)) { h = 1; oflush(); break; } if (!h && (h = (*cp == '.'))) oflush(); pfx = np; split(cp); if (h) oflush(); lineno++; } /* * Split up the passed line into output "words" which are * maximal strings of non-blanks with the blank separation * attached at the end. Pass these words along to the output * line packer. */ split(line) char line[]; { register char *cp, *cp2; char word[BUFSIZ]; cp = line; while (*cp) { cp2 = word; /* * Collect a 'word,' allowing it to contain escaped * white space. */ while (*cp && *cp != ' ') { if (*cp == '\\' && isspace(cp[1])) *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2++ = *cp++; } /* * Guarantee a space at end of line. * Two spaces after end of sentence punctuation. */ if (*cp == '\0') { *cp2++ = ' '; if (any(cp[-1], ".:!?")) *cp2++ = ' '; } while (*cp == ' ') *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = '\0'; pack(word); } } /* * Output section. * Build up line images from the words passed in. Prefix * each line with correct number of blanks. The buffer "outbuf" * contains the current partial line image, including prefixed blanks. * "outp" points to the next available space therein. When outp is NOSTR, * there ain't nothing in there yet. At the bottom of this whole mess, * leading tabs are reinserted. */ char outbuf[BUFSIZ]; /* Sandbagged output line image */ char *outp; /* Pointer in above */ /* * Initialize the output section. */ setout() { outp = NOSTR; } /* * Pack a word onto the output line. If this is the beginning of * the line, push on the appropriately-sized string of blanks first. * If the word won't fit on the current line, flush and begin a new * line. If the word is too long to fit all by itself on a line, * just give it its own and hope for the best. */ pack(word) char word[]; { register char *cp; register int s, t; if (outp == NOSTR) leadin(); t = strlen(word); s = outp-outbuf; if (t+s <= width) { /* * In like flint! */ for (cp = word; *cp; *outp++ = *cp++) ; return; } if (s > pfx) { oflush(); leadin(); } for (cp = word; *cp; *outp++ = *cp++) ; } /* * If there is anything on the current output line, send it on * its way. Set outp to NOSTR to indicate the absence of the current * line prefix. */ oflush() { if (outp == NOSTR) return; *outp = '\0'; tabulate(outbuf); outp = NOSTR; } /* * Take the passed line buffer, insert leading tabs where possible, and * output on standard output (finally). */ tabulate(line) char line[]; { register char *cp, *cp2; register int b, t; /* * Toss trailing blanks in the output line. */ cp = line + strlen(line) - 1; while (cp >= line && *cp == ' ') cp--; *++cp = '\0'; /* * Count the leading blank space and tabulate. */ for (cp = line; *cp == ' '; cp++) ; b = cp-line; t = b >> 3; b &= 07; if (t > 0) do putc('\t', stdout); while (--t); if (b > 0) do putc(' ', stdout); while (--b); while (*cp) putc(*cp++, stdout); putc('\n', stdout); } /* * Initialize the output line with the appropriate number of * leading blanks. */ leadin() { register int b; register char *cp; for (b = 0, cp = outbuf; b < pfx; b++) *cp++ = ' '; outp = cp; } /* * Save a string in dynamic space. * This little goodie is needed for * a headline detector in head.c */ char * savestr(str) char str[]; { register char *top; top = calloc(strlen(str) + 1, 1); if (top == NOSTR) { fprintf(stderr, "fmt: Ran out of memory\n"); exit(1); } copy(str, top); return(top); } /* * Is s1 a prefix of s2?? */ ispref(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1++ == *s2) ; return(*s1 == '\0'); }