/* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)kern_synch.c 7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86 */ #include "../machine/pte.h" #include "param.h" #include "systm.h" #include "dir.h" #include "user.h" #include "proc.h" #include "file.h" #include "inode.h" #include "vm.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "buf.h" #ifdef vax #include "../vax/mtpr.h" /* XXX */ #endif /* * Force switch among equal priority processes every 100ms. */ roundrobin() { runrun++; aston(); timeout(roundrobin, (caddr_t)0, hz / 10); } /* fraction for digital decay to forget 90% of usage in 5*loadav sec */ #define filter(loadav) ((2 * (loadav)) / (2 * (loadav) + 1)) double ccpu = 0.95122942450071400909; /* exp(-1/20) */ /* * Recompute process priorities, once a second */ schedcpu() { register double ccpu1 = (1.0 - ccpu) / (double)hz; register struct proc *p; register int s, a; float scale = filter(avenrun[0]); wakeup((caddr_t)&lbolt); for (p = allproc; p != NULL; p = p->p_nxt) { if (p->p_time != 127) p->p_time++; if (p->p_stat==SSLEEP || p->p_stat==SSTOP) if (p->p_slptime != 127) p->p_slptime++; /* * If the process has slept the entire second, * stop recalculating its priority until it wakes up. */ if (p->p_slptime > 1) { p->p_pctcpu *= ccpu; continue; } /* * p_pctcpu is only for ps. */ p->p_pctcpu = ccpu * p->p_pctcpu + ccpu1 * p->p_cpticks; p->p_cpticks = 0; a = (int) (scale * (p->p_cpu & 0377)) + p->p_nice; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (a > 255) a = 255; p->p_cpu = a; (void) setpri(p); s = splhigh(); /* prevent state changes */ if (p->p_pri >= PUSER) { #define PPQ (128 / NQS) if ((p != u.u_procp || noproc) && p->p_stat == SRUN && (p->p_flag & SLOAD) && (p->p_pri / PPQ) != (p->p_usrpri / PPQ)) { remrq(p); p->p_pri = p->p_usrpri; setrq(p); } else p->p_pri = p->p_usrpri; } splx(s); } vmmeter(); if (runin!=0) { runin = 0; wakeup((caddr_t)&runin); } if (bclnlist != NULL) wakeup((caddr_t)&proc[2]); timeout(schedcpu, (caddr_t)0, hz); } /* * Recalculate the priority of a process after it has slept for a while. */ updatepri(p) register struct proc *p; { register int a = p->p_cpu & 0377; float scale = filter(avenrun[0]); p->p_slptime--; /* the first time was done in schedcpu */ while (a && --p->p_slptime) a = (int) (scale * a) /* + p->p_nice */; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (a > 255) a = 255; p->p_cpu = a; (void) setpri(p); } #define SQSIZE 0100 /* Must be power of 2 */ #define HASH(x) (( (int) x >> 5) & (SQSIZE-1)) struct slpque { struct proc *sq_head; struct proc **sq_tailp; } slpque[SQSIZE]; /* * Give up the processor till a wakeup occurs * on chan, at which time the process * enters the scheduling queue at priority pri. * The most important effect of pri is that when * pri<=PZERO a signal cannot disturb the sleep; * if pri>PZERO signals will be processed. * Callers of this routine must be prepared for * premature return, and check that the reason for * sleeping has gone away. */ sleep(chan, pri) caddr_t chan; int pri; { register struct proc *rp; register struct slpque *qp; register s; rp = u.u_procp; s = splhigh(); if (panicstr) { /* * After a panic, just give interrupts a chance, * then just return; don't run any other procs * or panic below, in case this is the idle process * and already asleep. * The splnet should be spl0 if the network was being used * by the filesystem, but for now avoid network interrupts * that might cause another panic. */ (void) splnet(); splx(s); return; } if (chan==0 || rp->p_stat != SRUN || rp->p_rlink) panic("sleep"); rp->p_wchan = chan; rp->p_slptime = 0; rp->p_pri = pri; qp = &slpque[HASH(chan)]; if (qp->sq_head == 0) qp->sq_head = rp; else *qp->sq_tailp = rp; *(qp->sq_tailp = &rp->p_link) = 0; if (pri > PZERO) { /* * If we stop in issig(), wakeup may already have happened * when we return (rp->p_wchan will then be 0). */ if (ISSIG(rp)) { if (rp->p_wchan) unsleep(rp); rp->p_stat = SRUN; (void) spl0(); goto psig; } if (rp->p_wchan == 0) goto out; rp->p_stat = SSLEEP; (void) spl0(); u.u_ru.ru_nvcsw++; swtch(); if (ISSIG(rp)) goto psig; } else { rp->p_stat = SSLEEP; (void) spl0(); u.u_ru.ru_nvcsw++; swtch(); } curpri = rp->p_usrpri; out: splx(s); return; /* * If priority was low (>PZERO) and * there has been a signal, execute non-local goto through * u.u_qsave, aborting the system call in progress (see trap.c) */ psig: longjmp(&u.u_qsave); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* * Remove a process from its wait queue */ unsleep(p) register struct proc *p; { register struct slpque *qp; register struct proc **hp; int s; s = splhigh(); if (p->p_wchan) { hp = &(qp = &slpque[HASH(p->p_wchan)])->sq_head; while (*hp != p) hp = &(*hp)->p_link; *hp = p->p_link; if (qp->sq_tailp == &p->p_link) qp->sq_tailp = hp; p->p_wchan = 0; } splx(s); } /* * Wake up all processes sleeping on chan. */ wakeup(chan) register caddr_t chan; { register struct slpque *qp; register struct proc *p, **q; int s; s = splhigh(); qp = &slpque[HASH(chan)]; restart: for (q = &qp->sq_head; p = *q; ) { if (p->p_rlink || p->p_stat != SSLEEP && p->p_stat != SSTOP) panic("wakeup"); if (p->p_wchan==chan) { p->p_wchan = 0; *q = p->p_link; if (qp->sq_tailp == &p->p_link) qp->sq_tailp = q; if (p->p_stat == SSLEEP) { /* OPTIMIZED INLINE EXPANSION OF setrun(p) */ if (p->p_slptime > 1) updatepri(p); p->p_slptime = 0; p->p_stat = SRUN; if (p->p_flag & SLOAD) setrq(p); /* * Since curpri is a usrpri, * p->p_pri is always better than curpri. */ runrun++; aston(); if ((p->p_flag&SLOAD) == 0) { if (runout != 0) { runout = 0; wakeup((caddr_t)&runout); } wantin++; } /* END INLINE EXPANSION */ goto restart; } p->p_slptime = 0; } else q = &p->p_link; } splx(s); } /* * Initialize the (doubly-linked) run queues * to be empty. */ rqinit() { register int i; for (i = 0; i < NQS; i++) qs[i].ph_link = qs[i].ph_rlink = (struct proc *)&qs[i]; } /* * Set the process running; * arrange for it to be swapped in if necessary. */ setrun(p) register struct proc *p; { register int s; s = splhigh(); switch (p->p_stat) { case 0: case SWAIT: case SRUN: case SZOMB: default: panic("setrun"); case SSTOP: case SSLEEP: unsleep(p); /* e.g. when sending signals */ break; case SIDL: break; } if (p->p_slptime > 1) updatepri(p); p->p_stat = SRUN; if (p->p_flag & SLOAD) setrq(p); splx(s); if (p->p_pri < curpri) { runrun++; aston(); } if ((p->p_flag&SLOAD) == 0) { if (runout != 0) { runout = 0; wakeup((caddr_t)&runout); } wantin++; } } /* * Set user priority. * The rescheduling flag (runrun) * is set if the priority is better * than the currently running process. */ setpri(pp) register struct proc *pp; { register int p; p = (pp->p_cpu & 0377)/4; p += PUSER + 2 * pp->p_nice; if (pp->p_rssize > pp->p_maxrss && freemem < desfree) p += 2*4; /* effectively, nice(4) */ if (p > 127) p = 127; if (p < curpri) { runrun++; aston(); } pp->p_usrpri = p; return (p); }