1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1984, 1985, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)ns_pcb.h	7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
   7:  */
   9: /*
  10:  * Ns protocol interface control block.
  11:  */
  12: struct nspcb {
  13:     struct  nspcb *nsp_next;    /* doubly linked list */
  14:     struct  nspcb *nsp_prev;
  15:     struct  nspcb *nsp_head;
  16:     struct  socket *nsp_socket; /* back pointer to socket */
  17:     struct  ns_addr nsp_faddr;  /* destination address */
  18:     struct  ns_addr nsp_laddr;  /* socket's address */
  19:     caddr_t nsp_pcb;        /* protocol specific stuff */
  20:     struct  route nsp_route;    /* routing information */
  21:     struct  ns_addr nsp_lastdst;    /* validate cached route for dg socks*/
  22:     long    nsp_notify_param;   /* extra info passed via ns_pcbnotify*/
  23:     short   nsp_flags;
  24:     u_char  nsp_dpt;        /* default packet type for idp_output*/
  25:     u_char  nsp_rpt;        /* last received packet type by
  26: 								idp_input() */
  27: };
  29: /* possible flags */
  31: #define NSP_IN_ABORT    0x1     /* calling abort through socket */
  32: #define NSP_RAWIN   0x2     /* show headers on input */
  33: #define NSP_RAWOUT  0x4     /* show header on output */
  34: #define NSP_ALL_PACKETS 0x8     /* Turn off higher proto processing */
  36: #define NS_WILDCARD 1
  38: #define nsp_lport nsp_laddr.x_port
  39: #define nsp_fport nsp_faddr.x_port
  41: #define sotonspcb(so)       ((struct nspcb *)((so)->so_pcb))
  43: /*
  44:  * Nominal space allocated to a ns socket.
  45:  */
  46: #define NSSNDQ      2048
  47: #define NSRCVQ      2048
  50: #ifdef KERNEL
  51: struct  nspcb nspcb;            /* head of list */
  52: struct  nspcb *ns_pcblookup();
  53: #endif

Defined variables

Defined struct's

nspcb defined in line 12; used 92 times

Defined macros

NSP_IN_ABORT defined in line 31; never used
NSP_RAWIN defined in line 32; used 4 times
NSP_RAWOUT defined in line 33; used 4 times
NSRCVQ defined in line 47; never used
NSSNDQ defined in line 46; never used
nsp_fport defined in line 39; used 5 times
nsp_lport defined in line 38; used 10 times

Usage of this include

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