1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)tcp_debug.c	7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
   7:  */
   9: #include "param.h"
  10: #include "systm.h"
  11: #include "mbuf.h"
  12: #include "socket.h"
  13: #include "socketvar.h"
  14: #define PRUREQUESTS
  15: #include "protosw.h"
  16: #include "errno.h"
  18: #include "../net/route.h"
  19: #include "../net/if.h"
  21: #include "in.h"
  22: #include "in_pcb.h"
  23: #include "in_systm.h"
  24: #include "ip.h"
  25: #include "ip_var.h"
  26: #include "tcp.h"
  27: #define TCPSTATES
  28: #include "tcp_fsm.h"
  29: #include "tcp_seq.h"
  30: #define TCPTIMERS
  31: #include "tcp_timer.h"
  32: #include "tcp_var.h"
  33: #include "tcpip.h"
  34: #define TANAMES
  35: #include "tcp_debug.h"
  37: int tcpconsdebug = 0;
  38: /*
  39:  * Tcp debug routines
  40:  */
  41: tcp_trace(act, ostate, tp, ti, req)
  42:     short act, ostate;
  43:     struct tcpcb *tp;
  44:     struct tcpiphdr *ti;
  45:     int req;
  46: {
  47:     tcp_seq seq, ack;
  48:     int len, flags;
  49:     struct tcp_debug *td = &tcp_debug[tcp_debx++];
  51:     if (tcp_debx == TCP_NDEBUG)
  52:         tcp_debx = 0;
  53:     td->td_time = iptime();
  54:     td->td_act = act;
  55:     td->td_ostate = ostate;
  56:     td->td_tcb = (caddr_t)tp;
  57:     if (tp)
  58:         td->td_cb = *tp;
  59:     else
  60:         bzero((caddr_t)&td->td_cb, sizeof (*tp));
  61:     if (ti)
  62:         td->td_ti = *ti;
  63:     else
  64:         bzero((caddr_t)&td->td_ti, sizeof (*ti));
  65:     td->td_req = req;
  66:     if (tcpconsdebug == 0)
  67:         return;
  68:     if (tp)
  69:         printf("%x %s:", tp, tcpstates[ostate]);
  70:     else
  71:         printf("???????? ");
  72:     printf("%s ", tanames[act]);
  73:     switch (act) {
  75:     case TA_INPUT:
  76:     case TA_OUTPUT:
  77:     case TA_DROP:
  78:         if (ti == 0)
  79:             break;
  80:         seq = ti->ti_seq;
  81:         ack = ti->ti_ack;
  82:         len = ti->ti_len;
  83:         if (act == TA_OUTPUT) {
  84:             seq = ntohl(seq);
  85:             ack = ntohl(ack);
  86:             len = ntohs((u_short)len);
  87:         }
  88:         if (act == TA_OUTPUT)
  89:             len -= sizeof (struct tcphdr);
  90:         if (len)
  91:             printf("[%x..%x)", seq, seq+len);
  92:         else
  93:             printf("%x", seq);
  94:         printf("@%x, urp=%x", ack, ti->ti_urp);
  95:         flags = ti->ti_flags;
  96:         if (flags) {
  97: #ifndef lint
  98:             char *cp = "<";
  99: #define pf(f) { if (ti->ti_flags&TH_/**/f) { printf("%s%s", cp, "f"); cp = ","; } }
 100:             pf(SYN); pf(ACK); pf(FIN); pf(RST); pf(PUSH); pf(URG);
 101: #endif
 102:             printf(">");
 103:         }
 104:         break;
 106:     case TA_USER:
 107:         printf("%s", prurequests[req&0xff]);
 108:         if ((req & 0xff) == PRU_SLOWTIMO)
 109:             printf("<%s>", tcptimers[req>>8]);
 110:         break;
 111:     }
 112:     if (tp)
 113:         printf(" -> %s", tcpstates[tp->t_state]);
 114:     /* print out internal state of tp !?! */
 115:     printf("\n");
 116:     if (tp == 0)
 117:         return;
 118:     printf("\trcv_(nxt,wnd,up) (%x,%x,%x) snd_(una,nxt,max) (%x,%x,%x)\n",
 119:         tp->rcv_nxt, tp->rcv_wnd, tp->rcv_up, tp->snd_una, tp->snd_nxt,
 120:         tp->snd_max);
 121:     printf("\tsnd_(wl1,wl2,wnd) (%x,%x,%x)\n",
 122:         tp->snd_wl1, tp->snd_wl2, tp->snd_wnd);
 123: }

Defined functions

Defined variables

tcpconsdebug defined in line 37; used 1 times
  • in line 66

Defined macros

PRUREQUESTS defined in line 14; never used
TANAMES defined in line 34; never used
TCPSTATES defined in line 27; never used
TCPTIMERS defined in line 30; never used
pf defined in line 99; used 6 times
  • in line 100(6)
Last modified: 1986-06-05
Generated: 2016-12-26
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