1: #ifndef lint
   2: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)uncompact.c	4.7 (Berkeley) 8/25/84";
   3: #endif
   5: /*
   6:  *  Uncompact adaptive Huffman code input to output
   7:  *
   8:  *  On - line algorithm
   9:  *
  10:  *  Input file does not contain decoding tree
  11:  *
  12:  *  Written by Colin L. Mc Master (UCB) February 14, 1979
  13:  */
  14: #include "compact.h"
  15: #include <strings.h>
  17: union   cio c;
  18: union   cio d;
  19: char    *infname;           /* input file's name */
  20: char    fname[MAXPATHLEN+1];        /* output file's name */
  21: struct  stat status;            /* compacted file status */
  23: int verbose = 0;
  25: main(argc, argv)
  26:     int argc;
  27:     char *argv[];
  28: {
  29:     register short j;
  31:     argc--, argv++;
  32:     if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) {
  33:         verbose++;
  34:         argc--, argv++;
  35:     }
  36:     dir[513].next = NULL;
  37:     for (head = dir + (j = 513); j--; ) {
  38:         dirp = head--;
  39:         head->next = dirp;
  40:     }
  41:     bottom = dirp->pt = dict;
  42:     dict[0].sons[LEFT].top = dict[0].sons[RIGHT].top = dirp;
  43:     dirq = dirp->next;
  44:     in[EF].flags = FBIT | SEEN;
  45:     if (argc == 0)
  46:         exit(uncompact("-"));
  47:     for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
  48:         if (uncompact(argv[j]))
  49:             exit(1);
  50:         if (verbose && argc > 0)
  51:             printf("%s uncompacted to %s\n", argv[j], fname);
  52:     }
  53:     exit(0);
  54: }
  56: uncompact(file)
  57:     char *file;
  58: {
  59:     int ignore;
  60:     FILE *setup();
  62:     bottom->sons[RIGHT].top->next = flist;
  63:     bottom->sons[RIGHT].top = dirp;
  64:     flist = dirq;
  65:     uncfp = cfp = NULL;
  66:     if (strcmp(file, "-") != 0) {
  67:         char *cp;
  69:         strcpy(fname, file);
  70:         cp = rindex(fname, '.');
  71:         if (cp == 0 || strcmp(cp, ".C") != 0) {
  72:             fprintf(stderr,
  73:                 "uncompact: %s: File must have .C suffix.\n", file);
  74:             goto bad;
  75:         }
  76:         *cp = '\0';
  77:         cfp = fopen(file, "r");
  78:         if (cfp == NULL) {
  79:             fprintf(stderr, "uncompact: "), perror(file);
  80:             goto bad;
  81:         }
  82:         (void) fstat(fileno(cfp), &status);
  83:     } else
  84:         cfp = stdin;
  85:     infname = file;
  86:     uncfp = setup(cfp, &ignore);
  87:     if (uncfp == NULL) {
  88:         if (ignore)
  89:             goto done;
  90:         goto bad;
  91:     }
  92:     decompress(cfp, uncfp);
  93:     fflush(uncfp);
  94:     if (ferror(uncfp) || ferror(cfp)) {
  95:         fprintf(stderr, "uncompact: ");
  96:         if (uncfp != stdout) {
  97:             if (ferror(uncfp))
  98:                 perror(fname);
  99:             else
 100:                 perror(infname);
 101:             (void) unlink(fname);
 102:         } else
 103:             fprintf(stderr,
 104:         "Unsuccessful uncompact of standard input to standard output.\n");
 105:         goto bad;
 106:     }
 107:     if (uncfp != stdout && unlink(infname) < 0)
 108:         fprintf(stderr, "uncompact: "), perror(infname);
 109: done:
 110:     if (uncfp != NULL && uncfp != stdout)
 111:         fclose(uncfp);
 112:     if (cfp != NULL)
 113:         fclose(cfp);
 114:     return (0);
 115: bad:
 116:     if (cfp != NULL)
 117:         fclose(cfp);
 118:     return (1);
 119: }
 121: decompress(cfp, uncfp)
 122:     register FILE *cfp, *uncfp;
 123: {
 124:     register struct node *p;
 125:     register short j;
 126:     register int m;
 127:     register struct cio *dp = &d;
 128:     char b;
 130:     p = dict;
 131:     while ((c.integ = getc (cfp)) != EOF) {
 132:         for (m = 0200; m; ) {
 133:             b = (m & c.integ ? 1 : 0);
 134:             m >>= 1;
 135:             if (p->fath.flags & (b ? RLEAF : LLEAF)) {
 136:                 dp->integ = p->sons[b].sp.ch;
 137:                 if (dp->integ == EF)
 138:                     break;
 139:                 if (dp->integ == NC) {
 140:                     uptree(NC);
 141:                     dp->integ = 0;
 142:                     for (j = 8; j--; m >>= 1) {
 143:                         if (m == 0) {
 144:                             c.integ = getc(cfp);
 145:                             m = 0200;
 146:                         }
 147:                         dp->integ <<= 1;
 148:                         if (m & c.integ)
 149:                             dp->integ++;
 150:                     }
 151:                     insert(dp->integ);
 152:                 }
 153:                 uptree(dp->integ);
 154:                 putc(dp->chars.lob, uncfp);
 155:                 p = dict;
 156:             } else
 157:                 p = p->sons[b].sp.p;
 158:         }
 159:     }
 160: }
 162: FILE *
 163: setup(cfp, ignore)
 164:     FILE *cfp;
 165:     int *ignore;
 166: {
 167:     FILE *uncfp = NULL;
 168:     register union cio *dp = &d;
 169:     register union cio *cp = &c;
 171:     *ignore = 0;
 172:     dp->integ = getc(cfp);
 173:     if (dp->integ != EOF) {
 174:         cp->integ = getc(cfp);
 175:         if (cp->integ != EOF)
 176:             dp->chars.hib = cp->integ & 0377;
 177:     } else
 178:         dp->integ = 0;
 179:     if ((dp->integ &= 0177777) != COMPACTED) {
 180:         fprintf(stderr, "uncompact: ");
 181:         if (dp->integ == PACKED)
 182:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: File is packed, use unpack.\n",
 183:                 infname);
 184:         else
 185:             fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not a compacted file.\n", infname);
 186:         *ignore = 1;
 187:         goto bad;
 188:     }
 189:     if (strcmp(infname, "-") != 0) {
 190:         uncfp = fopen(fname, "w");
 191:         if (uncfp == NULL)
 192:             goto bad2;
 193:         (void) fchmod(fileno(uncfp), status.st_mode);
 194:     } else
 195:         uncfp = stdout;
 196:     cp->integ = getc(cfp);
 197:     if (cp->integ == EOF)
 198:         goto bad2;
 199:     putc(cp->chars.lob, uncfp);
 201:     in[NC].fp = in[EF].fp = dict[0].sons[LEFT].sp.p = bottom = dict + 1;
 202:     bottom->sons[LEFT].count = bottom->sons[RIGHT].count =
 203:         dict[0].sons[RIGHT].count = 1;
 204:     dirp->next = dict[0].sons[RIGHT].top = bottom->sons[LEFT].top =
 205:         bottom->sons[RIGHT].top = dirq = NEW;
 206:     dirq->next = NULL;
 207:     dict[0].fath.fp = NULL;
 208:     dirq->pt = bottom->fath.fp = in[cp->integ].fp = dict;
 209:     in[cp->integ].flags = (FBIT | SEEN);
 210:     in[NC].flags = SEEN;
 211:     dict[0].fath.flags = RLEAF;
 212:     bottom->fath.flags = (LLEAF | RLEAF);
 213:     dict[0].sons[LEFT].count = 2;
 215:     dict[0].sons[RIGHT].sp.ch = cp->integ;
 216:     bottom->sons[LEFT].sp.ch = NC;
 217:     bottom->sons[RIGHT].sp.ch = EF;
 218:     return (uncfp);
 219: bad2:
 220:     fprintf(stderr, "uncompact: ");
 221:     perror(fname);
 222: bad:
 223:     if (uncfp && uncfp != stdout) {
 224:         (void) unlink(fname);
 225:         fclose(uncfp);
 226:     }
 227:     return (NULL);
 228: }

Defined functions

decompress defined in line 121; used 1 times
  • in line 92
main defined in line 25; never used
setup defined in line 162; used 2 times
uncompact defined in line 56; used 2 times

Defined variables

c defined in line 17; used 5 times
d defined in line 18; used 2 times
fname defined in line 20; used 8 times
infname defined in line 19; used 7 times
sccsid defined in line 2; never used
status defined in line 21; used 2 times
verbose defined in line 23; used 2 times
Last modified: 1984-08-26
Generated: 2016-12-26
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