1: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mmail.c	4.1	(Berkeley)	9/12/82";
   3: # include "defs.h"
   4: /* sccs id variable */
   5: static char *mmail_sid = "@(#)mmail.c	1.2";
   7: /*
   8:    Mmail is a berkeley network internal command.
   9:    It is executed locally by the mwrite command,
  10:    and from a remote machine by the sendberkmail command.
  11:    Its purpose is to send mail to a user on this
  12:    machine using the system mail program.
  14: Archaic Usage:
  16:    mmail [-commandsent -timesent] fromuser frommach touser
  18: Correct Usage:
  19:    mmail [-c commandsent] [-e timesent] [-f fromaddress] [-t toaddress]
  20: 	[-h hopcnt] [-r rc] [-z]
  22:    The mwrite command uses all the options.
  23:    The sendberkmail command does not use the commandsend, timesent and rc
  24:    options.
  25:    Timesent is time in seconds since 1901 in decimal, as returned by time().
  26:    Frommach is a multi-character name, not a single letter.
  27:    Rc is the return code (exit code>>8) of the command.
  29: Assumptions about the system mail command:
  30: 1. We assume there is an optional argument "-r" which can be added to mail.
  31:    Mail argument format (two choices):
  33: 	mail -r fromaddress toaddress
  35:    which becomes mail from "fromaddress" instead of "network".
  37: 2. We assume that mail accepts the "-h hopcnt" flag, and passes it thru
  38:    unchanged to the sendberkmail program.  The hopcnt is incremented everytime
  39:    it passes thru mmail, so inifinite mail forwarding is detected.
  40:    Since both the from and to addresses cycle, it there is infinite looping
  41:    we simply mail to root to that effect and throw away the mail.
  44:    If this argument scheme looks flakey it is because I screwed up
  45:    in the argument design.  With the network now up to 10 machines,
  46:    I can't add another parameter to the internal commands of the network
  47:    like mmail and mwrite.  If I had used labeled parms instead of
  48:    positional parms, I would be able to add more options/info
  49:    without having to recompile all code...
  51:    exit codes:
  52: 	normally returns the exit code from the mail program
  54: */
  55: main(argc,argv)
  56:   char **argv; {
  57:     int n, ret, i, hopcnt = 0, pid;
  58:     char *sargv[20], *cmdstr=NULL, buf[BUFSIZ], *timestr,
  59:         fromaddress[BUFSIZ];
  60:     char toaddress[BUFSIZ], src[20], snFrom[BUFSIZ], snto[BUFSIZ],
  61:         mchFrom, mchto, stemp[BUFSIZ], fisresponse = 0;
  62:     long timesent = TIMEBASE, el;
  63:     FILE *fdm;
  65:     debugflg = DBV;
  66:     src[0] = 0;
  68:     /* parse old format positional parms */
  69:     if(argv[1][0] == '-'){
  70:         cmdstr = argv[1] + 1;
  71:         timesent = atol(argv[2] + 1);
  72:         sprintf(fromaddress,"%s:%s",argv[4],argv[3]);
  73:         strcpy(toaddress,argv[5]);
  74:     }
  75:     else {
  76:         sprintf(fromaddress,"%s:%s",argv[2],argv[1]);
  77:         strcpy(toaddress,argv[3]);
  78:     }
  79:     argv[argc] = 0;
  81:     /* parse labeled parameters */
  82:     /*  prob because of -cmd in arg1 and arg2 */
  83:     for(i = 1; i < argc; i++){
  84:         if(argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][2] == 0)
  85:         switch(argv[i][1]){
  86:         case 'f':
  87:             strcpy(fromaddress,argv[++i]);
  88:             break;
  89:         case 'c':
  90:             cmdstr = argv[++i];
  91:             break;
  92:         case 'e':
  93:             timesent = atol(argv[++i]);
  94:             break;
  95:         case 't':
  96:             strcpy(toaddress,argv[++i]);
  97:             break;
  98:         case 'h':
  99:             hopcnt = atoi(argv[++i]);
 100:             break;
 101:         case 'r':
 102:             strcpy(src,argv[++i]);
 103:             break;
 104:         case 'z':
 105:             fisresponse++;
 106:             break;
 107:         /* it is important there be no error if an unknown
 108: 		   flag is encountered */
 109:         }
 110:     }
 111:     mchFrom = MchSFromAddr(snFrom,fromaddress);
 113:     /* compute time send */
 114:     timestr = ctime(&timesent);
 115:     timestr[strlen(timestr) - 6] = 0;
 116:     el = gettime() - timesent;
 118:     /* check the hopcnt */
 119:     hopcnt++;
 120:     if(hopcnt > MAXHOPS)hopcnterr(toaddress, hopcnt);
 122:     /* analyze the dest, if local, strip off mach name, otherwise ok */
 123:     mchto = MchSFromAddr(snto,toaddress);
 124:     if(mchto == local)strcpy(toaddress,snto);
 126:     /* it is important to realize that mmail is executed
 127: 	   either as root, network, or the USER!
 128: 	   So the -r option must be accepted (and possibly ignored)
 129: 	   by the mail program if the user is a reandom user.
 130: 	*/
 131:     /* now we fork off a mail command. if fisresponse, then
 132: 	we are "cautious" and don't use mail forwarders */
 134:     fdm = mailopen(toaddress, fromaddress, fisresponse, hopcnt);
 135:     if(cmdstr != NULL){
 136:         if(src[0] != 0)sprintf(stemp,", R: %s", src);
 137:         else stemp[0] = 0;
 138:         fprintf(fdm,"Subject: \"%s\"%s, sent %s, took %s\n",
 139:             cmdstr,stemp,timestr,comptime(el));
 140:     }
 141:     while((n = fread(buf,1,BUFSIZ,stdin)) > 0)
 142:         fwrite(buf,1,n,fdm);
 143:     ret = mailclose(fdm);
 144:     ret >>= 8;
 145:     if(ret != 0)
 146:         fprintf(stderr,
 147:         "Non-zero return code (%d) from the mail program.\n",ret);
 148:     exit(ret);
 149:     }
 150: /*
 151: 	hopcnterr()
 153: 	there appears to be infinite mail forwarding -
 154: 	as detected by the hop count.  Mail to root and give up.
 155: 	Both the from and to addresses are cycling, so mail
 156: 	can't be sent there.
 157: */
 158: hopcnterr(toaddress,hopcnt)
 159:     char *toaddress;
 160:     int hopcnt;
 161: {
 162:     char cmdstr[BUFSIZ];
 163:     int rcode;
 164:     sprintf(cmdstr,"echo infinite mail loop for %s hops %d | mail root",
 165:         toaddress,hopcnt);
 166:     rcode = system(cmdstr);
 167:     exit(EX_OSERR);
 168:     /*UNREACHED*/
 169: }

Defined functions

hopcnterr defined in line 158; used 1 times
main defined in line 55; never used

Defined variables

mmail_sid defined in line 5; never used
sccsid defined in line 1; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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