1: /*
   2:  * Routines for closing an SPP connection
   3:  */
   5: /*
   6:  $Log:	sppclose.c,v $
   7:  * Revision 2.0  85/11/21  07:22:21  jqj
   8:  * 4.3BSD standard release
   9:  *
  10:  * Revision 1.3  85/03/11  16:37:50  jqj
  11:  * *** empty log message ***
  12:  *
  13:  * Revision 1.3  85/03/11  16:37:50  jqj
  14:  * Public alpha-test version, released 11 March 1985
  15:  *
  16:  * Revision 1.2  85/01/27  07:37:52  jqj
  17:  * finished but undebugged version
  18:  *
  19:  */
  21: #ifndef lint
  22: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: sppclose.c,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:22:21 jqj Exp $";
  23: #endif
  25: /* #include <stdio.h> */
  26: #include <sys/types.h>      /* for ns.h */
  27: #include <sys/socket.h>
  28: #include <sys/time.h>
  29: #include <netns/ns.h>       /* for misc. constants */
  30: #include <netns/sp.h>       /* for spphdr */
  31: #include "courier.h"
  33: #ifndef SPPMAXDATA
  34: #define SPPMAXDATA 534
  35: #endif
  37: #ifndef TRUE
  38: #define TRUE (1)
  39: #define FALSE (0)
  40: #define NULL ((char*)0)
  41: #endif
  43: int
  44: sppclose(s)
  45: /* try to close an SPP connection by sending an END packet. */
  46: /* return TRUE on normal close, FALSE on abnormal close */
  47:     int s;
  48: {
  49:     int fdmask;
  50:     static struct timeval timeout = {15,0};
  51:     struct {
  52:         struct sphdr hdr;
  53:         char data[SPPMAXDATA];
  54:     } packbuf;
  56:         /* streamtype=254, EOM=FALSE, Attn=FALSE */
  57:     packbuf.hdr.sp_dt = SPPSST_END;
  58:     packbuf.hdr.sp_cc = 0;
  59:     fdmask = 1<<s;
  60:     if (write(s, &packbuf, sizeof(packbuf.hdr)) >= 0
  61:         && select(s+1,&fdmask,(int*)NULL,(int*)NULL,&timeout) > 0
  62:         && read(s,(char*)&packbuf,sizeof(packbuf)) > 0) {
  63:         if (packbuf.hdr.sp_dt == SPPSST_ENDREPLY) {
  64:             /* normal close */
  65:             /* SetSPPoptions(s, SPPSST_ENDREPLY, 0, 0);
  66: 				/* streamtype=255, EOM=FALSE, Attn=FALSE */
  67:             packbuf.hdr.sp_dt = SPPSST_ENDREPLY;
  68:             packbuf.hdr.sp_cc = 0;
  69:             if (write(s, &packbuf, sizeof(packbuf.hdr)) >= 0
  70:                 && shutdown(s,0) >= 0) {
  71:                 /* don't read any more, but */
  72:                 /*  try to get ENDREPLY out */
  73:                 (void) close(s);
  74:                 return(TRUE);
  75:             }
  76:             /* fall out of if to abnormal close */
  77:         }
  78:         else if (packbuf.hdr.sp_dt == SPPSST_END) {
  79:             /* simultaneous close */
  80:             return(sppclosereply(s));
  81:         }
  82:         /* else must have been a data packet -- abnormal close */
  83:         /* fall through */
  84:     }
  85:     /* timer expired, data packet arrived, or write failed */
  86:     (void) shutdown(s,2);       /* throw away all data */
  87:     (void) close(s);
  88:     return(FALSE);
  89: }
  91: int
  92: sppclosereply(s)
  93: /* handle receipt of a packet of type END, by closing down the SPP
  94:  * connection.  Returns TRUE on normal close, FALSE otherwise.
  95:  */
  96:     int s;      /* spp socket */
  97: {
  98:     int fdmask;
  99:     static struct timeval timeout = {10,0};
 100:     struct {
 101:         struct sphdr hdr;
 102:         char data[SPPMAXDATA];
 103:     } packbuf;
 105:     fdmask = 1<<s;
 106:     /* SetSPPoptions(s, SPPSST_ENDREPLY, 0, 0);
 107: 		/* streamtype=255, EOM=FALSE, Attn=FALSE */
 108:     packbuf.hdr.sp_dt = SPPSST_ENDREPLY;
 109:     packbuf.hdr.sp_cc = 0;
 110:     if (write(s, &packbuf, sizeof(packbuf.hdr))
 111:         && select(s+1, &fdmask, (int*)NULL, (int*)NULL, &timeout) > 0
 112:         && read(s, (char*)&packbuf, sizeof(packbuf)) > 0
 113:         && shutdown(s,2) == 0) {
 114:         close(s);
 115:         return(packbuf.hdr.sp_dt == SPPSST_ENDREPLY);
 116:     }
 117:     /* write failed, timeout expired, or error occured */
 118:     (void) shutdown(s,2);   /* throw away any data */
 119:     (void) close(s);
 120:     return(FALSE);
 121: }

Defined functions

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 22; never used

Defined macros

FALSE defined in line 39; used 2 times
NULL defined in line 40; used 4 times
SPPMAXDATA defined in line 34; used 3 times
TRUE defined in line 38; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-03-13
Generated: 2016-12-26
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