1: /*
   2:  * This file implements server functions for the XNS courier library
   3:  */
   5: /*
   6:  $Log:	server.c,v $
   7:  * Revision 2.0  85/11/21  07:22:19  jqj
   8:  * 4.3BSD standard release
   9:  *
  10:  * Revision 1.3  85/03/11  16:37:39  jqj
  11:  * *** empty log message ***
  12:  *
  13:  * Revision 1.3  85/03/11  16:37:39  jqj
  14:  * Public alpha-test version, released 11 March 1985
  15:  *
  16:  * Revision 1.2  85/01/27  07:37:43  jqj
  17:  * finished but undebugged version
  18:  *
  19:  * Revision 1.1  85/1/4  2:40:00  jqj
  20:  * Initial revision -- Mogul's tcp-based version
  21:  */
  22: #ifndef lint
  23: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: server.c,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:22:19 jqj Exp $";
  24: #endif
  26: #include <stdio.h>
  27: #include <sys/time.h>
  28: #include <sys/types.h>      /* for ns.h */
  29: #include <sys/socket.h>
  30: #include <netns/ns.h>       /* for XNS addresses and courierconnectin.h */
  31: #include <netns/sp.h>       /* for spphdr */
  32: #include "courier.h"
  33: #include "realcourierconnection.h"
  34: #include <except.h>
  35: #include <ctype.h>
  37: #if DEBUG
  38: int CourierServerDebuggingFlag = 0;
  39: #endif
  41: /*
  42:  * Message stream handle.
  43:  */
  44: CourierConnection *_serverConnection = 0;
  45: Unspecified tid;                /* transaction ID */
  48: /* CALL, transaction id, prognumh, prognuml, version, procedurenum */
  49: #define CALLHDRLEN 6
  52: Unspecified *
  53: ReceiveCallMessage(procp, skipcount, skippedwords)
  54:     Cardinal *procp;
  55:     int skipcount;
  56:     Unspecified *skippedwords;
  57: {
  58:     Cardinal msgtype, version;
  59:     LongCardinal programnumber;
  60:     Unspecified *buf, *bp, hdrbuf[CALLHDRLEN];
  61:     int i;
  63:     if (skipcount > 1 && _serverConnection->state == wantversion) {
  64:         skipcount -= 2;
  65:         _serverConnection->state = calldone;
  66:         skippedwords += 2;
  67:     }
  68:     if (skipcount > CALLHDRLEN) {
  69:         fprintf(stderr,"ReceiveCallMessage:  skipcount=%d, too big\n",
  70:             skipcount);
  71:         exit(1);
  72:     }
  73:     for (i=0; i < skipcount; i++)
  74:         hdrbuf[i] = skippedwords[i];
  75:     buf = ReadMessage(_serverConnection, hdrbuf+skipcount,
  76:               CALLHDRLEN-skipcount);
  77:     bp = hdrbuf;
  78:     bp += internalize_Cardinal(&msgtype, bp);
  79:     bp += internalize_Unspecified(&tid, bp);
  80:     bp += internalize_LongCardinal(&programnumber, bp);
  81:     bp += internalize_Cardinal(&version, bp);
  82:     bp += internalize_Cardinal(procp, bp);
  83: #if DEBUG
  84:     if (CourierServerDebuggingFlag)
  85:         fprintf(stderr, "[ReceiveCallMessage %D %d %d]\n",
  86:                 programnumber, version, *procp);
  87: #endif
  88:     return(buf);
  89: }
  92: SendReturnMessage(nwords, results)
  93:     Cardinal nwords;
  94:     Unspecified *results;
  95: {
  96: #define RETHDRLEN 2
  97:     Unspecified *bp, buf[RETHDRLEN];
  98:     static Cardinal msgtype = RETURN;
 100: #if DEBUG
 101:     if (CourierServerDebuggingFlag)
 102:         fprintf(stderr, "[SendReturnMessage %d]\n", nwords);
 103: #endif
 104:     bp = buf;
 105:     bp += externalize_Cardinal(&msgtype, bp);
 106:     bp += externalize_Unspecified(&tid, bp);
 107:     CourierWrite(_serverConnection, (bp-buf), buf, nwords, results);
 108:     _serverConnection->bdtstate = wantdata;
 109: }
 112: static int
 113: ServerInit(argc, argv, skippedwords)
 114:     int argc;
 115:     char *argv[];
 116:     Unspecified skippedwords[];
 117: {
 118:     extern char *malloc();
 119:     int skipcount;
 120: #if DEBUG
 121:     int namelen;
 122: #endif
 123:     int i;
 125:     _serverConnection = (CourierConnection *)
 126:             malloc(sizeof(CourierConnection));
 127:     _serverConnection->bdtstate = wantdata;
 128:     /* we normally don't bother to set up host, since the server will
 129: 	 * never reopen a closed connection
 130: 	 */
 131: #if DEBUG
 132:     namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ns);
 133:     getpeername(_serverConnection->fd, &_serverConnection->host, &namelen);
 134:     fprintf(stderr,"[ServerInit: argc=%d]\n",argc);
 135:     for (i=0; i<argc; i++) fprintf(stderr,"\targv[%d]=%s\n", i,argv[i]);
 137: #endif
 138:     skipcount = -1;
 139:     while (argc-- > 0) {
 140: #if DEBUG
 141:         if (strcmp(argv[0],"-d") == 0)
 142:             CourierServerDebuggingFlag = 1;
 143:         else
 144: #endif
 145:         if (isdigit(*argv[0])) {
 146:             if (skipcount < 0) {
 147:                 _serverConnection->fd = atoi(argv[0]);
 148:                 skipcount++;
 149:             }
 150:             else if (skipcount < 8)
 151:                 skippedwords[skipcount++] = atoi(argv[0]);
 152:         }
 153:         argv++;
 154:     }
 155:     if (skipcount < 0 || skipcount == 1) {
 156:         fprintf(stderr,"in ServerInit, skipcount=%d\n",skipcount);
 157:         exit(1);
 158:     }
 159:     _serverConnection->state = wantversion;
 160:     return(skipcount);
 161: }
 164: main(argc, argv)
 165:     int argc;
 166:     char *argv[];
 167: {
 168:     /*
 169: 	 * The caller may need to read a packet before getting to the
 170: 	 * program/version which it needs for dispatching.  Data so read
 171: 	 * is passed in the argv list, and used to set skipcount and
 172: 	 * skippedwords.
 173: 	 */
 174:     int skipcount;  /* actual length of skippedwords */
 175:     Unspecified skippedwords[8];
 177:     /* ServerInit() contains server-independent startup code */
 178:     skipcount = ServerInit(argc, argv, skippedwords);
 180:     /* Server() may terminate in 2 ways:
 181: 	 * (1)	normally, with a return(0) and a closed connection,
 182: 	 *	either from our timeout or from END sent by client.
 183: 	 * (2)	abnormally, with an exit(1) indicating a protocol
 184: 	 *	violation.  We do not currently close down the
 185: 	 *	connection in all such cases, but we should.
 186: 	 * Note that Server may also exec() a different server if
 187: 	 *	a remote procedure for a different program arrives.
 188: 	 */
 189:     Server(skipcount, skippedwords);
 190:     exit(0);
 191: }

Defined functions

ReceiveCallMessage defined in line 52; used 1 times
SendReturnMessage defined in line 92; never used
ServerInit defined in line 112; used 1 times
main defined in line 164; never used

Defined variables

CourierServerDebuggingFlag defined in line 38; used 6 times
rcsid defined in line 23; never used
tid defined in line 45; used 4 times

Defined macros

CALLHDRLEN defined in line 49; used 3 times
RETHDRLEN defined in line 96; used 1 times
  • in line 97
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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