1: /* $Header: CHlookup.c,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:22:32 jqj Exp $ */
   3: /* contains:
   4:  * CH_LookupAddr
   5:  * CH_GetFirstCH
   6:  * CH_GetOtherCH
   7:  * CH_NameDefault
   8:  */
  10: /* $Log:	CHlookup.c,v $
  11:  * Revision 2.0  85/11/21  07:22:32  jqj
  12:  * 4.3BSD standard release
  13:  *
  14:  * Revision 1.3  85/11/21  07:14:19  jqj
  15:  * 4.3BSD standard release
  16:  *
  17:  * Revision 1.2  85/10/21  12:41:55  jqj
  18:  * Gould version:  work around a Gould compiler bug.  Default to /usr/new
  19:  * for consistency.
  20:  *
  21:  * Revision 1.1  85/10/18  09:14:53  jqj
  22:  * Initial revision
  23:  *
  24:  * Revision 1.1  85/03/26  06:27:00  jqj
  25:  * Initial revision
  26:  *
  27:  */
  28: #include <stdio.h>
  29: #include <sys/types.h>
  30: #include <netns/ns.h>
  31: #include <xnscourier/Clearinghouse2.h>
  32: #include <xnscourier/CHEntries.h>
  33: #include <xnscourier/except.h>
  34: #define MAXPACKS 5
  35: #define NLSIZE 50
  37: static Clearinghouse2_ObjectName *namelist[NLSIZE];
  38: static int nlcount = 0;
  40: static Cardinal nullpasswd = 0;
  41: static Clearinghouse2_Authenticator nullagent = {{0,{0,0}},{1,&nullpasswd}};
  43: static
  44: GetData(conn)
  45:     CourierConnection *conn;
  46: {
  47:     int count, i;
  48:     Unspecified buffer[MAXWORDS*MAXPACKS], *bp, *bufend;
  49:     Clearinghouse2_StreamOfObjectName obnames;
  51:     bufend = buffer;
  52:     bp = buffer+((MAXWORDS-1)*MAXPACKS);    /* end of available space */
  53:     while (count = BDTread(conn, (char*)bufend,
  54:                 MAXWORDS*sizeof(Unspecified))
  55:         ) {
  56:         bufend += count/sizeof(Unspecified);
  57:         if (bufend > bp) {
  58:             fprintf(stderr,"BDT read too big to fit\n");
  59:             BDTabort(conn);
  60:             /* should clear out stuff here if we knew how much */
  61:         }
  62:     }
  63:     bp = buffer;
  64:     while (bp < bufend) {
  65:         bp += internalize_Clearinghouse2_StreamOfObjectName(&obnames,bp);
  66:         if (0 == (int) obnames.designator) {
  67:            for (i = 0; i < obnames.nextSegment_case.segment.length; i++)
  68:             if (nlcount < NLSIZE) namelist[nlcount++] =
  69:                 &obnames.nextSegment_case.segment.sequence[i];
  70:         } else {
  71:            for (i = 0; i < obnames.lastSegment_case.length; i++)
  72:             if (nlcount < NLSIZE) namelist[nlcount++] =
  73:                 &obnames.lastSegment_case.sequence[i];
  74:            return;
  75:         }
  76:     }
  77: }
  79: static struct ns_addr*
  80: itemtonsaddr(itemptr)
  81:     Clearinghouse2_Item *itemptr;   /* i.e. a sequence of Unspecified */
  82: {
  83:     static union {
  84:         struct ns_addr addr;
  85:         u_short shrt[6];
  86:     } result;
  87:     register int i;
  88:     register Unspecified *seq;
  90:     if (itemptr->length < 7)
  91:         return(0);
  93:     seq = itemptr->sequence +1;
  94:     /* itemptr->sequence[0] == number of addresses */
  95:     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++, seq++)
  96:         result.shrt[i] = ntohs(*seq);
  97:     return(&result.addr);
  98: }
 100: /*
 101:  * path to look for the addresses file on
 102:  * (I wish I'd picked a shorter name, so we could rendezvous in /etc.
 103:  *  But long file names in /etc are very unpopular!).
 104:  */
 105: static char *chaddrpath[] = {
 106: #ifdef CHADDRS
 107:             CHADDRS,
 108: #endif
 109:             "/usr/new/lib/xnscourier/clearinghouse.addresses",
 110:             "/etc/clearinghouse.addresses",
 111:             "/usr/local/lib/xnscourier/clearinghouse.addresses",
 112:             0 };
 115: /*
 116:  * Set defaults for organization and domain, based on the file
 117:  * /usr/local/lib/xnscourier/clearinghouse.addresses
 118:  * (should get the local clearinghouse and set defaults based on
 119:  * ListDomainsServed
 120:  */
 121: CH_NameDefault(defaultobjnamep)
 122:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectName *defaultobjnamep;
 123: {
 124:     FILE *chfile;
 125:     int i, nmatch;
 126:     static char orgbuf[21], domainbuf[21];
 128:     defaultobjnamep->object = "";
 129:     for (i=0; chaddrpath[i] != NULL; i++) {
 130:         chfile = fopen(chaddrpath[i],"r");
 131:         if (chfile != (FILE*)0) {
 132:             nmatch = fscanf(chfile,"%*[^ \t\n] \":%[^:]:%[^\"]",
 133:                     domainbuf, orgbuf);
 134:             fclose(chfile);
 135:             if (nmatch == 2) {
 136:                 defaultobjnamep->domain = domainbuf;
 137:                 defaultobjnamep->organization = orgbuf;
 138:                 return; /* done */
 139:             }
 140:         }
 141:     }
 142:     defaultobjnamep->organization = "";
 143:     defaultobjnamep->domain = "";
 144: }
 147: CourierConnection*
 148: CH_GetFirstCH()
 149: {
 150:     struct ns_addr *chaddr;
 151:     extern struct ns_addr *getXNSaddr();
 152:     char buf[BUFSIZ];
 153:     CourierConnection *result;
 154:     FILE *chfile;
 155:     int i;
 157:     /* for now, use hard-coded CH */
 158:     /* eventually we'll do an expanding-ring or something */
 159:     result = (CourierConnection *) NULL;
 160:     for (i = 0; chaddrpath[i] != NULL; i++) {
 161:         if ((chfile = fopen(chaddrpath[i],"r")) != NULL) {
 162:             while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, chfile))
 163:                 if ((chaddr = getXNSaddr(buf)) &&
 164:                     (result = CourierOpen(chaddr))) {
 165:                     fclose(chfile);
 166:                     return(result);
 167:                 }
 168:             fclose(chfile);
 169:             break;  /* don't look for other files */
 170:         }
 171:     }
 172:     /* try expanding-ring here */
 173:     return(result);
 174: }
 176: CourierConnection *
 177: CH_GetOtherCH(conn,hint)
 178:     CourierConnection *conn;
 179:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectName hint;
 180: {
 181:     struct ns_addr *ch2addr;
 182:     CourierConnection *ch2conn;
 183:     Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItemResults riresult;
 184:     Clearinghouse2_RetrieveMembersResults rmresult;
 185:     int i;
 187:     Clearinghouse2_Property clearinghouseNames = 3;
 188:     Clearinghouse2_Property clearinghouseAddresses = 4;
 189:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectName hint1;
 191:     DURING
 192:         /* get list of possible other clearinghouses */
 193:         rmresult = Clearinghouse2_RetrieveMembers(conn, GetData, hint,
 194:             clearinghouseNames, BulkData1_immediateSink,
 195:             nullagent);
 196:     HANDLER {
 197:         /* some race condition */
 198:         return(NULL);
 199:     } END_HANDLER;
 200:     /* throw away the distinguished name, which we don't need */
 201:     clear_Clearinghouse2_RetrieveMembersResults(&rmresult);
 202:     /* for each member of potentials list, probe it */
 203:     ch2conn = NULL;
 204:     for (i = 0; i < nlcount; i++) {
 205:         Clearinghouse2_ObjectName thisname;
 206:         thisname = *namelist[i];
 207:         /* get its address */
 208:         DURING
 209:             riresult = Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItem(conn, NULL,
 210:                 thisname,
 211:                 clearinghouseAddresses, nullagent);
 212:         HANDLER
 213:             continue;   /* try next in namelist */
 214:         END_HANDLER;
 215:         ch2addr = itemtonsaddr(&riresult.value);
 216:         clear_Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItemResults(&riresult);
 217:         ch2conn = CourierOpen(ch2addr);
 218:         if (ch2conn == NULL) continue;
 219:         /* make sure the second CH is really there */
 220:         DURING
 221:             (void) Clearinghouse2_RetrieveAddresses(ch2conn, NULL);
 222:         HANDLER {
 223:             CourierClose(ch2conn);
 224:             ch2conn = NULL;
 225:             continue;
 226:         } END_HANDLER;
 227:         /* we got it! */
 228:         break;
 229:     }
 230:     for (i = 0; i < nlcount; i++) {
 231:             /* free namelist[i] components */
 232:             clear_Clearinghouse2_ObjectName(namelist[i]);
 233:             /* free the top level thing too */
 234:             Deallocate((Unspecified*) namelist[i]);
 235:         }
 236:     return(ch2conn);
 237: }
 239: /*
 240:  * Given a Clearinghouse three part name (possibly containing wild cards)
 241:  * and the property number on which a NetworkAddress is expected to occur,
 242:  * returns the ns_addr structure associated with that name.
 243:  * Note that the ns_addr structure is statically allocated!
 244:  * Resets pattern to be the distinguished name of the object found.
 245:  */
 246: struct ns_addr *
 247: CH_LookupAddr(pattern,property)
 248:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectNamePattern pattern;
 249:     Clearinghouse2_Property property;
 250: {
 251:     struct ns_addr* CH_LookupAddrDN();
 252:     return(CH_LookupAddrDN(pattern,property,0,0));
 253: }
 255: /*
 256:  * Lookup a clearinghouse address, returning the address and the
 257:  * distinguished name of the object found.
 258:  */
 259: struct ns_addr *
 260: CH_LookupAddrDN(pattern,property,distnamep,distnamelen)
 261:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectNamePattern pattern;
 262:     Clearinghouse2_Property property;
 263:     char *distnamep;
 264:     int distnamelen;
 265: {
 266:     struct ns_addr *chaddr, *resultaddr;
 267:     CourierConnection *conn, *ch2conn;
 268:     Clearinghouse2_ObjectName hint;     /* from WrongServer errors */
 269:     Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItemResults riresult;
 272:     if ((long) property <= 0)   /* default to addressList i.e. 4 */
 273:         property = CHEntries0_addressList;
 274:     if (pattern.object == NULL ||
 275:         pattern.domain == NULL ||
 276:         pattern.organization == NULL)
 277:         return(NULL);           /* can't handle defaults */
 279:     if ((conn = CH_GetFirstCH()) == NULL) {
 280:         fprintf(stderr,"Can't open connection to local Clearinghouse\n");
 281:         exit(1);
 282:     }
 283:     /* ask our primary clearinghouse for the address of this thing */
 284:     DURING {
 285:         riresult = Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItem(conn, NULL,
 286:                 pattern, property, nullagent);
 287:     } HANDLER {
 288:         if (Exception.Code != Clearinghouse2_WrongServer) {
 289:             CourierClose(conn);
 290:             return(0);  /* some random error */
 291:         }
 292:         hint = CourierErrArgs(Clearinghouse2_WrongServerArgs, hint);
 293:         ch2conn = CH_GetOtherCH(conn, hint);
 294:         CourierClose(conn);
 295:         if (ch2conn == NULL) return(0);
 296:         conn = ch2conn;
 297:         /* probe the second clearinghouse */
 298:         DURING
 299:             riresult = Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItem(conn, NULL,
 300:                 pattern, property, nullagent);
 301:         HANDLER {
 302:             /* should be smarter if WrongServer here */
 303:             CourierClose(conn);
 304:             return(0);
 305:         } END_HANDLER;
 306:         /* we got it */
 307:     } END_HANDLER;
 308:     resultaddr = itemtonsaddr(&riresult.value);
 309:     if (distnamep != NULL &&
 310:         distnamelen >= (2+strlen(riresult.distinguishedObject.object)+
 311:                 strlen(riresult.distinguishedObject.domain)+
 312:                 strlen(riresult.distinguishedObject.organization)))
 313:         sprintf(distnamep,"%s:%s:%s",
 314:             riresult.distinguishedObject.object,
 315:             riresult.distinguishedObject.domain,
 316:             riresult.distinguishedObject.organization);
 317:     clear_Clearinghouse2_RetrieveItemResults(&riresult);
 318:     CourierClose(conn);
 319:     return(resultaddr);
 320: }

Defined functions

CH_GetOtherCH defined in line 176; used 2 times
CH_LookupAddr defined in line 246; used 1 times
CH_LookupAddrDN defined in line 259; used 3 times
CH_NameDefault defined in line 121; never used
GetData defined in line 43; used 1 times
itemtonsaddr defined in line 79; used 2 times

Defined variables

chaddrpath defined in line 105; used 4 times
nlcount defined in line 38; used 6 times

Defined macros

MAXPACKS defined in line 34; used 2 times
NLSIZE defined in line 35; used 3 times
Last modified: 1986-03-13
Generated: 2016-12-26
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