-- $Header: Printing3.cr,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:23:08 jqj Exp $ -- Printing: PROGRAM 4 VERSION 3 = -- This specification has been modifed from the "official" one to -- correspond to the restrictions of the Unix Courier compiler. In -- particular, it has been reordered to eliminate forward references -- and some duplicate options have been renamed -- $Log: Printing3.cr,v $ Revision 2.0 85/11/21 07:23:08 jqj 4.3BSD standard release Revision 1.3 85/03/11 16:44:12 jqj *** empty log message *** -- Revision 1.3 85/03/11 16:44:12 jqj -- Public alpha-test version, released 11 March 1985 -- -- Revision 1.2 85/03/01 05:53:13 jqj -- revised to work with current Unix courier compiler: -- reordered, typos fixed, some enum tags renamed to avoid duplication -- Revision 1.1 -- Initial revision (from Rochester) BEGIN DEPENDS UPON BulkData (0) VERSION 1, Authentication (14) VERSION 1, Time (15) VERSION 2; -- Types -- Time: TYPE = Time.Time; -- the standard time and date format -- RequestID: TYPE = ARRAY 5 OF UNSPECIFIED; -- the standard time and date format -- PrintAttributes: TYPE = SEQUENCE 3 OF CHOICE OF { printObjectName(0) => STRING, -- default is implementation-dependent -- printObjectCreateDate(1) => Time, -- default is implementation-dependent -- senderName(2) => STRING }; -- default is implementation-dependent -- Paper: TYPE = CHOICE OF { unknown(0) => RECORD [], knownSize(1) => { usLetter(1), -- defined as 8.5" x 11.0" or 216mm x 297mm -- usLegal(2), -- defined as 8.5" x 14.0" or 216mm x 356mm -- a0(3), a1(4), a2(5), a3(6), a4(7), a5(8), a6(9), a7(10), a8(11), a9(12), a10(35), isoB0(13), isoB1(14), isoB2(15), isoB3(16), isoB4(17), isoB5(18), isoB6(19), isoB7(20), isoB8(21), isoB9(22), isoB10(23), jisB0(24), jisB1(25), jisB2(26), jisB3(27), jisB4(28), jisB5(29), jisB6(30), jisB7(31), jisB8(32), jisB9(33), jisB10(34)}, otherSize(2) => RECORD [width, length: CARDINAL]}; -- both in millimeters -- Medium: TYPE = CHOICE OF {paper(0) => Paper}; Media: TYPE = SEQUENCE 100 OF Medium; PrintOptions: TYPE = SEQUENCE 10 OF CHOICE OF { printObjectSize(0) => LONG CARDINAL, -- default is size of master -- recipientName(1) => STRING, -- default is senderName -- message(2) => STRING, -- default is "" -- copyCount(3) => CARDINAL, -- default is 1 -- pagesToPrint(4) => RECORD [ beginningPageNumber, -- default is 1, the first page of the master -- endingPageNumber: CARDINAL], -- default is the last page of the master -- mediumHint(5) => Medium, -- default is implementation-dependent -- priorityHint(6) => {low(0), normal(1), high(2)}, -- default is implementation-dependent -- releaseKey(7) => Authentication.HashedPassword, -- default is 177777B -- staple(8) => BOOLEAN, -- default is FALSE -- twoSided(9) => BOOLEAN }; -- default is FALSE -- PrinterProperties: TYPE = SEQUENCE 3 OF CHOICE OF { ppmedia(0) => Media, ppstaple(1) => BOOLEAN, -- default is FALSE -- pptwoSided(2) => BOOLEAN}; -- default is FALSE -- PrinterStatus: TYPE = SEQUENCE 4 OF CHOICE OF { spooler(0) => {available(0), busy(1), disabled(2), full(3)}, formatter(1) => {available(0), busy(1), disabled(2)}, printer(2) => {available(0), busy(1), disabled(2), needsAttention(3), needsKeyOperator(4) }, media(3) => Media}; RequestStatus: TYPE = SEQUENCE 2 OF CHOICE OF { status(0) => {pending(0), inProgress(1), completed(2), completedWithWarning(3), unknown(4), rejected(5), aborted(6), canceled(7), held(8) }, statusMessage(1) => STRING}; -- default is "" -- -- Remote Errors -- UndefinedProblem: TYPE = CARDINAL; ConnectionProblem: TYPE = { -- communications problems -- noRoute(0), -- no route to the other party could be found. -- noResponse(1), -- the other party never answered. -- transmissionHardware(2), -- some local transmission hardware was inoperable. -- transportTimeout(3), -- the other party responded but later failed to respond. -- -- resource problems -- tooManyLocalConnections(4), -- no additional connection is possible. -- tooManyRemoteConnections(5), -- the other party rejected the connection attempt. -- -- remote program implementation problems -- missingCourier(6), -- the other party has no Courier implementation. -- missingProgram(7), -- the other party does not implement the Bulk Data program. -- missingProcedure(8), -- the other party does not implement the procedure. -- protocolMismatch(9), -- the two parties have no Courier version in commmon. -- parameterInconsistency(10), -- a protocol violation occurred in parameters. -- invalidMessage(11), -- a protocol vilation occurred in message format. -- returnTimedOut(12), -- the procedure call never returned. -- -- miscellaneous -- otherCallProblem(177777B)}; -- some other protocol violation occurred during a call. -- TransferProblem: TYPE = { aborted(0), -- The bulk data transfer was aborted by the party at the other end of the connection. -- formatIncorrect(2), -- The bulk data received from the souce did not have the expected format. -- noRendezvous(3), -- The identifier from the other party never appeared. -- wrongDirection(4)}; -- The other party wanted to transfer the data in the wrong direction. -- Busy: ERROR = 0; -- print service cannot accept a new request at this time -- InsufficientSpoolSpace: ERROR = 1; -- print service does not have enough space to spool a new request -- InvalidPrintParameters: ERROR = 2; -- call to Print specified inconsistent arguments -- MasterTooLarge: ERROR = 3; -- master is too large for the printer service to ever accept -- ServiceUnavailable: ERROR = 4; MediumUnavailable: ERROR = 5; -- the service is not accepting any remote procedure calls -- SpoolingDisabled: ERROR = 6; -- print service is not accepting print requests -- SpoolingQueueFull: ERROR = 7; -- print service does not have enough space to accept a new request -- SystemError: ERROR = 8; -- print service is in an internally inconsistent state -- TooManyClients: ERROR = 9; -- print service does not have enough resources to open a new connection -- Undefined: ERROR [problem: UndefinedProblem] = 10; -- some procedure in Printing is not implemented -- ConnectionError: ERROR [problem: ConnectionProblem] = 11; TransferError: ERROR [problem: TransferProblem] = 12; -- Remote Procedures -- Print: PROCEDURE [master: BulkData.Source, printAttributes: PrintAttributes, printOptions: PrintOptions] RETURNS [printRequestID: RequestID] REPORTS [Busy, ConnectionError, InsufficientSpoolSpace, InvalidPrintParameters, MasterTooLarge, MediumUnavailable, ServiceUnavailable, SpoolingDisabled, SpoolingQueueFull, SystemError, TooManyClients, TransferError, Undefined] = 0; GetPrinterProperties: PROCEDURE RETURNS [properties: PrinterProperties] REPORTS [ServiceUnavailable, SystemError, Undefined] = 1; GetPrintRequestStatus: PROCEDURE [printRequestID: RequestID] RETURNS [status: RequestStatus] REPORTS [ServiceUnavailable, SystemError, Undefined] = 2; GetPrinterStatus: PROCEDURE RETURNS [status: PrinterStatus] REPORTS [ServiceUnavailable, SystemError, Undefined] = 3; END.