-- $Header: Authentication1.cr,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:24:26 jqj Exp $ -- Authentication: PROGRAM 14 VERSION 1 = -- $Log: Authentication1.cr,v $ -- Revision 2.0 85/11/21 07:24:26 jqj -- 4.3BSD standard release -- -- Revision 1.3 85/03/11 16:43:49 jqj -- *** empty log message *** -- -- Revision 1.3 85/03/11 16:43:49 jqj -- Public alpha-test version, released 11 March 1985 -- -- Revision 1.2 85/03/01 06:12:50 jqj -- modifications for use with Unix Courier compiler: eliminated dependency -- on Clearinghouse. Added HashedPassword declaration which had been -- mysteriously forgotten. -- -- Revision 1.1 85/03/01 06:06:51 jqj -- Initial revision - from Rochester -- BEGIN -- faked dependency for Clearinghouse (2) VERSION 2 -- -- DEPENDS UPON -- Clearinghouse (2) VERSION 2; ClearinghouseOrganization: TYPE = STRING; ClearinghouseDomain: TYPE = STRING; ClearinghouseObject: TYPE = STRING; ClearinghouseThreePartName: TYPE = RECORD [ organization: ClearinghouseOrganization, domain: ClearinghouseDomain, object: ClearinghouseObject ]; ClearinghouseName: TYPE = ClearinghouseThreePartName; -- Types -- CredentialsType: TYPE = CARDINAL; Credentials: TYPE = RECORD[ type: CredentialsType, value: SEQUENCE OF UNSPECIFIED]; simpleCredentials: CredentialsType = 0; SimpleCredentials: TYPE = ClearinghouseName; Verifier: TYPE = SEQUENCE 12 OF UNSPECIFIED; HashedPassword: TYPE = CARDINAL; SimpleVerifier: TYPE = HashedPassword; Problem: TYPE = {credentialsInvalid(0), verifierInvalid(1)}; AuthenticationError: ERROR [problem: Problem] = 2; END.