1: /*	Header file for XNS Courier compiler	*/
   3: /* $Header: compiler.h,v 2.0 85/11/21 07:21:30 jqj Exp $ */
   4: /* $Log:	compiler.h,v $
   5:  * Revision 2.0  85/11/21  07:21:30  jqj
   6:  * 4.3BSD standard release
   7:  *
   8:  * Revision 1.5  85/05/23  06:19:24  jqj
   9:  * *** empty log message ***
  10:  *
  11:  * Revision 1.5  85/05/23  06:19:24  jqj
  12:  * Public Beta-test version, released 24 May 1985
  13:  *
  14:  * Revision 1.4  85/03/26  06:09:31  jqj
  15:  * Revised public alpha-test version, released 26 March 1985
  16:  *
  17:  * Revision 1.3  85/03/11  16:38:47  jqj
  18:  * Public alpha-test version, released 11 March 1985
  19:  *
  20:  * Revision 1.2  85/02/21  11:04:54  jqj
  21:  * alpha test version
  22:  *
  23:  * Revision 1.1  85/02/15  13:58:15  jqj
  24:  * Initial revision
  25:  *
  26:  */
  28: #include <stdio.h>
  30: #define MAXSTR      200
  31: #define streq(s, t) (strcmp(s, t) == 0)
  32: #define New(t)      ((t *) calloc(1, sizeof(t)))
  34: /*
  35:  * error message severity types
  36:  */
  37: enum severity {
  38:     WARNING,
  39:     ERROR,
  40:     FATAL,
  41: };
  43: /*
  44:  * Cons cell for lisp operations.
  45:  */
  46: struct cons {
  47:     struct cons *c_cdr;
  48:     struct cons *c_car;
  49: };
  50: typedef struct cons *list;
  52: #define NIL ((list) 0)
  53: #define car(x)  ((x)->c_car)
  54: #define cdr(x)  ((x)->c_cdr)
  55: #define caar(x) ((x)->c_car->c_car)
  56: #define cdar(x) ((x)->c_car->c_cdr)
  57: #define cadr(x) ((x)->c_cdr->c_car)
  58: #define cddr(x) ((x)->c_cdr->c_cdr)
  60: #define ONIL    ((struct object *) 0)
  61: #define ocar(x) ((x)->o_car)
  62: #define ocdr(x) ((x)->o_cdr)
  64: #define TNIL    ((struct type *) 0)
  66: /*
  67:  * Object classes.
  68:  */
  69: enum class {
  70:     O_UNKNOWN = 0,      /* make_symbol starts with this */
  71:     O_TYPE,         /* a typename symbol */
  72:     O_CONSTANT,     /* a constantname symbol */
  73:     O_ENUMTAG,      /* an enumeration tag */
  74:     O_SYMBOLTABLE       /* a symbol table */
  75: };
  77: /*
  78:  * Type constructors.
  79:  */
  80: enum constr {
  81:     C_NUMERIC = 1,
  82:     C_BOOLEAN,
  83:     C_STRING,
  84:     C_ENUMERATION,
  85:     C_ARRAY,
  86:     C_SEQUENCE,
  87:     C_RECORD,
  88:     C_CHOICE,
  89:     C_PROCEDURE,
  90:     C_ERROR
  91: };
  93: /*
  94:  * Object structure, for types, and constants.
  95:  * These are the symbol table entries!
  96:  */
  97: struct object {
  98:     struct object *o_cdr, *o_car;   /* for a binary tree symbol table */
  99:     enum class o_class;
 100:     char *o_name;           /* Courier name of this symbol */
 101:     char *o_module;         /* name of module it appears in */
 102:     int o_modnumber;        /* number of module it appears in */
 103:     int o_modversion;       /* version of module it appears in */
 104:     union {
 105:         struct type *u_type;
 106:         struct constant *u_constant;
 107:         struct enumtag *u_enum;
 108:         struct object *u_symboltable;
 109:     } o_union;
 110: };
 111: #define o_type      o_union.u_type
 112: #define o_constant  o_union.u_constant
 113: #define o_enum      o_union.u_enum
 114: #define o_symboltable   o_union.u_symboltable
 116: #define class_of(x) (((struct object *) x)->o_class)
 117: #define name_of(x)  (((struct object *) x)->o_name)
 118: #define value_of(x) (((struct object *) x)->o_value->cn_value)
 119: #define enumvalue_of(x) (((struct object *) x)->o_enum->en_value)
 122: /*
 123:  * Type structure.
 124:  *
 125:  * Formats of various lists are as follows.
 126:  * a-b is an a of type b.
 127:  * . indicates a cons operation.
 128:  * ... indicates a list of elements of the preceding form.
 129:  *
 130:  * enumeration:
 131:  *	((name-objectptr . value-numericstring) ...)
 132:  *	[ the value is irrelevant, since it is stored in the enumtag]
 133:  * record, error, procedure arguments, procedure results:
 134:  *	(((name-string) . type-typeptr) ...)
 135:  * choice:
 136:  *	((((name-symbol . value-numericstring) ...) . type-typeptr) ...)
 137:  *		[value may be nil if it is inherited from someplace]
 138:  */
 139: struct type {
 140:     enum constr type_constr;    /* constructor */
 141:     char *type_pfname;      /* name of pack function */
 142:     char *type_ufname;      /* name of unpack function */
 143:     char *type_name;        /* name of C type */
 144:     int type_xsize;         /* size of external form in 16-bit
 145: 					   words, or -1 if variable */
 146:     union {
 147:         list u_list;        /* enumeration, record, error */
 148:         struct {
 149:             int u_size;
 150:             struct type *u_basetype;
 151:         } u_array;      /* array, sequence */
 152:         struct {
 153:             struct type *u_designator;
 154:             list u_candidates;
 155:         } u_choice;     /* choice */
 156:         struct {
 157:             list u_args, u_results, u_errors;
 158:         } u_procedure;      /* procedure */
 159:     } type_u;
 160: };
 161: #define typename(tp) (tp->type_name)
 163: #define type_list type_u.u_list
 164: #define type_array type_u.u_array
 165: #define type_size type_array.u_size
 166: #define type_basetype type_array.u_basetype
 167: #define type_choice type_u.u_choice
 168: #define type_designator type_choice.u_designator
 169: #define type_candidates type_choice.u_candidates
 170: #define type_procedure type_u.u_procedure
 171: #define type_args type_procedure.u_args
 172: #define type_results type_procedure.u_results
 173: #define type_errors type_procedure.u_errors
 175: /*
 176:  * These definitions allow access from an object pointer
 177:  * known to be a type.
 178:  */
 179: #define t_constr    o_type->type_constr
 180: #define t_pfname    o_type->type_pfname
 181: #define t_ufname    o_type->type_ufname
 182: #define t_name      o_type->type_name
 183: #define t_xsize     o_type->type_xsize
 184: #define t_list      o_type->type_u.u_list
 185: #define t_size      o_type->type_u.u_array.u_size
 186: #define t_basetype  o_type->type_u.u_array.u_basetype
 187: #define t_designator    o_type->type_u.u_choice.u_designator
 188: #define t_candidates    o_type->type_u.u_choice.u_candidates
 189: #define t_args      o_type->type_u.u_procedure.u_args
 190: #define t_results   o_type->type_u.u_procedure.u_results
 191: #define t_errors    o_type->type_u.u_procedure.u_errors
 194: /*
 195:  * constant definition structure.
 196:  *
 197:  *   Formats for cn_value follow:
 198:  * numeric constants, error constants
 199:  *	e.g.:  34
 200:  * string constants
 201:  *	e.g.:  "abc\"def"
 202:  * enumeration constants
 203:  *	e.g.:  red
 204:  *
 205:  *   Formats for cn_list follow:
 206:  * record
 207:  *	((name-string . constant) ...)
 208:  * choice:
 209:  *	(name-symbol . constant)
 210:  * array, sequence
 211:  *	(constant ...)
 212:  * error
 213:  *	(errorvalue-string . argsrecord-typtr)
 214:  * note that procedure and error constants are special.
 215:  */
 216: struct constant {
 217:     enum constr cn_constr;
 218:     char *cn_name;          /* name of the C constant */
 219:     char *cn_seqvalname;        /* only for sequence constants */
 220:     union {
 221:         list u_list;        /* ConstructedConstant */
 222:         char *u_value;      /* PredefinedConstant */
 223:                     /* EnumerationConstant */
 224:     } cn_union;
 225: };
 226: #define cn_list cn_union.u_list
 227: #define cn_value cn_union.u_value
 229: /*
 230:  * enumeration definition structure.
 231:  */
 232: struct enumtag {
 233:     char * en_name;         /* C name for this tag */
 234:     unsigned short en_value;
 235: };
 237: /*
 238:  * Kinds of translation functions
 239:  */
 240: enum translation {
 241:     EXTERNALIZE,
 242:     INTERNALIZE,
 243: };
 245: /*
 246:  * Predefined types.
 247:  */
 248: extern struct type
 249:     *Boolean_type,
 250:     *Cardinal_type, *LongCardinal_type,
 251:     *Integer_type, *LongInteger_type,
 252:     *String_type,
 253:     *Unspecified_type, *LongUnspecified_type,
 254:     *NilRecord_type,
 255:     *StreamEnum_type;
 257: /*
 258:  * symbol table management routines
 259:  */
 260: extern struct object
 261:     *check_def(), *make_symbol(), *make_module();
 262: /*
 263:  * routines for entering types in the parse tree
 264:  */
 265: extern struct type
 266:     *make_type(),
 267:     *enumeration_type(), *array_type(),
 268:     *sequence_type(), *record_type(), *choice_type(),
 269:     *procedure_type(), *error_type();
 270: /*
 271:  * routines for entering constants in the parse tree
 272:  */
 273: extern struct constant
 274:     *Boolean_constant(), *Numeric_constant(),
 275:     *String_constant(),
 276:     *array_constant(), *choice_constant(),
 277:     *record_constant(), *enumeration_constant();
 278: /*
 279:  * list headers for all the procedures and errors seen in this module
 280:  */
 281: extern list Procedures, Errors;
 282: /*
 283:  * basic lispish functions
 284:  */
 285: extern list cons(), nconc();
 286: /*
 287:  * files we'll be using
 288:  */
 289: extern FILE *header, *header1, *support1, *support2, *client, *server;
 291: /*
 292:  * random global variables
 293:  */
 294: extern char *CurrentProgram;
 295: extern int CurrentVersion, CurrentNumber;
 296: extern char *input_file;
 297: extern int recursive_flag;
 299: /*
 300:  * more functions
 301:  */
 302: extern char *refstr(), *xfn(), *copy(), *gensym(), *make_full_name();
 303: extern char *malloc(), *calloc(), *strcpy();

Defined struct's

cons defined in line 46; used 8 times
constant defined in line 216; used 107 times
enumtag defined in line 232; used 3 times
object defined in line 97; used 94 times
type defined in line 139; used 161 times

Defined enum's

class defined in line 69; used 2 times
  • in line 99(2)
constr defined in line 80; used 8 times
severity defined in line 37; used 2 times
translation defined in line 240; used 4 times

Defined typedef's

Defined macros

ONIL defined in line 60; used 4 times
cadr defined in line 57; never used
cddr defined in line 58; never used
enumvalue_of defined in line 119; used 1 times
o_symboltable defined in line 114; used 3 times
o_type defined in line 111; used 16 times
ocar defined in line 61; never used
ocdr defined in line 62; used 2 times
t_args defined in line 189; never used
t_basetype defined in line 186; never used
t_candidates defined in line 188; never used
t_constr defined in line 179; never used
t_designator defined in line 187; never used
t_errors defined in line 191; never used
t_list defined in line 184; never used
t_name defined in line 182; never used
t_pfname defined in line 180; never used
t_results defined in line 190; never used
t_size defined in line 185; never used
t_ufname defined in line 181; never used
t_xsize defined in line 183; never used
type_array defined in line 164; used 2 times
type_choice defined in line 167; used 2 times
type_procedure defined in line 170; used 3 times
typename defined in line 161; used 87 times
value_of defined in line 118; never used

Usage of this include

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