1: /* $Header$ */
   3: /*
   4:  * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
   5:  */
   6: #include <ctype.h>
   7: #include <stdio.h>
   8: #include "date.h"
   9: #include "from.h"
  10: #include "null.h"
  11: #include "yesno.h"
  13: #define INCRFROM    1000        /* amount to increase From ptr array */
  14: #define MAXFROM     1000        /* initial size of From pointer array */
  16: static FROM **Fromp;            /* pointer to "From " pointer array */
  17: static int Ifrom;           /* current "From " ptr array index */
  18: static int Maxfrom = MAXFROM;       /* maximum number of "From " lines */
  19: static int Nfrom;           /* number of "From " lines */
  21: /*
  22:  * fromcmp() compares the dates of two "From " lines and returns an integer
  23:  * less than, equal to, or greater than zero, according to the chronological
  24:  * order of the dates.
  25:  */
  26: static int
  27: fromcmp(f1, f2)
  28:     register FROM **f1;     /* FROM struct pointer */
  29:     register FROM **f2;     /* FROM struct pointer */
  30: {
  31:     register int d;         /* relative time */
  33:     if ((d = (*f1)->bdt.t_year - (*f2)->bdt.t_year) < 0 || d > 0)
  34:         return(d);
  35:     else if ((d = (*f1)->bdt.t_mon - (*f2)->bdt.t_mon) < 0 || d > 0)
  36:         return(d);
  37:     else if ((d = (*f1)->bdt.t_day - (*f2)->bdt.t_day) < 0 || d > 0)
  38:         return(d);
  39:     else if ((d = (*f1)->bdt.t_hour - (*f2)->bdt.t_hour) < 0 || d > 0)
  40:         return(d);
  41:     else if ((d = (*f1)->bdt.t_min - (*f2)->bdt.t_min) < 0 || d > 0)
  42:         return(d);
  43:     return((*f1)->bdt.t_sec - (*f2)->bdt.t_sec);
  44: }
  48: /*
  49:  * isfrom() returns a pointer to a "From " line struct if a "From " line,
  50:  * otherwise NULL.
  51:  */
  52: FROM *
  53: isfrom(linebuf)
  54:     char *linebuf;          /* line to be examined */
  55: {
  56:     static FROM from;       /* "From " line struct */
  57:     static char frombuf[BUFSIZ];    /* parsed "From " line buffer */
  58:     char *strcpy();         /* string copy */
  59:     int  isdate();          /* is string a ctime(3) date? */
  60:     int strncmp();          /* compare strings for n chars */
  61:     void parsefrom();       /* parse "From " line */
  63:     if (strncmp(linebuf, "From ", 5) != 0)
  64:         return(0);
  65:     /*
  66: 	 * save a copy of linebuf in frombuf because parsefrom()
  67: 	 * breaks up the buffer into several strings and assigns
  68: 	 * from struct pointers to those strings
  69: 	 */
  70:     strcpy(frombuf, linebuf);
  71:     parsefrom(frombuf, &from);
  72:     if (!isdate(from.date))
  73:         return(NULL);
  74:     return(&from);
  75: }
  79: /*
  80:  * initfrom() creates a "From " pointer array and initializes it with
  81:  * a dummy from struct to take care of spurious lines of information
  82:  * before the first "From " line in the file. Returns a pointer to the
  83:  * from struct, or NULL if out of memory.
  84:  */
  85: FROM *
  86: initfrom()
  87: {
  88:     char *calloc();         /* zeroed memory allocation */
  89:     char *malloc();         /* memory allocator */
  91:     if ((Fromp=(FROM **) malloc((unsigned)Maxfrom*sizeof(FROM *))) == NULL)
  92:         return((FROM *) NULL);
  93:     Ifrom = 0;
  94:     if ((Fromp[Ifrom] = (FROM *) calloc(1, sizeof(FROM))) == NULL)
  95:         return((FROM *) NULL);
  96:     Nfrom = 1;
  97:     return(Fromp[Ifrom]);
  98: }
 102: /*
 103:  * nextword() collects a liberal (blank, tab delimited) word and returns a
 104:  * pointer to the next word or string.
 105:  */
 106: char *
 107: nextword(word, bp)
 108:     register char *bp;      /* buffer pointer */
 109:     char **word;            /* word or string */
 110: {
 111:     for (; *bp != '\0' && isspace(*bp); bp++)
 112:         continue;
 113:     *word = bp;
 114:     for (; *bp != '\0' && !isspace(*bp); bp++)
 115:         continue;
 116:     *bp++ = '\0';
 117:     for (; *bp != '\0' && isspace(*bp); bp++)
 118:         continue;
 119:     return(bp);
 120: }
 124: /*
 125:  * outfrom() copies an input stream to an output stream in chronological
 126:  * order of "From " messages. Returns YES if successful, otherwise NO.
 127:  */
 128: outfrom(ifp, ofp)
 129:     register FILE *ifp;     /* input stream */
 130:     register FILE *ofp;     /* output stream */
 131: {
 132:     register int c;         /* current character */
 133:     register int i;         /* "From " pointer array index */
 134:     register int n;         /* character counter */
 136:     for (i = 0; i < Nfrom; i++)
 137:         {
 138:         fseek(ifp, Fromp[i]->m_seek, 0);
 139:         for (n = Fromp[i]->m_len; n > 0; n--)
 140:             {
 141:             c = getc(ifp);
 142:             if (putc(c, ofp) == EOF)
 143:                 return(NO);
 144:             }
 145:         }
 146:     return(YES);
 147: }
 151: /*
 152:  * parsefrom splits a "From " line into its components and sets from
 153:  * struct pointers into frombuf.
 154:  */
 155: void
 156: parsefrom(frombuf, from)
 157:     char *frombuf;          /* "From " line buffer */
 158:     FROM *from;         /* "From " line struct */
 159: {
 160:     register char *dp;      /* date pointer */
 161:     register char *fb;      /* frombuf pointer */
 162:     char *nextword();       /* get word & go to next word */
 163:     char *skipword();       /* skip to next word */
 164:     char *strcpy();         /* string copy */
 165:     int strncmp();          /* compare strings for n chars */
 167:     fb = frombuf;
 168:     fb = nextword(&from->from, skipword(fb));
 169:     if (strncmp("tty", fb, 3) == 0)
 170:         fb = nextword(&from->tty, skipword(fb));
 171:     from->date = fb;
 172:     for (dp = fb; *dp != '\n' && *dp != '\0'; dp++)
 173:         continue;
 174:     *dp = '\0';
 175: }
 179: /*
 180:  * savefrom() saves a "From " struct somewhere and appends it to the From
 181:  * pointer array. The array is extended if necessary. Returns a pointer
 182:  * to the somewhere, or NULL if out of memory.
 183:  */
 184: FROM *
 185: savefrom(f)
 186:     FROM *f;            /* "From " line struct */
 187: {
 188:     char *malloc();         /* memory allocator */
 189:     char *realloc();        /* reallocate memory block */
 191:     if (Nfrom > Maxfrom)
 192:         {
 193:         Maxfrom += INCRFROM;
 194:         if ((Fromp = (FROM **) realloc((char *)Fromp,
 195:              (unsigned)Maxfrom*sizeof(FROM *))) == NULL)
 196:             return((FROM *) NULL);
 197:         }
 198:     if ((Fromp[++Ifrom] = (FROM *) malloc(sizeof(FROM))) == NULL)
 199:         return((FROM *) NULL);
 200:     Nfrom++;
 202:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_sec = f->bdt.t_sec;
 203:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_min = f->bdt.t_min;
 204:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_hour = f->bdt.t_hour;
 205:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_day = f->bdt.t_day;
 206:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_mon = f->bdt.t_mon;
 207:     Fromp[Ifrom]->bdt.t_year = f->bdt.t_year;
 208:     Fromp[Ifrom]->m_seek = f->m_seek;
 209:     Fromp[Ifrom]->m_len = 0;
 210:     return(Fromp[Ifrom]);
 211: }
 215: /*
 216:  * sortfrom() sorts "From " lines chronologically.
 217:  */
 218: void
 219: sortfrom()
 220: {
 221:     int fromcmp();          /* compare "From " lines by date */
 223:     qsort((char *) Fromp, Nfrom, sizeof(FROM *), fromcmp);
 224: }

Defined functions

fromcmp defined in line 26; used 2 times
initfrom defined in line 85; used 2 times
isfrom defined in line 52; used 7 times
nextword defined in line 106; used 3 times
outfrom defined in line 128; used 2 times
parsefrom defined in line 155; used 2 times
savefrom defined in line 184; used 2 times
sortfrom defined in line 218; used 2 times

Defined variables

Fromp defined in line 16; used 18 times
Ifrom defined in line 17; used 13 times
Maxfrom defined in line 18; used 4 times
Nfrom defined in line 19; used 5 times

Defined macros

INCRFROM defined in line 13; used 1 times
MAXFROM defined in line 14; used 1 times
  • in line 18
Last modified: 1985-07-03
Generated: 2016-12-26
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