1: /* $Header$ */
3: /*
4: * Project directory list definitions
5: *
6: * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
7: */
9: /*
10: * Singly-linked project directory list macros
11: */
12: #define pdnum(pdlist) (pdlist)->nd
13: /*
14: * Singly-linked project directory list block
15: */
16: typedef struct _pdblk
17: {
18: char *ppath; /* project directory project pathname */
19: char *rpath; /* project directory regular pathname */
20: char *project; /* project directory's project */
21: struct _pdblk *next; /* ptr to next list block */
22: } PDBLK;
23: /*
24: * Singly-linked project directory list head block
25: */
26: typedef struct _pdlisthb
27: {
28: int nd; /* number of directories in list */
29: PDBLK *head; /* pointer to first list block */
30: } PDLIST;
31: /*
32: * Functions defined for singly-linked project directory list operations
33: */
34: extern PDLIST *pdinit(); /* initialize project directory list */
35: extern char *pdprepend(); /* prepend project directory */
36: extern void pdrm(); /* remove project directory list */
37: extern void pdsort(); /* sort project directory list */
Defined struct's
Defined typedef's
defined in line
22; used 13 times
defined in line
30; used 11 times
Defined macros
defined in line
never used
Usage of this include