/* $Header: last.c,v 4.3 85/05/01 11:42:16 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: last.c,v $ * Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:42:16 lwall * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd. * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "common.h" #include "rn.h" #include "util.h" #include "intrp.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "last.h" char *lastname = Nullch; /* path name of .rnlast file */ void last_init(tcbuf) char *tcbuf; { lastname = savestr(filexp(LASTNAME)); if ((tmpfp = fopen(lastname,"r")) != Nullfp) { fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp); tcbuf[strlen(tcbuf)-1] = '\0'; lastngname = savestr(tcbuf); fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp); lasttime = atol(tcbuf); fgets(tcbuf,1024,tmpfp); lastactsiz = atol(tcbuf); fclose(tmpfp); } else { lastngname = nullstr; lasttime = 0; lastactsiz = 0; } } /* put out certain values for next run of rn */ void writelast() { if ((tmpfp = fopen(lastname,"w")) != Nullfp) { fprintf(tmpfp,"%s\n%ld\n%ld\n",ngname,(long)lasttime,(long)lastactsiz); fclose(tmpfp); } else printf(cantcreate,lastname) FLUSH; }