/* * RCS file input */ static char rcsid[]= "$Header: /usr/wft/RCS/SRC/RCS/rcssyn.c,v 3.6 83/01/15 17:46:50 wft Exp $ Purdue CS"; /********************************************************************************* * Syntax Analysis. * Keyword table * Testprogram: define SYNDB * Compatibility with Release 2: define COMPAT2 ********************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 1982 by Walter F. Tichy * Purdue University * Computer Science Department * West Lafayette, IN 47907 * * All rights reserved. No part of this software may be sold or distributed * in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the * author. * Report problems and direct all inquiries to Tichy@purdue (ARPA net). */ /* $Log: rcssyn.c,v $ * Revision 3.6 83/01/15 17:46:50 wft * Changed readdelta() to initialize selector and log-pointer. * Changed puttree to check for selector==DELETE; putdtext() uses DELNUMFORM. * * Revision 3.5 82/12/08 21:58:58 wft * renamed Commentleader to Commleader. * * Revision 3.4 82/12/04 13:24:40 wft * Added routine gettree(), which updates keeplock after reading the * delta tree. * * Revision 3.3 82/11/28 21:30:11 wft * Reading and printing of Suffix removed; version COMPAT2 skips the * Suffix for files of release 2 format. Fixed problems with printing nil. * * Revision 3.2 82/10/18 21:18:25 wft * renamed putdeltatext to putdtext. * * Revision 3.1 82/10/11 19:45:11 wft * made sure getc() returns into an integer. */ /* #define COMPAT2 /* version COMPAT2 reads files of the format of release 2 and 3, but * generates files of release 3 format. Need not be defined if no * old RCS files generated with release 2 exist. */ /* #define SYNDB /* version SYNDB is for debugging the syntax analysis for RCS files. * SYNDB performs additional error checks. */ /* #define SYNTEST /* version SYNTEST inputs a RCS file and then prints out its internal * data structures. */ #include "rcsbase.h" extern FILE * finptr; /*RCS input file*/ extern char * getid(); extern struct hshentry * getnum(); extern int getkey(); extern int getlex(); extern char * malloc(); extern readstring(); extern int savestring(); /* forward */ char * getkeyval(); int delta(); /* keyword table */ char * Kaccess = "access"; char * Kauthor = "author"; char * Kbranches = "branches"; char * Kcomment = "comment"; char * Kdate = "date"; char * Kdesc = "desc"; char * Khead = "head"; char * Klocks = "locks"; char * Klog = "log"; char * Knext = "next"; char * Kstate = "state"; char * Kstrict = "strict"; char * Ksuffix = "suffix"; char * Ksymbols = "symbols"; char * Ktext = "text"; #define COMMLENGTH 20 char Commleader[COMMLENGTH]; char * Comment = ""; struct access * AccessList =nil; struct access * LastAccess =nil; struct assoc * Symbols =nil; struct assoc * LastSymbol =nil; struct lock * Locks =nil; struct lock * LastLock =nil; int StrictLocks=false; struct hshentry * Head =nil; int TotalDeltas=0; getadmin() /* Function: Reads an and initializes the globals * AccessList, LastAccess, Symbols, LastSymbol, * Locks, LastLock, StrictLocks, Head, Comment, TotalDeltas; */ { register char * id; struct access * newaccess; struct assoc * newassoc; struct lock * newlock; struct hshentry * delta; Comment=""; AccessList=LastAccess=nil; Symbols=LastSymbol=nil; Locks=LastLock=nil; Head = nil; TotalDeltas=0; if (!getkey(Khead)) fatserror("Missing head"); Head=getnum(); # ifdef SYNDB if (Head&&((countnumflds(Head->num)%2)!=0)) serror("Delta number required for head"); # endif if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after head"); #ifdef COMPAT2 /* read suffix. Only in release 2 format */ if (getkey(Ksuffix)) { if (nexttok==STRING) { readstring(); nextlex(); /*through away the suffix*/ } elsif(nexttok==ID) { nextlex(); } if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after %s",Ksuffix); } #endif if (!getkey(Kaccess)) fatserror("Missing access list"); while (id=getid()) { newaccess = (struct access *)malloc(sizeof(struct access)); newaccess->login = id; newaccess->nextaccess = nil; if (AccessList == nil) { AccessList=LastAccess=newaccess; } else { LastAccess=LastAccess->nextaccess=newaccess; } } if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after access list"); if (!getkey(Ksymbols)) fatserror("Missing symbols"); while (id = getid()) { if (!getlex(COLON)) serror("Missing ':' in symbolic name definition"); if (!(delta=getnum())) { serror("Missing number in symbolic name definition"); } else { /*add new pair to association list*/ newassoc=(struct assoc *)malloc(sizeof(struct assoc)); newassoc->symbol=id; newassoc->delta=delta; newassoc->nextassoc=nil; if (Symbols == nil) { Symbols=LastSymbol=newassoc; } else { LastSymbol=LastSymbol->nextassoc=newassoc; } } } if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after symbolic names"); if (!getkey(Klocks)) serror("Missing locks"); while (id = getid()) { if (!getlex(COLON)) serror("Missing ':' in lock"); if (!(delta=getnum())) { serror("Missing number in lock"); } else { /*add new pair to lock list*/ # ifdef SYNDB if ((countnumflds(delta->num)%2)!=0) serror("Delta number required for lock"); # endif newlock=(struct lock *)malloc(sizeof(struct lock)); newlock->login=id; newlock->delta=delta; newlock->nextlock=nil; if (Locks == nil) { Locks=LastLock=newlock; } else { LastLock=LastLock->nextlock=newlock; } } } if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after locks"); if (!getkey(Kstrict)) { StrictLocks = false; } else { StrictLocks = true; if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after keyword %s",Kstrict); } if (getkey(Kcomment) && (nexttok==STRING)) { savestring(Commleader,COMMLENGTH);nextlex(); Comment=Commleader; if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after %s",Kcomment); } } getdelta() /* Function: reads a delta block. * returns false if the current block does not start with a number. */ { register struct hshentry * Delta, * num; struct branchhead * LastBranch, * NewBranch; if (!(Delta=getnum())) return false; # ifdef SYNDB if ((countnumflds(Delta->num)%2)!=0) serror("Delta number required"); # endif hshenter = false; /*Don't enter dates into hashtable*/ Delta->date = getkeyval(Kdate, NUM, false); hshenter=true; /*reset hshenter for revision numbers.*/ Delta->author = getkeyval(Kauthor, ID, false); Delta->state = getkeyval(Kstate, ID, true); if (!getkey(Kbranches)) fatserror("Missing branches"); Delta->branches = LastBranch=nil; while (num=getnum()) { # ifdef SYNDB if ((countnumflds(num->num)%2)!=0) serror("Delta number required"); # endif NewBranch = (struct branchhead *)malloc(sizeof(struct branchhead)); NewBranch->hsh = num; NewBranch->nextbranch = nil; if (LastBranch == nil) { Delta->branches=LastBranch=NewBranch; } else { LastBranch=LastBranch->nextbranch=NewBranch; } } if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after branches"); if (!getkey(Knext)) fatserror("Missing next"); Delta->next=num=getnum(); # ifdef SYNDB if (num&&((countnumflds(num->num)%2)!=0)) serror("Delta number required"); # endif if (!getlex(SEMI)) serror("Missing ';' after next"); Delta->log=Delta->lockedby = nil; Delta->selector = '\0'; TotalDeltas++; return (true); } gettree() /* Function: Reads in the delta tree with getdelta(), then * updates the lockedby fields. Returns the total number of deltas read. */ { struct lock * currlock; while (getdelta()); currlock=Locks; while (currlock) { currlock->delta->lockedby = currlock->login; currlock = currlock->nextlock; } return TotalDeltas; } getdesc(prdesc) int prdesc; /* Function: read in descriptive text * nexttok is not advanced afterwards. * if prdesc==true, the text is printed to stdout. */ { if (!getkey(Kdesc) || (nexttok!=STRING)) fatserror("Missing descriptive text"); if (prdesc) printstring(); /*echo string*/ else readstring(); /*skip string*/ } char * getkeyval(keyword, token, optional) enum tokens token; char * keyword; int optional; /* reads a pair of the form * ; * where token is one of or . optional indicates whether * is optional. A pointer to * the acutal character string of or node read with getadmin() to file fout. * Assumption: Variables AccessList, Symbols, Locks, StrictLocks, * and Head have been set. */ { struct assoc * curassoc; struct lock * curlock; struct access * curaccess; register char * sp; fputs(Khead,fout); fputs(" ",fout); if (Head) fputs(Head->num,fout); fprintf(fout,";\n%s ",Kaccess); curaccess = AccessList; if (curaccess==nil) putc(' ',fout); while (curaccess) { putc(' ',fout); fputs(curaccess->login,fout); curaccess = curaccess->nextaccess; } fprintf(fout,";\n%s ",Ksymbols); curassoc = Symbols; if (curassoc==nil) putc(' ',fout); while (curassoc) { fprintf(fout," %s:%s",curassoc->symbol, curassoc->delta->num); curassoc = curassoc->nextassoc; } fprintf(fout,";\n%s ",Klocks); curlock = Locks; if (curlock==nil) putc(' ',fout); while (curlock) { fprintf(fout," %s:%s",curlock->login, curlock->delta->num); curlock = curlock->nextlock; } if (StrictLocks) fprintf(fout,"; %s",Kstrict); fprintf(fout,";\n%s %c",Kcomment,SDELIM); if((sp=Comment)!=nil) { while (*sp) if (putc(*sp++,fout)==SDELIM) putc(SDELIM,fout); } fprintf(fout,"%c;\n\n",SDELIM); } putdelta(node,fout) register struct hshentry * node; register FILE * fout; /* Function: prints a node to fout; */ { struct branchhead * nextbranch; if (node == nil) return; fprintf(fout,"\n%s\n",node->num); fprintf(fout,"%s %s; %s %s; %s ", Kdate,node->date,Kauthor,node->author,Kstate); if (node->state!=nil) fputs(node->state,fout); fputs(";\nbranches",fout); nextbranch = node->branches; if (nextbranch==nil) putc(' ',fout); while (nextbranch) { putc(' ',fout); fputs(nextbranch->hsh->num,fout); nextbranch = nextbranch->nextbranch; } fprintf(fout,";\n%s ",Knext); if (node->next!=nil) fputs(node->next->num,fout); fputs(";\n",fout); } puttree(root,fout) struct hshentry * root; register FILE * fout; /* Function: prints the delta tree in preorder to fout, starting with root. */ { struct branchhead * nextbranch; if (root==nil) return; if (root->selector !=DELETE)putdelta(root,fout); /* selector DELETE means deleted; set by rcs -o */ puttree(root->next,fout); nextbranch = root->branches; while (nextbranch) { puttree(nextbranch->hsh,fout); nextbranch = nextbranch->nextbranch; } } int putdtext(num,log,srcfilename,fout) char * num, * log, * srcfilename; FILE * fout; /* Function: write a deltatext-node to fout. * num points to the deltanumber, log to the logmessage, and * sourcefile contains the text. Doubles up all SDELIMs in both the * log and the text; Makes sure the log message ends in \n. * returns false on error. */ { register char * sp; register int c; register FILE * fin; fprintf(fout,DELNUMFORM,num,Klog); /* put log */ putc(SDELIM,fout); sp=log; while (*sp) if (putc(*sp++,fout)==SDELIM) putc(SDELIM,fout); if (*(sp-1)!='\n') putc('\n', fout); /*append \n if necessary*/ /* put text */ fprintf(fout, "%c\n%s\n%c",SDELIM,Ktext,SDELIM); if ((fin=fopen(srcfilename,"r"))==NULL) { error("Can't open source file %s",srcfilename); return false; } while ((c=fgetc(fin))!=EOF) { if (c==SDELIM) putc(SDELIM,fout); /*double up SDELIM*/ putc(c,fout); } putc(SDELIM,fout);putc('\n',fout); fclose(fin); return true; } #ifdef SYNTEST main(argc,argv) int argc; char * argv[]; { cmdid = "syntest"; if (argc<2) { fputs("No input file\n",stderr); exit(-1); } if ((finptr=fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { faterror("Can't open input file %s\n",argv[1]); } Lexinit(); getadmin(); putadmin(stdout); gettree(); puttree(Head,stdout); getdesc(true); if (nextlex(),nexttok!=EOFILE) { fatserror("Syntax error"); } exit(0); } cleanup(){} /*dummy*/ #endif