1: #define     MAINLINE
   2: #include    "parms.h"
   3: #include    "structs.h"
   5: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   6: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: main.c,v 85/03/08 10:40:05 notes Rel $";
   7: #endif	RCSIDENT
   9: /*
  10:  *	this  main program will take in a notefile name, and
  11:  *	then proceed to handle all of the processing for it. This includes
  12:  *	calling all of the appropriate routines. It should stay in the
  13:  *	package pretty much as is. It may not be the master routine, but
  14:  *	it will be the chief 'driver' while within a particular note.
  15:  *
  16:  *	Original author: Rob Kolstad	Winter, 1980.
  17:  *	Modifications:	Ray Essick	June, 1981.
  18:  *	Modified more:	Ray Essick	May, 1982.
  19:  *
  20:  *
  21:  */
  24: static int  seqon = NOSEQ;              /* sequencer mode */
  26: main (argc, argv)
  27: char  **argv;
  28: {
  30:     int     i;
  31:     char   *p,
  32:            *q,
  33:            *calledas;
  34:     int     autoseq = 0;                /* if autoseq */
  35:     int     notesargs = 0;              /* count nf's */
  36:     int     nfsdone;
  37:     struct nflist_f *nfptr;
  38:     char    bufstdout[BUFSIZ];              /* buffer for speed */
  40:     setbuf (stdout, bufstdout);             /* buffer it */
  41:     startup (argc, argv);               /* common init */
  43:     if (globuid == Anonuid)
  44:     {
  45:     fprintf (stderr, "Sorry, you have the wrong uid (%d) to use notesfiles.\n",
  46:         globuid);
  47:     fprintf (stderr, "Consult your local system guru for more help\n");
  48:     exit (BAD);
  49:     }
  50:     if ((calledas = rindex (argv[0], '/')) != 0)    /* get invoking name */
  51:     calledas++;
  52:     else
  53:     calledas = argv[0];             /* no slash */
  54:     if (strcmp (calledas, "notes") && *calledas != '=') /* autoseq entry */
  55:     {
  56:     autoseq++;                  /* is autoseq */
  57:     setseq (NORMSEQ);               /* turn on */
  58:     }
  60: /*
  61:  *	grab some variables from the environment
  62:  */
  63:     if ((p = getenv ("SHELL")) != 0)
  64:     hisshell = p;                   /* his shell */
  65:     if ((p = getenv ("NFED")) != 0)
  66:     hised = p;                  /* and his editor */
  67:     else
  68:     if ((p = getenv ("EDITOR")) != 0)       /* try this name */
  69:         hised = p;                  /* his editor */
  71: /*
  72:  *	Scan the command line now to pluck options and
  73:  *	notesfile specifications
  74:  */
  76:     if (*calledas == '=' && calledas[1] != '\0' && argc == 1)/* a =xxx case */
  77:     {
  78:     expand (&calledas[1]);              /* nf name */
  79:     notesargs++;
  80:     }
  82:     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
  83:     {
  84:     if (argv[i][0] == '-')              /* option */
  85:     {
  86:         switch (argv[i][1])
  87:         {
  88:         case 's':               /* sequencer */
  89:         case 'x':               /* extended sequencer */
  90:         case 'i':               /* index sequencer */
  91:         case 'n':               /* no sequencer */
  92:             expand (argv[i]);           /* change mode */
  93:             break;
  95:         case 't':               /* term type */
  96:             if (++i == argc)
  97:             {
  98:             fprintf (stderr, "-t must be followed by terminal type\n");
  99:             exit (BAD);
 100:             }
 101:             histty = argv[i];
 102:             break;
 104:         case 'f':               /* -f file option */
 105:             if (++i == argc)            /* see if there is one */
 106:             {
 107:             fprintf (stderr, "-f must be followed by a file name\n");
 108:             exit (BAD);
 109:             }
 110:             readrc (argv[i]);           /* load the file */
 111:             notesargs++;            /* supplied args */
 112:             break;
 114:         case 'a':               /* alternate sequencer */
 115:             if (++i == argc)            /* supplied name? */
 116:             {
 117:             fprintf (stderr, "-a requires a name\n");
 118:             exit (BAD);
 119:             }
 120:             else
 121:             {
 122:             struct auth_f   whoami;
 123:             getname (&whoami, 0);       /* grab real name */
 124:             sprintf (Seqname, "%s:%s", whoami.aname, argv[i]);
 125:             }
 126:             break;
 128:         case 'o':               /* zero date */
 129:             if (++i == argc)            /* give a date? */
 130:             {
 131:             fprintf (stderr, "-o requires a date\n");
 132:             exit (BAD);
 133:             }
 134:             else
 135:             {
 136:             struct when_f   ztime;
 138:             switch (parsetime (argv[i], &ztime))
 139:             {
 140:                 case 0:             /* ok */
 141:                 Basetime = ztime;   /* store it */
 142:                 setseq (USERSEQ);   /* readonly */
 143:                 break;
 144:                 case -1:            /* no good */
 145:                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to parse time `%s'\n",
 146:                     Invokedas, argv[i]);
 147:                 exit (BAD);
 148:                 case -2:            /* in future */
 149:                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: parsed date (%s) is in the future\n",
 150:                     Invokedas, argv[i]);
 151:                 exit (BAD);
 152:             }
 153:             }
 154:             break;
 156:         default:
 157:             fprintf (stderr, "Bad switch: `%c'\n", argv[i][1]);
 158:         }
 159:     }
 160:     else                        /* is a notesfile */
 161:     {
 162:         expand (argv[i]);               /* add it to list */
 163:         notesargs++;                /* supplied args */
 164:     }
 165:     }
 167: /*
 168:  *	now, check some things and let it fly
 169:  */
 171:     if (autoseq)                    /* grab sequencer */
 172:     {
 173:     if ((q = getenv ("NFSEQ")) != NULL)     /* grab NFSEQ */
 174:     {
 175:         expand (q);
 176:     }
 177:     else
 178:     {
 179:         char    rcbuf[WDLEN];
 180:         sprintf (rcbuf, "%s/%s/%s", Mstdir, UTILITY, SEQFILE);
 181:         if (readrc (rcbuf) != 0)            /* system list */
 182:         expand (DFLTSEQ);           /* give him default */
 183:     }
 184:     }
 186:     if (!autoseq && !notesargs)             /* wants a list */
 187:     {
 188:     usage ();
 189:     }
 191:     intflag = 0;                    /* none yet */
 192:     catchem ();                     /* catch interupts */
 193:     ttystrt ();                     /* CBREAK mode */
 195:     nfsdone = 0;                    /* count groups */
 196:     while ((nfptr = nextgroup ()) != (struct nflist_f *) NULL)
 197:     {
 198:     switch (control (nfptr -> nf_name, (int) nfptr -> nf_seqmode))
 199:     {
 200:         case QUITFAST:              /* leave now */
 201:         case QUITUPD:               /* likewise */
 202:         goto leaving;
 204:         case QUITBAD:               /* err in name or nf */
 205:         case QUITNEX:               /* no nf there */
 206:         case (-1):                  /* "normal" return */
 207:         default:
 208:         break;
 209:     }
 210:     nfsdone++;                  /* count the ones done */
 211:     }
 212:     if (nfsdone == 0)                   /* check if did any */
 213:     {
 214:     ttystop ();                 /* turn it off */
 215:     printf ("No notesfiles processed\n");
 216:     fflush (stdout);
 217:     exit (GOOD);
 218:     }
 220: leaving:                        /* get out of here */
 221:     at (0, 1);                      /* at bottom LHS */
 222:     putc ('\n', stdout);
 223:     ttystop ();                     /* back to normal */
 224:     exit (GOOD);
 225: }
 227: /*
 228:  *	tell him how to invoke the program
 229:  */
 231: usage ()
 232: {
 233:     char    cmdline[CMDLEN];                /* build a command */
 234:     char   *command;
 235:     fprintf (stderr,
 236:         "Usage: %s [-s] [-t ttytype] [-f file] [-a seqname] topic [...]\n",
 237:         Invokedas);
 238:     fprintf (stderr, "Hit <return> to continue\n"); /* ponder this */
 239:     getc (stderr);                  /* thanks to harpo!ber 4/30/82 */
 240:     if ((command = getenv ("PAGER")) == NULL)       /* overridden? */
 241:     command = PAGER;                /* assign default */
 242: #ifndef FASTFORK
 243:     sprintf (cmdline, "%s < %s/%s/%s", command, Mstdir, UTILITY, AVAILHLP);
 244:     dounix (cmdline, 1, 0);             /* print the list */
 245: #else
 246:     sprintf (cmdline, "%s/%s/%s", Mstdir, UTILITY, AVAILHLP);
 247:     dounix (1, 0, command, cmdline, 0, 0, 0);
 248: #endif
 249:     exit (BAD);
 250: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 26; never used
usage defined in line 231; used 1 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 6; never used
seqon defined in line 24; never used

Defined macros

MAINLINE defined in line 1; never used
Last modified: 1985-10-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
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