1: #include "dump.h"
   3: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   4: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: loadvars.c,v 1.7 85/01/18 15:42:20 notes Rel $";
   5: #endif	RCSIDENT
   7: /*
   8:  *	contains the actual data used to parse RFC-822 style headers
   9:  *	to determine which type of header line this is.
  10:  *
  11:  *	Contains tables for descriptors, notes, responses, and
  12:  *	access lists.  Some of these will be null....
  13:  *
  14:  *	Ray Essick, March 1984
  15:  */
  17: struct dump_f   descrnames[] =
  18: {
  19:     "NF-Title", NF_TITLE,
  20:     "NF-Director-Message", NF_DIRECTOR_MESSAGE,
  21:     "NF-Last-Modified", NF_LAST_MODIFIED,
  22:     "NF-Status", NF_STATUS,
  23:     "NF-Id-Sequence", NF_ID_SEQUENCE,
  24:     "NF-Number", NF_NUMBER,
  25:     "NF-Last-Transmit", NF_LAST_TRANSMIT,
  26:     "NF-Created", NF_CREATED,
  27:     "NF-Last-Used", NF_LAST_USED,
  28:     "NF-Days-Used", NF_DAYS_USED,
  29:     "NF-Notes-Written", NF_NOTES_WRITTEN,
  30:     "NF-Notes-Read", NF_NOTES_READ,
  31:     "NF-Notes-Transmitted", NF_NOTES_TRANSMITTED,
  32:     "NF-Notes-Received", NF_NOTES_RECEIVED,
  33:     "NF-Notes-Dropped", NF_NOTES_DROPPED,
  34:     "NF-Responses-Written", NF_RESPONSES_WRITTEN,
  35:     "NF-Responses-Read", NF_RESPONSES_READ,
  36:     "NF-Responses-Transmitted", NF_RESPONSES_TRANSMITTED,
  37:     "NF-Responses-Received", NF_RESPONSES_RECEIVED,
  38:     "NF-Responses-Dropped", NF_RESPONSES_DROPPED,
  39:     "NF-Entries", NF_ENTRIES,
  40:     "NF-Walltime", NF_WALLTIME,
  41:     "NF-Orphans-Received", NF_ORPHANS_RECEIVED,
  42:     "NF-Orphans-Adopted", NF_ORPHANS_ADOPTED,
  43:     "NF-Transmits", NF_TRANSMITS,
  44:     "NF-Receives", NF_RECEIVES,
  45:     "NF-Expiration-Age", NF_EXPIRATION_AGE,
  46:     "NF-Expiration-Action", NF_EXPIRATION_ACTION,
  47:     "NF-Expiration-Status", NF_EXPIRATION_STATUS,
  48:     "NF-Working-Set-Size", NF_WORKING_SET_SIZE,
  49:     "NF-Longest-Text", NF_LONGEST_TEXT,
  50:     "NF-Policy-Exists", NF_POLICY_EXISTS,
  51:     "NF-Descriptor", NF_DESCRIPTOR,
  52:     "", -1                      /* null terminator */
  53: /*
  54:  *	Also catches an empty header type! What luck
  55:  */
  56: };
  58: /*
  59:  *	accessnames - strings and numbers used for access lists
  60:  *	(this list isn't used too much)
  61:  */
  63: struct dump_f   accessnames[] =
  64: {
  65:     "NF-Access-Right", ACCESS_RIGHT,
  66:     "Access-Right", ACCESS_RIGHT,
  67:     "NF-Access-Finished", ACCESS_FINISHED,
  68:     "", -1
  69: };
  71: /*
  72:  *	notenames - strings and numbers used for a note descriptor
  73:  */
  75: struct dump_f   notenames[] =
  76: {
  77:     "Title", NOTE_TITLE,
  78:     "Author", NOTE_AUTHOR,
  79:     "Author-UID", NOTE_AUTHOR_UID,
  80:     "Note-ID", NOTE_ID,
  81:     "Date-Written", NOTE_WRITTEN,
  82:     "Date-Received", NOTE_RECEIVED,
  83:     "Date-Modified", NOTE_MODIFIED,
  84:     "Source-System", NOTE_FROMSYS,
  85:     "Status", NOTE_STATUS,
  86:     "Text-Length", NOTE_LENGTH,
  87: #ifdef  notdef
  88: /*
  89:  *		News compatibility
  90:  *	These are untested and sure to fail since we make assumptions
  91:  *	about formats. If the variable number were different then
  92:  *	things would be OK.
  93:  */
  94:     "Posted", NOTE_WRITTEN,
  95:     "Date", NOTE_WRITTEN,
  96:     "Subject", NOTE_TITLE,
  97:     "Message-ID", NOTE_ID,              /* different format */
  98:     "Article-ID", NOTE_ID,              /* different format */
  99: #endif	notdef
 100:     "", -1
 101: };
 103: /*
 104:  *	respnames - strings and numbers used for a response descriptor
 105:  */
 107: struct dump_f   respnames[] =
 108: {
 109:     "Title", RESP_TITLE,                /* ignored */
 110:     "Parent-ID", RESP_PARENT,
 111:     "Author", RESP_AUTHOR,
 112:     "Author-UID", RESP_AUTHOR_UID,
 113:     "Response-ID", RESP_ID,
 114:     "Date-Written", RESP_WRITTEN,
 115:     "Date-Received", RESP_RECEIVED,
 116:     "Source-System", RESP_FROMSYS,
 117:     "Status", RESP_STATUS,
 118:     "Text-Length", RESP_LENGTH,
 119: #ifdef  notdef
 120: /*
 121:  *	News compatibility (sort of)
 122:  *		This stuff isn't really implemented, so be damn
 123:  *	careful before using it.
 124:  */
 125:     "Article-ID", RESP_ID,              /* what the heck */
 126:     "Message-Id", RESP_ID,              /* different format */
 127:     "Posted", RESP_WRITTEN,
 128:     "Date", RESP_WRITTEN,
 129:     "Subject", RESP_TITLE,              /* will drop */
 130: #endif	notdef
 131:     "", -1
 132: };

Defined variables

accessnames defined in line 63; used 1 times
descrnames defined in line 17; used 1 times
notenames defined in line 75; never used
rcsid defined in line 4; never used
respnames defined in line 107; never used
Last modified: 1985-10-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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