#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: dump.c,v 85/10/09 18:11:12 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * dumpnf(nfname) * * Dump a notesfile. Parameters are a notesfile name, a name * for the descriptor information, and a name for the rest * of the notesfile. * */ dumpnf (nfname, dfile) char *nfname; /* name of notesfile */ char *dfile; /* descriptor */ { struct io_f io; struct note_f note; FILE * dout; int i; if ((i = init (&io, nfname)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Problems opening notesfile %s\n", nfname); return (i); /* die */ } if (!allow (&io, READOK)) /* no read access! */ { fprintf (stderr, "You aren't allowed to read %s\n", nfname); closenf (&io); return (-1); } if (!strcmp (dfile, "-")) /* use stdout */ dout = stdout; else if ((dout = fopen (dfile, "w")) == NULL) /* a real file */ { closenf (&io); /* die */ return (-1); } dmpdescr (&io, dout); /* dump descriptor */ dmpaccess (&io, dout); /* access list out */ for (i = 1; i <= io.descr.d_nnote; i++) /* dump each note */ { getnrec (&io, i, ¬e); /* get record */ if (note.n_stat & DELETED) continue; /* ignore */ dmpnote (&io, ¬e, i, dout, DETAIL, 0); /* base note */ dmprall (&io, ¬e, i, dout, DETAIL, 0); /* and responses */ } fclose (dout); /* close descriptor */ closenf (&io); /* and notesfile */ return (0); /* return nicely */ } /* * dmpdescr * * Dump a notesfile descriptor and it's policy note if there is * one. Send it to the supplied stdio file. * */ dmpdescr (io, dmpfile) struct io_f *io; FILE * dmpfile; { char buf[128]; /* hold strings */ register int i; getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* grab descriptor */ fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Title: %s\n", io -> descr.d_title); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Director-Message: %s\n", io -> descr.d_drmes); sprdate (&io -> descr.d_lastm, buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Last-Modified: %s\n", buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Status:"); /* status */ { if (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK) fprintf (dmpfile, " Anonymous"); if (io -> descr.d_stat & OPEN) fprintf (dmpfile, " Open"); if (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD) fprintf (dmpfile, " Networked"); if (io -> descr.d_stat & ISARCH) fprintf (dmpfile, " Archive"); } putc ('\n', dmpfile); /* end status line */ fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Id-Sequence: %ld@%s\n", io -> descr.d_id.uniqid, io -> descr.d_id.sys); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Number: %ld\n", (long) io -> descr.d_nfnum); sprdate (&io -> descr.d_lstxmit, buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Last-Transmit: %s\n", buf); sprdate (&io -> descr.d_created, buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Created: %s\n", buf); sprdate (&io -> descr.d_lastuse, buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Last-Used: %s\n", buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Days-Used: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_daysused); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Notes-Written: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_notwrit); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Notes-Read: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_notread); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Notes-Transmitted: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_notxmit); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Notes-Received: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_notrcvd); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Notes-Dropped: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_notdrop); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Responses-Written: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_rspwrit); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Responses-Read: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_rspread); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Responses-Transmitted: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_rspxmit); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Responses-Received: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_rsprcvd); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Responses-Dropped: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_rspdrop); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Entries: %ld\n", io -> descr.entries); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Walltime: %ld seconds\n", io -> descr.walltime); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Orphans-Received: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_orphans); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Orphans-Adopted: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_adopted); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Transmits: %ld\n", io -> descr.netwrkouts); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Receives: %ld\n", io -> descr.netwrkins); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Expiration-Age: %ld Days\n", io -> descr.d_archtime); switch ((int) io -> descr.d_archkeep) { case KEEPYES: strcpy (buf, "Archive"); break; case KEEPNO: strcpy (buf, "Delete"); break; default: strcpy (buf, "Default"); break; } fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Expiration-Action: %s\n", buf); switch ((int) io -> descr.d_dmesgstat) { case DIRON: strcpy (buf, "On"); break; case DIROFF: strcpy (buf, "Off"); break; case DIRNOCARE: strcpy (buf, "Either"); break; default: strcpy (buf, "Default"); break; } fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Expiration-Status: %s\n", buf); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Working-Set-Size: %ld\n", io -> descr.d_workset); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Longest-Text: %ld bytes\n", io -> descr.d_longnote); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Policy-Exists: %s\n", io -> descr.d_plcy ? "Yes" : "No"); fprintf (dmpfile, "NF-Descriptor: Finished\n"); /* mark as done */ /* * dump the policy note if there is one */ if (io -> descr.d_plcy) /* if a policy note */ { /* dump it */ struct note_f note; getnrec (io, 0, ¬e); dmpnote (io, ¬e, 0, dmpfile, DETAIL, 0); /* dump it */ } } /* * dmpaccess(&io) * * dump the access list. * short circuited for now. */ dmpaccess (io, dfile) struct io_f *io; FILE * dfile; { struct perm_f perms[NPERMS]; /* access rights */ int nperms; /* and how many */ char pathname[WDLEN]; char *atype; char mode[32]; /* at most 5 */ int i; FILE * afile; sprintf (pathname, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, ACCESS); x ((afile = fopen (pathname, "r")) == NULL, "dmpaccess: no access list"); x ((nperms = fread (perms, sizeof (struct perm_f), NPERMS, afile)) == 0, "dmpaccess: empty access list"); fclose (afile); /* all done */ for (i = 0; i < nperms; i++) { switch (perms[i].ptype) { case PERMUSER: atype = "User"; break; case PERMGROUP: atype = "Group"; break; case PERMSYSTEM: atype = "System"; break; default: atype = "Bizarro"; break; } strcpy (mode, ""); /* build it up */ if (perms[i].perms & DRCTOK) /* director */ strcat (mode, "d"); if (perms[i].perms & READOK) /* read */ strcat (mode, "r"); if (perms[i].perms & WRITOK) /* write */ strcat (mode, "w"); if (perms[i].perms & RESPOK) /* respond */ strcat (mode, "a"); fprintf (dfile, "Access-Right: %s:%s=%s\n", atype, perms[i].name, mode); } fprintf (dfile, "NF-Access-Finished:\n"); }