/* config.h * This file was produced by running the Configure script. * Feel free to modify any of this as the need arises. */ /* name of the site. May be overridden by gethostname, uname, etc. */ #define SITENAME "ucbvax" /* name of the organization, may be a file name */ #define ORGNAME "University of California, Berkeley" /* login name of news administrator, if any. */ #undef NEWSADMIN "root" /* news library, may use only ~ and %l expansion */ #define LIB "/usr/spool/news/lib" /* rn private library, may use ~ expansion, %x and %l */ #define RNLIB "/usr/local/lib/rn" /* location of the news spool directory, may use ~ expansion, %x and %l */ #define SPOOL "/tmp" /* location of the active file, may use ~ expansion, %x and %l */ #define ACTIVE "/usr/spool/news/lib/active" /* location of spooled mail */ #define MAILFILE "/usr/spool/mail/%L" /* default shell--ok to be a slow shell like csh */ #define PREFSHELL "/bin/csh" /* default editor */ #define DEFEDITOR "/usr/ucb/vi" /* root uid */ #define ROOTID 0 /* what is the first character of a mailbox? */ #define MBOXCHAR 'F' /* how to cancel an article */ #define CANCEL "/usr/spool/news/lib/inews -h <%h" /* distribution groups */ #define LOCDIST "local" #define ORGDIST "ucb" #define CITYDIST "ba" #define STATEDIST "ca" #define CNTRYDIST "usa" #define CONTDIST "na" #undef index strchr /* cultural */ #undef rindex strrchr /* differences? */ #undef void int /* is void to be avoided? */ #undef vfork fork /* is vfork too virtual? */ #undef EUNICE /* no linking? */ #undef VMS /* not currently used, here just in case */ #undef USENDIR /* include ndir.c? */ #undef LIBNDIR /* include /usr/include/ndir.h? */ #define MININACT /* include 2.10.2 optimization? */ #define PORTABLE /* do we do extra lookups to start up? */ #define PASSNAMES /* do names come from the passwd file? */ /* (undef to take name from ~/.fullname) */ #define BERKNAMES /* if so, are they Berkeley format? */ /* (that is, ":name,stuff:") */ #undef USGNAMES /* or are they USG format? */ /* (that is, ":stuff-name(stuff):") */ #undef WHOAMI /* should we include whoami.h? */ #undef TERMIO /* is this a termio system? */ #define FCNTL /* should we include fcntl.h? */ #define IOCTL /* are ioctl args all defined in one place? */ #define NORMSIG /* use signal rather than sigset? */ #define HAVETERMLIB /* do we have termlib-style routines? */ #undef GETPWENT /* need we include slow getpwent? */ #undef INTERNET /* does our mailer do INTERNET addressing? */ #define GETHOSTNAME /* do we have a gethostname function? */ #undef DOUNAME /* do we have a uname function? */ #undef PHOSTNAME "hostname" /* how to get host name with popen */ #define SERVER #define SERVER_HOST "ucbvax"