Vnews commands: (each may be preceded by a non-negative count) CR Next page or article D Decrypt a rot 13 joke n Go to next article A Go to article numbered count e Mark current article as unread < Go to article with given ID + Go forwards count articles p Go to parent article - Go to previous article ug Unsubscribe to this group ^B Go backwards count pages ^L Redraw screen ^N Go forward count lines v Print netnews version ^P Go backwards count lines q Quit ^D Go forward half a page x Quit without updating .newsrc ^U Go backwards half a page c Cancel the current article h Display article header H Display all article headers ! Escape to shell ? Display this message r Reply to article using editor K Mark rest of newsgroup read R Reply--put current article in reply b Go back 1 article in same group ESC-r Reply directly using mailer m Move on to next item in a digest f Post a followup article s Save article in file N Go to newsgroup (next is default) w Save without header l Display article (use after !, r, f, or ?) [Press l to see article again]