1: /* $Header: macro.c,v 1.3 85/05/02 07:53:52 nicklin Exp $ */
   3: /*
   4:  * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
   5:  */
   6: #include <ctype.h>
   7: #include <stdio.h>
   8: #include "Mkmf.h"
   9: #include "hash.h"
  10: #include "macro.h"
  11: #include "null.h"
  12: #include "slist.h"
  13: #include "yesno.h"
  15: extern char IOBUF[];            /* I/O buffer line */
  17: /*
  18:  * findmacro() searchs a line for a macro definition. Returns the name,
  19:  * or null if not found.
  20:  */
  21: char *
  22: findmacro(macroname, bp)
  23:     char *macroname;        /* macro name receiving buffer */
  24:     register char *bp;      /* buffer pointer */
  25: {
  26:     register char *mp;      /* macro name pointer */
  28:     mp = macroname;
  29:     while(isalnum(*bp))
  30:         *mp++ = *bp++;
  31:     *mp = '\0';
  32:     while(*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t')
  33:         bp++;
  34:     if (*bp != '=')
  35:         return(NULL);
  36:     return(macroname);
  37: }
  41: /*
  42:  * getmacro() loads the body of a macro definition into mdefbuf and returns
  43:  * a pointer to mdefbuf. If the macro definition continues on more than
  44:  * one line further lines are fetched from the input stream.
  45:  */
  46: char *
  47: getmacro(mdefbuf, stream)
  48:     char *mdefbuf;          /* receiving macro definition buffer */
  49:     FILE *stream;           /* input stream */
  50: {
  51:     extern short CONTINUE;      /* does the line continue? */
  52:     char *getlin();         /* get a line from input stream */
  53:     register char *bp;      /* buffer pointer */
  54:     register char *mp;      /* macro definition buffer pointer */
  56:     bp = IOBUF;
  57:     mp = mdefbuf;
  58:     while (*bp++ != '=')
  59:         continue;
  60:     if (WHITESPACE(*bp))
  61:         bp++;
  62:     while (*bp != '\0')
  63:         *mp++ = *bp++;
  64:     while (CONTINUE == YES)
  65:         {
  66:         *mp++ = ' ';
  67:         if (getlin(stream) == NULL)
  68:             break;
  69:         bp = IOBUF;
  70:         while (*bp != '\0')
  71:             *mp++ = *bp++;
  72:         }
  73:     *mp = '\0';
  74:     return(mdefbuf);
  75: }
  79: /*
  80:  * putmacro() prints a macro definition from the macro definition table.
  81:  */
  82: void
  83: putmacro(macrovalue, stream)
  84:     char *macrovalue;       /* value of macro definition */
  85:     register FILE *stream;      /* output stream */
  86: {
  87:     register char *iop;     /* IOBUF pointer */
  88:     register int c;         /* current character */
  90:     iop = IOBUF;
  91:     while ((c = *iop++) != '=')
  92:         putc(c, stream);
  93:     fprintf(stream, "= %s\n", macrovalue);
  94: }
  98: /*
  99:  * putobjmacro() derives and prints object file names from the SRCLIST list.
 100:  */
 101: void
 102: putobjmacro(stream)
 103:     register FILE *stream;      /* output stream */
 104: {
 105:     extern SLIST *SRCLIST;      /* source file name list */
 106:     register char *iop;     /* IOBUF pointer */
 107:     register int c;         /* current character */
 108:     char *rindex();         /* find last occurrence of character */
 109:     char *suffix;           /* suffix pointer */
 110:     HASHBLK *lookupinclude();   /* look up include name in hash table */
 111:     int cnt = 0;            /* number of object filenames printed */
 112:     int lookuptypeofinclude();  /* look up the brand of include */
 113:     int type;           /* file type */
 114:     SLBLK *lbp;         /* list block pointer */
 115:     void putobj();          /* print object file name */
 117:     iop = IOBUF;
 118:     while ((c = *iop++) != '=')
 119:         putc(c, stream);
 120:     putc('=', stream);
 121:     for (lbp = SRCLIST->head; lbp != NULL; lbp = lbp->next)
 122:         {
 123:         suffix = rindex(lbp->key, '.');
 124:         type = lookuptypeofinclude(++suffix);
 125:         if (lookupinclude(lbp->key, type) == NULL)
 126:             {
 127:             cnt += 1;
 128:             if (cnt == 1)
 129:                 {
 130:                 putc(' ', stream);
 131:                 putobj(lbp->key, stream);
 132:                 }
 133:             else    {
 134:                 fprintf(stream, " \\\n\t\t");
 135:                 putobj(lbp->key, stream);
 136:                 }
 137:             }
 138:         }
 139:     putc('\n', stream);
 140: }
 144: /*
 145:  * putslmacro() copies a macro definition from a list.
 146:  */
 147: void
 148: putslmacro(slist, stream)
 149:     SLIST *slist;           /* singly-linked macro def list */
 150:     register FILE *stream;      /* output stream */
 151: {
 152:     register char *iop;     /* IOBUF pointer */
 153:     register int c;         /* current character */
 154:     SLBLK *lbp;         /* list block pointer */
 156:     iop = IOBUF;
 157:     while ((c = *iop++) != '=')
 158:         putc(c, stream);
 159:     putc('=', stream);
 160:     if (SLNUM(slist) > 0)
 161:         {
 162:         lbp = slist->head;
 163:         fprintf(stream, " %s", lbp->key);
 164:         }
 165:     if (SLNUM(slist) > 1)
 166:         for (lbp = lbp->next; lbp != NULL; lbp = lbp->next)
 167:             fprintf(stream, " \\\n\t\t%s", lbp->key);
 168:     putc('\n', stream);
 169: }
 173: /*
 174:  * storemacro() stores a macro definition in the macro definition table.
 175:  * Returns integer YES if a macro definition (macro=definition), otherwise
 176:  * NO. exit(1) is called if out of memory.
 177:  */
 178: storemacro(macdef)
 179:     char *macdef;           /* macro definition string */
 180: {
 181:     extern HASH *MDEFTABLE;     /* macro definition table */
 182:     register int i;         /* macro value index */
 183:     register int j;         /* macro name index */
 184:     HASHBLK *htinstall();       /* install hash table entry */
 186:     for (i = 0; macdef[i] != '='; i++)
 187:         if (macdef[i] == '\0')
 188:             return(NO);
 190:     /* removing trailing blanks and tabs from end of macro name */
 191:     for (j = i; j > 0; j--)
 192:         if (!WHITESPACE(macdef[j-1]))
 193:             break;
 194:     macdef[j] = '\0';
 196:     /* remove leading blanks and tabs from macro value */
 197:     for (i++; WHITESPACE(macdef[i]); i++)
 198:         continue;
 199:     if (htinstall(macdef, macdef+i, VREADWRITE, MDEFTABLE) == NULL)
 200:         exit(1);
 201:     return(YES);
 202: }

Defined functions

findmacro defined in line 21; used 4 times
getmacro defined in line 46; used 2 times
putmacro defined in line 82; used 2 times
putobjmacro defined in line 101; used 2 times
putslmacro defined in line 147; used 5 times
storemacro defined in line 178; used 2 times
Last modified: 1985-07-03
Generated: 2016-12-26
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