1: /* $Header: buildlist.c,v 1.3 86/01/12 00:49:30 lepreau Exp $ */
   3: /*
   4:  * Author: Peter J. Nicklin
   5:  */
   6: #include <sys/types.h>
   7: #include <sys/dir.h>
   8: #include <stdio.h>
   9: #include <ctype.h>
  10: #include "Mkmf.h"
  11: #include "hash.h"
  12: #include "null.h"
  13: #include "path.h"
  14: #include "slist.h"
  15: #include "suffix.h"
  16: #include "system.h"
  17: #include "yesno.h"
  19: /*
  20:  * buftolist() copies the items from a buffer to a singly-linked list.
  21:  * Returns integer YES if successful, otherwise NO.
  22:  */
  23: buftolist(buf, list)
  24:     char *buf;          /* item buffer */
  25:     SLIST *list;            /* receiving list */
  26: {
  27:     char *gettoken();       /* get next token */
  28:     char *slappend();       /* append file name to list */
  29:     char token[MAXNAMLEN];      /* item buffer */
  31:     while ((buf = gettoken(token, buf)) != NULL)
  32:         {
  33:         if (slappend(token, list) == NULL)
  34:             return(NO);
  35:         }
  36:     return(YES);
  37: }
  41: /*
  42:  * buildliblist() reads library pathnames from the LIBLIST macro
  43:  * definition, and adds them to the library pathname list. Libraries
  44:  * may be specified as `-lx'. Returns integer YES if successful,
  45:  * otherwise NO.
  46:  */
  47: buildliblist()
  48: {
  49:     extern SLIST *LIBLIST;      /* library pathname list */
  50:     extern HASH *MDEFTABLE;     /* macro definition table */
  51:     HASHBLK *htb;           /* hash table block */
  52:     HASHBLK *htlookup();        /* find hash table entry */
  53:     int libbuftolist();     /* load library pathnames into list */
  54:     SLIST *slinit();        /* initialize singly-linked list */
  55:     void htrm();            /* remove hash table entry */
  57:     LIBLIST = NULL;
  58:     if ((htb = htlookup(MLIBLIST, MDEFTABLE)) != NULL)
  59:         {
  60:         LIBLIST = slinit();
  61:         if (libbuftolist(htb->h_def, LIBLIST) == NO)
  62:             return(NO);
  63:         }
  64:     htrm(MLIBLIST, MDEFTABLE);
  65:     return(YES);
  66: }
  70: /*
  71:  * buildsrclist() takes source and header file names from command line
  72:  * macro definitions or the current directory and appends them to source
  73:  * or header file name lists as appropriate. Returns integer YES if
  74:  * if successful, otherwise NO.
  75:  */
  76: buildsrclist()
  77: {
  78:     extern HASH *MDEFTABLE;     /* macro definition table */
  79:     extern SLIST *HEADLIST;     /* header file name list */
  80:     extern SLIST *SRCLIST;      /* source file name list */
  81:     char *slappend();       /* append file name to list */
  82:     HASHBLK *headhtb;       /* HEADERS macro hash table block */
  83:     HASHBLK *htlookup();        /* find hash table entry */
  84:     HASHBLK *srchtb;        /* SOURCE macro hash table block */
  85:     int buftolist();        /* copy items from buffer to list */
  86:     int needheaders = 1;        /* need header file names */
  87:     int needsource = 1;     /* need source file names */
  88:     int read_dir();         /* read dir for source and headers */
  89:     int slsort();           /* sort singly-linked list */
  90:     int strcmp();           /* string comparison */
  91:     SLIST *slinit();        /* initialize singly-linked list */
  93:     HEADLIST = slinit();
  94:     SRCLIST = slinit();
  96:     /* build lists from command line macro definitions */
  97:     if ((headhtb = htlookup(MHEADERS, MDEFTABLE)) != NULL)
  98:         {
  99:         if (buftolist(headhtb->h_def, HEADLIST) == NO)
 100:             return(NO);
 101:         needheaders--;
 102:         }
 103:     if ((srchtb = htlookup(MSOURCE, MDEFTABLE)) != NULL)
 104:         {
 105:         if (buftolist(srchtb->h_def, SRCLIST) == NO)
 106:             return(NO);
 107:         needsource--;
 108:         }
 110:     /* read the current directory to get source and header file names */
 111:     if (needheaders || needsource)
 112:         if (read_dir(needheaders, needsource) == NO)
 113:             return(NO);
 115:     if (slsort(strcmp, SRCLIST) == NO)
 116:         return(NO);
 117:     if (slsort(strcmp, HEADLIST) == NO)
 118:         return(NO);
 119:     return(YES);
 120: }
 124: /*
 125:  * expandlibpath() converts a library file specified by `-lx' into a full
 126:  * pathname. /lib and /usr/lib are searched for the library in the form
 127:  * libx.a. An integer YES is returned if the library was found, otherwise NO.
 128:  * A library file which doesn't begin with `-' is left unchanged.
 129:  */
 130: expandlibpath(libpath)
 131:     char *libpath;          /* library pathname buffer */
 132: {
 133:     char *lib;          /* /lib library pathname template */
 134:     char *strcpy();         /* string copy */
 135:     char *usrlib;           /* /usr/lib library pathname template */
 136:     int i;              /* library pathname index */
 138:     lib = "/lib/libxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
 139:     usrlib = "/usr/lib/libxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
 141:     if (libpath[0] == '-' && libpath[1] == 'l')
 142:         {
 143:         for (i = 0; libpath[i+2] != '\0' && i < 22; i++)
 144:             {
 145:             lib[i+8] = libpath[i+2];
 146:             usrlib[i+12] = libpath[i+2];
 147:             }
 148:         lib[i+8] = usrlib[i+12] = '.';
 149:         lib[i+9] = usrlib[i+13] = 'a';
 150:         lib[i+10] = usrlib[i+14] = '\0';
 151:         if (FILEXIST(lib))
 152:             {
 153:             strcpy(libpath, lib);
 154:             return(YES);
 155:             }
 156:         else if (FILEXIST(usrlib))
 157:             {
 158:             strcpy(libpath, usrlib);
 159:             return(YES);
 160:             }
 161:         else
 162:             return(NO);
 163:         }
 164:     return(YES);
 165: }
 169: /*
 170:  * libbuftolist() appends each library pathname specified in libbuf to
 171:  * the liblist library pathname list.
 172:  */
 173: libbuftolist(libbuf, liblist)
 174:     char *libbuf;           /* library pathname buffer */
 175:     SLIST *liblist;         /* library pathname list */
 176: {
 177:     char *gettoken();       /* get next token */
 178:     char libpath[PATHSIZE];     /* library file pathname */
 179:     char *slappend();       /* append file name to list */
 180:     int expandlibpath();        /* -lx -> full library pathname */
 182:     while ((libbuf = gettoken(libpath, libbuf)) != NULL)
 183:         {
 184:         if (expandlibpath(libpath) == NO)
 185:             {
 186:             warns("can't find library %s", libpath);
 187:             return(NO);
 188:             }
 189:         if (slappend(libpath, liblist) == NULL)
 190:             return(NO);
 191:         }
 192:     return(YES);
 193: }
 197: /*
 198:  * read_dir() reads filenames from the current directory and adds them
 199:  * to the source or header file name lists as appropriate. Returns
 200:  * integer YES if successful, otherwise NO.
 201:  */
 202: read_dir(needheaders, needsource)
 203:     int needheaders;        /* need header file names */
 204:     int needsource;         /* need source file names */
 205: {
 206:     extern int AFLAG;       /* accept src files w/ leading dots? */
 207:     extern SLIST *HEADLIST;     /* header file name list */
 208:     extern SLIST *SRCLIST;      /* source file name list */
 209:     char *rindex();         /* find last occurrence of character */
 210:     char *slappend();       /* append file name to list */
 211:     char *suffix;           /* pointer to file name suffix */
 212:     char *p;            /* beginning of file name component */
 213:     DIR *dirp;          /* directory stream */
 214:     DIR *opendir();         /* open directory stream */
 215:     int lookupsfx();        /* get suffix type */
 216:     int sfxtyp;         /* type of suffix */
 217:     struct direct *dp;      /* directory entry pointer */
 218:     struct direct *readdir();   /* read a directory entry */
 220:     if ((dirp = opendir(CURDIR)) == NULL)
 221:         {
 222:         warn("can't open current directory");
 223:         return(NO);
 224:         }
 225:     for (dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp))
 226:         if ((suffix = rindex(dp->d_name, '.')) != NULL)
 227:             {
 228:             if ((p = rindex(dp->d_name, '/')) != NULL)
 229:                 p++;
 230:             else
 231:                 p = dp->d_name;
 232:             if (*p == '.' && (AFLAG == 0))
 233:                 continue;
 234:             suffix++;
 235:             sfxtyp = lookupsfx(suffix);
 236:             if (sfxtyp == SFXSRC)
 237:                 {
 238:                 if (needsource)
 239:                     if (slappend(dp->d_name, SRCLIST) == NULL)
 240:                         return(NO);
 241:                 }
 242:             else if (sfxtyp == SFXHEAD)
 243:                 {
 244:                 if (needheaders)
 245:                     if (slappend(dp->d_name, HEADLIST) == NULL)
 246:                         return(NO);
 247:                 }
 248:             }
 249:     closedir(dirp);
 250:     return(YES);
 251: }

Defined functions

buftolist defined in line 23; used 3 times
buildliblist defined in line 47; used 2 times
buildsrclist defined in line 76; used 2 times
expandlibpath defined in line 130; used 2 times
libbuftolist defined in line 173; used 2 times
read_dir defined in line 202; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-02-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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