1. In src/Makefile, add pop to SUBDIR, so it looks something like: SUBDIR= tools uip submit deliver local phone pobox bboards pop smtp uucp 2. Link getbbent.o into the src/pop/ directory 3. In mmdftailor, add these lines MTBL pop, file="pop", show="POP service" MCHN pop, show="POP Delivery", que=pop, tbl=pop, pgm=pop, mod=reg, ap=822, host="pop" 4. In the local domain table, add pop: pop. 5. Create the table for the POP channel, one line: pop. pop 6. Run dbmbuild 7. In your mmdf.start file, either add the pop channel to an existing background deliver, or give it one of its own: deliver -b -cpop &