/* mts.c - definitions for the mail transport system */ /* LINTLIBRARY */ #undef NETWORK #if defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD42) #define NETWORK #endif not (defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD42)) #include "../h/strings.h" #include #include #include "mts.h" #ifdef NETWORK #ifdef BSD42 #include #endif BSD42 #else not NETWORK #ifndef SYS5 #include #else SYS5 #include #endif SYS5 #endif not NETWORK #include #define NOTOK (-1) #define OK 0 #define NULLCP ((char *) 0) extern int errno; char *tailor_value (); #ifdef SYS5 #define index strchr #define rindex strrchr #endif SYS5 char *index (), *malloc (), *mktemp (), *rindex (), *strcpy (); struct passwd *getpwuid (); /* */ /* *mmdfldir and *uucpldir are the maildrop directories. If maildrops are kept in the user's home directory, then these should be empty strings. In this case, the appropriate ...lfil array should contain the name of the file in the user's home directory. Usually, this is something like ".mail". */ static char *mtstailor = "@(MHETCPATH)/mtstailor"; static char *localname = ""; static char *systemname = ""; #ifdef MF static char *UUCPchan = ""; #endif MF char *mmdfldir = "@(MHDROPATH)"; char *mmdflfil = "@(MHDROPFIL)"; char *uucpldir = "/usr/spool/mail"; char *uucplfil = ""; char *mmdlm1 = "\001\001\001\001\n"; char *mmdlm2 = "\001\001\001\001\n"; static int MMailids = 0; static char *mmailid = "0"; #ifdef MF char *umincproc = "@(MHETCPATH)/uminc"; #else MF char *umincproc = NULL; #endif MF int lockstyle = LOK_UNIX; static char *lkstyle = "0"; char *lockldir = ""; /* */ /* MTS specific variables */ #ifdef MHMTS char *Mailqdir = "/usr/spool/netmail"; char *TMailqdir = "/usr/tmp"; int Syscpy = 1; static char *syscpy = "1"; char *Overseer = "root"; char *Mailer = "root"; char *Fromtmp = "/tmp/rml.f.XXXXXX"; char *Msgtmp = "/tmp/rml.m.XXXXXX"; char *Errtmp = "/tmp/rml.e.XXXXXX"; int Tmpmode = 0600; static char *tmpmode = "0600"; char *Okhosts = "@(MHETCPATH)/Rmail.OkHosts"; char *Okdests = "@(MHETCPATH)/Rmail.OkDests"; #endif MHMTS #ifdef MMDFMTS #endif MMDFMTS #ifdef SENDMTS char *hostable = "@(MHETCPATH)/hosts"; char *sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; #endif SENDMTS /* SMTP/POP stuff */ char *servers = "localhost \01localnet"; char *pophost = ""; /* BBoards-specific variables */ char *bb_domain = ""; /* POP BBoards-specific variables */ #ifdef BPOP char *popbbhost = ""; char *popbbuser = ""; char *popbblist = "@(MHETCPATH)/hosts.popbb"; #endif BPOP /* MailDelivery */ char *maildelivery = "@(MHETCPATH)/maildelivery"; /* Aliasing Facility (doesn't belong here) */ int Everyone = NOTOK; static char *everyone = "-1"; char *NoShell = ""; /* */ /* customize the MTS settings for MH by reading @(MHETCPATH)/mtstailor */ static struct bind { char *keyword; char **value; } binds[] = { "localname", &localname, "systemname", &systemname, #ifdef MF "uucpchan", &UUCPchan, #endif MF "mmdfldir", &mmdfldir, "mmdflfil", &mmdflfil, "uucpldir", &uucpldir, "uucplfil", &uucplfil, "mmdelim1", &mmdlm1, "mmdelim2", &mmdlm2, "mmailid", &mmailid, "umincproc", &umincproc, "lockstyle", &lkstyle, "lockldir", &lockldir, #ifdef MHMTS "mailqdir", &Mailqdir, "tmailqdir", &TMailqdir, "syscpy", &syscpy, "overseer", &Overseer, "mailer", &Mailer, "fromtmp", &Fromtmp, "msgtmp", &Msgtmp, "errtmp", &Errtmp, "tmpmode", &tmpmode, "okhosts", &Okhosts, "okdests", &Okdests, #endif MHMTS #ifdef MMDFMTS #endif MMDFMTS #ifdef SENDMTS "hostable", &hostable, "sendmail", &sendmail, #endif SENDMTS "servers", &servers, "pophost", &pophost, "bbdomain", &bb_domain, #ifdef BPOP "popbbhost", &popbbhost, "popbbuser", &popbbuser, "popbblist", &popbblist, #endif BPOP "maildelivery", &maildelivery, "everyone", &everyone, "noshell", &NoShell, NULL }; /* */ /* I'd like to use m_getfld() here, but not all programs loading mts.o may be MH-style programs... */ /* ARGSUSED */ mts_init (name) char *name; { register char *bp, *cp; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; register struct bind *b; register FILE *fp; static int inited = 0; if (inited++ || (fp = fopen (mtstailor, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) { if ((cp = index (buffer, '\n')) == NULL) break; *cp = NULL; if (*buffer == '#' || *buffer == NULL) continue; if ((bp = index (buffer, ':')) == NULL) break; *bp++ = NULL; while (isspace (*bp)) *bp++ = NULL; for (b = binds; b -> keyword; b++) if (strcmp (buffer, b -> keyword) == 0) break; if (b -> keyword && (cp = tailor_value (bp))) *b -> value = cp; } (void) fclose (fp); MMailids = atoi (mmailid); if ((lockstyle = atoi (lkstyle)) < LOK_UNIX || lockstyle > LOK_MMDF) lockstyle = LOK_UNIX; #ifdef MHMTS Syscpy = atoi (syscpy); (void) sscanf (tmpmode, "0%o", &Tmpmode); #endif MHMTS Everyone = atoi (everyone); } /* */ #define QUOTE '\\' #define grot(x) case 'x': *bp = '\x'; break static char *tailor_value (s) register char *s; { register int i, r; register char *bp; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; for (bp = buffer; *s; bp++, s++) if (*s != QUOTE) *bp = *s; else switch (*++s) { grot (b); grot (f); grot (n); grot (t); case NULL: s--; case QUOTE: *bp = QUOTE; break; default: if (!isdigit (*s)) { *bp++ = QUOTE; *bp = *s; } r = *s != '0' ? 10 : 8; for (i = 0; isdigit (*s); s++) i = i * r + *s - '0'; s--; *bp = toascii (i); break; } *bp = NULL; bp = malloc ((unsigned) (strlen (buffer) + 1)); if (bp != NULL) (void) strcpy (bp, buffer); return bp; } /* */ char *LocalName () { #ifdef BSD41A char *myname; #endif BSD41A #ifdef BSD42 register struct hostent *hp; #endif BSD42 #ifdef SYS5 struct utsname name; #endif SYS5 static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = ""; if (buffer[0]) return buffer; mts_init ("mts"); if (*localname) return strcpy (buffer, localname); #ifdef locname (void) strcpy (buffer, locname); #else not locname #ifdef NETWORK #ifdef BSD41A myname = "myname"; if (rhost (&myname) == -1) (void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer); else { (void) strcpy (buffer, myname); free (myname); } #endif BSD41A #ifdef BSD42 (void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer); sethostent (1); if (hp = gethostbyname (buffer)) (void) strcpy (buffer, hp -> h_name); #endif BSD42 #else not NETWORK #ifndef SYS5 (void) strcpy (buffer, SystemName ()); #else SYS5 (void) uname (&name); (void) strcpy (buffer, name.nodename); #endif SYS5 #endif not NETWORK #endif not locname return buffer; } /* */ char *SystemName () { #ifdef SYS5 struct utsname name; #endif SYS5 static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = ""; if (buffer[0]) return buffer; mts_init ("mts"); if (*systemname) return strcpy (buffer, systemname); #ifdef sysname (void) strcpy (buffer, sysname); #else sysname #ifndef SYS5 (void) gethostname (buffer, sizeof buffer); #else SYS5 (void) uname (&name); (void) strcpy (buffer, name.nodename); #endif SYS5 #endif sysname return buffer; } /* */ char *UucpChan () { #ifdef MF static char buffer[BUFSIZ] = ""; #endif MF #ifndef MF return NULL; #else MF if (buffer[0]) return buffer; mts_init ("mts"); if (*UUCPchan) return strcpy (buffer, UUCPchan); #ifdef uucpchan (void) strcpy (buffer, uucpchan); #else uucpchan (void) strcpy (buffer, "uucp"); #endif uucpchan return buffer; #endif MF } /* */ #ifdef ALTOS gethostname (name, len) register char *name; register int len; { register char *cp; register FILE *fp; if (fp = fopen ("/etc/systemid", "r")) { if (fgets (name, len, fp)) { if (cp = index (name, '\n')) *cp = NULL; (void) fclose (fp); return OK; } (void) fclose (fp); } (void) strncpy (name, "altos", len); return OK; } #endif ALTOS /* */ static char username[BUFSIZ] = ""; static char fullname[BUFSIZ] = ""; char *getusr () { register char *cp, *np; register struct passwd *pw; if (username[0]) return username; if ((pw = getpwuid (getuid ())) == NULL || pw -> pw_name == NULL || *pw -> pw_name == NULL) { (void) strcpy (username, "intruder"); (void) sprintf (fullname, "The Unknown User-ID (%d)", getuid ()); return username; } if (MMailids) { np = pw -> pw_gecos; for (cp = fullname; *np && *np != '<'; *cp++ = *np++) continue; *cp = NULL; if (*np) np++; for (cp = username; *np && *np != '>'; *cp++ = *np++) continue; *cp = NULL; } if (MMailids == 0 || *np == NULL) { (void) strcpy (username, pw -> pw_name); fullname[0] = NULL; } if ((cp = getenv ("SIGNATURE")) && *cp) (void) strcpy (fullname, cp); return username; } char *getfullname () { if (username[0] == NULL) (void) getusr (); return fullname; } /* */ #ifdef SYS5 #ifndef notdef /* Supposedly this works, I prefer the recursive solution... */ #include int dup2 (d1, d2) register int d1, d2; { int d; if (d1 == d2) return OK; (void) close (d2); if ((d = fcntl (d1, F_DUPFD, d2)) == NOTOK) return NOTOK; if (d == d2) return OK; errno = 0; return NOTOK; } #else notdef int dup2 (d1, d2) register int d1, d2; { if (d1 == d2) return OK; (void) close (d2); return dup2aux (d1, d2); } static int dup2aux (d1, d2) register int d1, d2; { int d, i, eindex; if ((d = dup (d1)) == NOTOK) return NOTOK; if (d == d2) return OK; i = dup2aux (d1, d2); eindex = errno; (void) close (d); errno = eindex; return i; } #endif notdef #endif SYS5