/************************************************************************* * This program is copyright (C) 1985, 1986 by Jonathan Payne. It is * * provided to you without charge for use only on a licensed Unix * * system. You may copy JOVE provided that this notice is included with * * the copy. You may not sell copies of this program or versions * * modified for use on microcomputer systems, unless the copies are * * included with a Unix system distribution and the source is provided. * *************************************************************************/ #define TUNED /* don't touch this */ /*#define LSRHS /* if this is Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School */ #define LOAD_AV /* Use the load average for various commands. Do not define this if you lack a load average system call and kmem is read protected. */ /* #define SYSV /* for (System III/System V) UNIX systems */ #define BACKUPFILES /* enable the backup files code */ #define BIFF /* if you have biff (or the equivalent) */ #define JOB_CONTROL /* if you have job stopping */ #ifdef JOB_CONTROL # define MENLO_JCL # define IPROCS /* Interactive processes. PROCS only works with JOB_CONTROL. */ #endif #define F_COMPLETION /* filename completion */ #define CHDIR /* change directory command and absolute pathnames */ /*#define KILL0 /* kill(pid, 0) returns 0 if proc exists Used by recover to test if jove is still running. */ #define SPELL /* spell words and buffer commands */ #define ABBREV /* word abbreviation mode */ #define LISP /* include the code for Lisp Mode */ #define ID_CHAR /* include code to IDchar */ #define WIRED_TERMS /* include code for wired terminals */ #define ANSICODES /* Include extra commands that process ANSI codes sequences. Includes simple mouse support pointing. */ #define CMT_FMT /* include the comment formatting routines */ #if !sun # define MY_MALLOC /* use more memory efficient malloc */ #endif #define BSD4_2 /* Berkeley 4.2 BSD */ #define BSD4_3 /* Berkeley 4.3 BSD */ #ifdef BSD4_3 # ifndef BSD4_2 # define BSD4_2 /* 4.3 is 4.2 only different. */ # endif #endif #ifdef BSD4_3 # define RESHAPING /* enable windows to handle reshaping */ #endif #ifdef BSD4_2 /* byte_copy(from, to, len) */ # define byte_copy bcopy /* use fast assembler version */ #endif #if vax || sel || sun || pyr || mc68000 || tahoe # define VMUNIX /* Virtual Memory UNIX */ #endif #ifndef VMUNIX typedef short disk_line; # define BUFSIZ 512 /* or 1024 */ #else typedef int disk_line; # define BUFSIZ 1024 #endif #define DFLT_MODE 0666 /* file will be created with this mode */ #ifdef VMUNIX # define NBUF 64 /* number of disk buffers */ #else # define NBUF 3 /* only 3 because there is a bug */ #endif #ifdef IPROCS # ifndef NOEXTERNS extern char *PORTSRV; # endif # ifdef BSD4_2 # define INPUT_SIG SIGIO # else # define PIPEPROCS /* do it with pipes */ # define INPUT_SIG SIGTINT # endif #endif #ifdef SYSV # define index strchr # define rindex strrchr #endif /* These are here since they define things in tune.c. If you add things to tune.c, add them here too, if necessary. */ #ifndef NOEXTERNS extern char *TMP_DIR, *REC_DIR, *TMPFILE, *RECFILE, *REC_BASE, *RECOVER, *CMD_DB, *JOVERC, Shell[], ShFlags[]; #endif NOEXTERNS