1: /*************************************************************************
   2:  * This program is copyright (C) 1985, 1986 by Jonathan Payne.  It is    *
   3:  * provided to you without charge for use only on a licensed Unix        *
   4:  * system.  You may copy JOVE provided that this notice is included with *
   5:  * the copy.  You may not sell copies of this program or versions        *
   6:  * modified for use on microcomputer systems, unless the copies are      *
   7:  * included with a Unix system distribution and the source is provided.  *
   8:  *************************************************************************/
  10: #include "jove.h"
  11: #include "ctype.h"
  13: CapChar()
  14: {
  15:     register int    num,
  16:             restore = 0;
  17:     Bufpos  b;
  19:     DOTsave(&b);
  21:     if (exp < 0) {
  22:         restore++;
  23:         exp = -exp;
  24:         num = exp;
  25:         BackChar(); /* Cap previous EXP chars */
  26:     } else
  27:         num = exp;
  29:     exp = 1;    /* So all the commands are done once */
  31:     while (num--) {
  32:         if (upper(&linebuf[curchar])) {
  33:             modify();
  34:             makedirty(curline);
  35:         }
  36:         if (eolp()) {
  37:             if (curline->l_next == 0)
  38:                 break;
  39:             SetLine(curline->l_next);
  40:         }
  41:         else
  42:             curchar++;
  43:     }
  44:     if (restore)
  45:         SetDot(&b);
  46: }
  48: CapWord()
  49: {
  50:     register int    num,
  51:             restore = 0;
  52:     Bufpos  b;
  54:     DOTsave(&b);
  56:     if (exp < 0) {
  57:         restore++;
  58:         exp = -exp;
  59:         num = exp;
  60:         BackWord(); /* Cap previous EXP words */
  61:     } else
  62:         num = exp;
  64:     exp = 1;    /* So all the commands are done once */
  66:     while (num--) {
  67:         to_word(1); /* Go to the beginning of the next word. */
  68:         if (eobp())
  69:             break;
  70:         if (upper(&linebuf[curchar])) {
  71:             modify();
  72:             makedirty(curline);
  73:         }
  74:         curchar++;
  75:         while (!eolp() && isword(linebuf[curchar])) {
  76:             if (lower(&linebuf[curchar])) {
  77:                 modify();
  78:                 makedirty(curline);
  79:             }
  80:             curchar++;
  81:         }
  82:     }
  83:     if (restore)
  84:         SetDot(&b);
  85: }
  87: case_word(up)
  88: {
  89:     Bufpos  before;
  91:     DOTsave(&before);
  92:     ForWord();  /* This'll go backward if negative argument. */
  93:     case_reg(before.p_line, before.p_char, curline, curchar, up);
  94: }
  96: static
  97: upper(c)
  98: register char   *c;
  99: {
 100:     if (islower(*c)) {
 101:         *c -= ' ';
 102:         return 1;
 103:     }
 104:     return 0;
 105: }
 107: static
 108: lower(c)
 109: register char   *c;
 110: {
 111:     if (isupper(*c)) {
 112:         *c += ' ';
 113:         return 1;
 114:     }
 115:     return 0;
 116: }
 118: case_reg(line1, char1, line2, char2, up)
 119: Line    *line1,
 120:     *line2;
 121: int char1;
 122: {
 123:     (void) fixorder(&line1, &char1, &line2, &char2);
 124:     DotTo(line1, char1);
 126:     exp = 1;
 127:     for (;;) {
 128:         if (curline == line2 && curchar == char2)
 129:             break;
 130:         if (!eolp())
 131:             if ((up) ? upper(&linebuf[curchar]) : lower(&linebuf[curchar])) {
 132:                 makedirty(curline);
 133:                 modify();
 134:             }
 135:         ForChar();
 136:     }
 137: }
 139: CasRegLower()
 140: {
 141:     CaseReg(0);
 142: }
 144: CasRegUpper()
 145: {
 146:     CaseReg(1);
 147: }
 149: CaseReg(up)
 150: {
 151:     register Mark   *mp = CurMark();
 152:     Bufpos  savedot;
 154:     DOTsave(&savedot);
 155:     case_reg(curline, curchar, mp->m_line, mp->m_char, up);
 156:     SetDot(&savedot);
 157: }
 159: UppWord()
 160: {
 161:     case_word(1);
 162: }
 164: LowWord()
 165: {
 166:     case_word(0);
 167: }

Defined functions

CapChar defined in line 13; used 2 times
CapWord defined in line 48; used 2 times
CasRegLower defined in line 139; used 2 times
CasRegUpper defined in line 144; used 2 times
CaseReg defined in line 149; used 2 times
LowWord defined in line 164; used 2 times
UppWord defined in line 159; used 2 times
case_reg defined in line 118; used 2 times
case_word defined in line 87; used 2 times
lower defined in line 107; used 2 times
upper defined in line 96; used 3 times
Last modified: 1986-03-28
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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