/* * Runtime error messages. */ 101, "integer expected", 102, "numeric expected", 103, "string expected", 104, "cset expected", 105, "file expected", 106, "procedure or integer expected", 107, "record expected", 108, "list expected", 109, "string or file expected", 110, "string or list expected", 111, "variable expected", 112, "invalid type to size operation", 113, "invalid type to random operation", 114, "invalid type to subscript operation", 115, "list or table expected", 116, "invalid type to element generator", 117, "missing main procedure", 118, "co-expression expected", #ifdef SETS 119, "set expected", #endif SETS 201, "division by zero", 202, "remaindering by zero", 203, "integer overflow", 204, "real overflow, underflow, or division by zero", 205, "value out of range", 206, "negative first operand to real exponentiation", 207, "invalid field name", 208, "second and third arguments to map of unequal length", 209, "invalid second argument to open", 210, "argument to system function too long", 211, "by clause equal to zero", 212, "attempt to read file not open for reading", 213, "attempt to write file not open for writing", 301, "insufficient storage in heap", 302, "insufficient storage in string space", 303, "insufficient storage for garbage collection", 304, "insufficient storage for system stack", 305, "insufficient storage for co-expressions",