/* Random utility Lisp functions. Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman. This file is part of GNU Emacs. GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */ #include "config.h" /* Define two macros KERNEL_FILE (file to find kernel symtab in) and LDAV_SYMBOL (symbol name to look for), based on system type. Also define NLIST_STRUCT if the type `nlist' is a structure we can get from nlist.h; otherwise must use a.out.h and initialize with strcpy. Note that config.h may define NLIST_STRUCT for more modrern USG systems. */ #ifdef USG #ifdef HPUX #define LDAV_SYMBOL "_avenrun" #define KERNEL_FILE "/hp-ux" #define NLIST_STRUCT #else /* not HPUX */ #define LDAV_SYMBOL "avenrun" #define KERNEL_FILE "/unix" #endif /* not HPUX */ #else /* not USG */ #define LDAV_SYMBOL "_avenrun" #define NLIST_STRUCT #ifndef KERNEL_FILE #define KERNEL_FILE "/vmunix" #endif /* no KERNEL_FILE yet */ #endif /* not USG */ #ifdef LOAD_AVE_TYPE #ifdef BSD #include #endif /* BSD */ #ifndef eunice #ifndef NLIST_STRUCT #include #else /* NLIST_STRUCT */ #include #endif /* NLIST_STRUCT */ #endif /* not eunice */ #endif /* LOAD_AVE_TYPE */ #undef NULL #include "lisp.h" #include "commands.h" #ifdef lint #include "buffer.h" #endif /* lint */ Lisp_Object Qstring_lessp; DEFUN ("identity", Fidentity, Sidentity, 1, 1, 0, "Return the argument unchanged.") (arg) Lisp_Object arg; { return arg; } DEFUN ("random", Frandom, Srandom, 0, 1, 0, "Return a pseudo-random number.\n\ On most systems all integers representable in Lisp are equally likely.\n\ This is 24 bits' worth.\n\ If optional argument is supplied as t,\n\ the random number seed is set based on the current time and pid.") (arg) Lisp_Object arg; { extern long random (); extern srandom (); extern long time (); if (EQ (arg, Qt)) srandom (getpid () + time (0)); return make_number ((int) random ()); } /* Random data-structure functions */ DEFUN ("length", Flength, Slength, 1, 1, 0, "Return the length of vector, list or string SEQUENCE.") (obj) register Lisp_Object obj; { register Lisp_Object tail, val; register int i; retry: if (XTYPE (obj) == Lisp_Vector || XTYPE (obj) == Lisp_String) return Farray_length (obj); else if (LISTP(obj)) { for (i = 0, tail = obj; !NULL(tail); i++) { QUIT; tail = Fcdr (tail); } XFASTINT (val) = i; return val; } else if (NULL(obj)) { XFASTINT (val) = 0; return val; } else { obj = wrong_type_argument (Qsequencep, obj); goto retry; } } DEFUN ("string-equal", Fstring_equal, Sstring_equal, 2, 2, 0, "T if two strings have identical contents.\n\ Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.") (s1, s2) register Lisp_Object s1, s2; { if (XTYPE (s1) == Lisp_Symbol) XSETSTRING (s1, XSYMBOL (s1)->name), XSETTYPE (s1, Lisp_String); if (XTYPE (s2) == Lisp_Symbol) XSETSTRING (s2, XSYMBOL (s2)->name), XSETTYPE (s2, Lisp_String); CHECK_STRING (s1, 0); CHECK_STRING (s2, 1); if (XSTRING (s1)->size != XSTRING (s2)->size || bcmp (XSTRING (s1)->data, XSTRING (s2)->data, XSTRING (s1)->size)) return Qnil; return Qt; } DEFUN ("string-lessp", Fstring_lessp, Sstring_lessp, 2, 2, 0, "T if first arg string is less than second in lexicographic order.\n\ Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.") (s1, s2) register Lisp_Object s1, s2; { register int i; register unsigned char *p1, *p2; register int end; if (XTYPE (s1) == Lisp_Symbol) XSETSTRING (s1, XSYMBOL (s1)->name), XSETTYPE (s1, Lisp_String); if (XTYPE (s2) == Lisp_Symbol) XSETSTRING (s2, XSYMBOL (s2)->name), XSETTYPE (s2, Lisp_String); CHECK_STRING (s1, 0); CHECK_STRING (s2, 1); p1 = XSTRING (s1)->data; p2 = XSTRING (s2)->data; end = XSTRING (s1)->size; if (end > XSTRING (s2)->size) end = XSTRING (s2)->size; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { if (p1[i] != p2[i]) return p1[i] < p2[i] ? Qt : Qnil; } return i < XSTRING (s2)->size ? Qt : Qnil; } static Lisp_Object concat (); /* ARGSUSED */ Lisp_Object concat2 (s1, s2) Lisp_Object s1, s2; { #ifdef NO_ARG_ARRAY Lisp_Object args[2]; args[0] = s1; args[1] = s2; return concat (2, args, Lisp_String, 0); #else return concat (2, &s1, Lisp_String, 0); #endif /* NO_ARG_ARRAY */ } DEFUN ("append", Fappend, Sappend, 0, MANY, 0, "Concatenate arguments and make the result a list.\n\ The result is a list whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.\n\ Each argument may be a list, vector or string.") (nargs, args) int nargs; Lisp_Object *args; { return concat (nargs, args, Lisp_Cons, 1); } DEFUN ("concat", Fconcat, Sconcat, 0, MANY, 0, "Concatenate arguments and make the result a string.\n\ The result is a string whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.\n\ Each argument may be a list, vector or string; but all elements\n\ of a list or vector must be numbers, or an error is signaled.") (nargs, args) int nargs; Lisp_Object *args; { return concat (nargs, args, Lisp_String, 0); } DEFUN ("vconcat", Fvconcat, Svconcat, 0, MANY, 0, "Concatenate arguments and make the result a vector.\n\ The result is a list whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.\n\ Each argument may be a list, vector or string.") (nargs, args) int nargs; Lisp_Object *args; { return concat (nargs, args, Lisp_Vector, 0); } DEFUN ("copy-sequence", Fcopy_sequence, Scopy_sequence, 1, 1, 0, "Return a copy of a list, vector or string.") (arg) Lisp_Object arg; { if (NULL (arg)) return arg; if (!LISTP (arg) && XTYPE (arg) != Lisp_Vector && XTYPE (arg) != Lisp_String) arg = wrong_type_argument (Qsequencep, arg); return concat (1, &arg, LISTP (arg) ? Lisp_Cons : XTYPE (arg), 0); } static Lisp_Object concat (nargs, args, target_type, last_special) int nargs; Lisp_Object *args; enum Lisp_Type target_type; int last_special; { Lisp_Object val; Lisp_Object len; register Lisp_Object tail; register Lisp_Object this; int toindex; register int leni; register int argnum; Lisp_Object last_tail; Lisp_Object prev; /* In append, the last arg isn't treated like the others */ if (last_special && nargs > 0) { nargs--; last_tail = args[nargs]; } else last_tail = Qnil; for (argnum = 0; argnum < nargs; argnum++) { this = args[argnum]; if (!(LISTP (this) || NULL (this) || XTYPE (this) == Lisp_Vector || XTYPE (this) == Lisp_String)) { if (XTYPE (this) == Lisp_Int) args[argnum] = Fint_to_string (this); else args[argnum] = wrong_type_argument (Qsequencep, this); } } for (argnum = 0, leni = 0; argnum < nargs; argnum++) { this = args[argnum]; len = Flength (this); leni += XFASTINT (len); } XFASTINT (len) = leni; if (target_type == Lisp_Cons) val = Fmake_list (len, Qnil); else if (target_type == Lisp_Vector) val = Fmake_vector (len, Qnil); else val = Fmake_string (len, len); /* In append, if all but last arg are nil, return last arg */ if (target_type == Lisp_Cons && EQ (val, Qnil)) return last_tail; if (LISTP (val)) tail = val, toindex = -1; /* -1 in toindex is flag we are making a list */ else toindex = 0; prev = Qnil; for (argnum = 0; argnum < nargs; argnum++) { Lisp_Object thislen; int thisleni; register int thisindex = 0; this = args[argnum]; if (!LISTP (this)) thislen = Flength (this), thisleni = XINT (thislen); while (1) { register Lisp_Object elt; /* Fetch next element of `this' arg into `elt', or break if `this' is exhausted. */ if (NULL (this)) break; if (LISTP (this)) elt = Fcar (this), this = Fcdr (this); else { if (thisindex >= thisleni) break; if (XTYPE (this) == Lisp_String) XFASTINT (elt) = XSTRING (this)->data[thisindex++]; else elt = XVECTOR (this)->contents[thisindex++]; } /* Store into result */ if (toindex < 0) { XCONS (tail)->car = elt; prev = tail; tail = XCONS (tail)->cdr; } else if (XTYPE (val) == Lisp_Vector) XVECTOR (val)->contents[toindex++] = elt; else { if (XTYPE (elt) != Lisp_Int) elt = wrong_type_argument (Qintegerp, elt); else XSTRING (val)->data[toindex++] = XINT (elt); } } } if (!NULL (prev)) XCONS (prev)->cdr = last_tail; return val; } DEFUN ("substring", Fsubstring, Ssubstring, 2, 3, 0, "Return a substring of STRING, starting at index FROM and reaching until TO.\n\ TO may be nil or omitted; then the substring runs to the end of STRING.\n\ If FROM or TO is negative, it counts from the end.") (string, from, to) Lisp_Object string; register Lisp_Object from, to; { register Lisp_Object val, len; CHECK_STRING (string, 0); CHECK_NUMBER (from, 1); if (NULL (to)) to = Flength (string); else CHECK_NUMBER (to, 2); if (XINT (from) < 0) XSETINT (from, XINT (from) + XSTRING (string)->size); if (XINT (to) < 0) XSETINT (to, XINT (to) + XSTRING (string)->size); if (!(0 <= XINT (from) && XINT (from) <= XINT (to) && XINT (to) <= XSTRING (string)->size)) args_out_of_range_3 (string, from, to); XFASTINT (len) = XINT (to) - XINT (from); val = Fmake_string (len, len); bcopy (XSTRING (string)->data + XINT (from), XSTRING (val)->data, XINT (len)); return val; } DEFUN ("nthcdr", Fnthcdr, Snthcdr, 2, 2, 0, "Takes cdr N times on LIST, returns the result.") (n, list) Lisp_Object n; register Lisp_Object list; { register int i, num; CHECK_NUMBER (n, 0); num = XINT (n); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { QUIT; list = Fcdr (list); } return list; } DEFUN ("nth", Fnth, Snth, 2, 2, 0, "Returns the Nth element of LIST.\n\ N counts from zero. If LIST is not that long, nil is returned.") (n, list) Lisp_Object n, list; { CHECK_NUMBER (n, 0); if (!(XTYPE (list) == Lisp_Cons || NULL (list))) list = wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, list); return Fcar (Fnthcdr (n, list)); } DEFUN ("elt", Felt, Selt, 2, 2, 0, "Returns element of SEQUENCE at index N.") (seq, n) register Lisp_Object seq, n; { CHECK_NUMBER (n, 0); while (1) { if (XTYPE (seq) == Lisp_Cons || NULL (seq)) return Fcar (Fnthcdr (n, seq)); else if (XTYPE (seq) == Lisp_String || XTYPE (seq) == Lisp_Vector) return Faref (seq, n); else seq = wrong_type_argument (Qsequencep, seq); } } DEFUN ("memq", Fmemq, Smemq, 2, 2, 0, "Returns non-nil if ELT is an element of LIST. Comparison done with EQ.\n\ The value is actually the tail of LIST whose car is ELT.") (elt, list) register Lisp_Object elt; Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object tail; for (tail = list; !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (tail)) { register Lisp_Object tem; tem = Fcar (tail); if (EQ (elt, tem)) return tail; QUIT; } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("assq", Fassq, Sassq, 2, 2, 0, "Returns non-nil if ELT is the car of an element of LIST. Comparison done with eq.\n\ The value is actually the element of LIST whose car is ELT.") (key, list) register Lisp_Object key; Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object tail; for (tail = list; !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (tail)) { register Lisp_Object elt, tem; elt = Fcar (tail); if (!LISTP (elt)) continue; tem = Fcar (elt); if (EQ (key, tem)) return elt; QUIT; } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("assoc", Fassoc, Sassoc, 2, 2, 0, "Returns non-nil if ELT is the car of an element of LIST. Comparison done with equal.\n\ The value is actually the element of LIST whose car is ELT.") (key, list) register Lisp_Object key; Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object tail; for (tail = list; !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (tail)) { register Lisp_Object elt, tem; elt = Fcar (tail); if (!LISTP (elt)) continue; tem = Fequal (Fcar (elt), key); if (!NULL (tem)) return elt; QUIT; } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("rassq", Frassq, Srassq, 2, 2, 0, "Returns non-nil if ELT is the cdr of an element of LIST. Comparison done with EQ.\n\ The value is actually the element of LIST whose cdr is ELT.") (key, list) register Lisp_Object key; Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object tail; for (tail = list; !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (tail)) { register Lisp_Object elt, tem; elt = Fcar (tail); if (!LISTP (elt)) continue; tem = Fcdr (elt); if (EQ (key, tem)) return elt; QUIT; } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("delq", Fdelq, Sdelq, 2, 2, 0, "Deletes by side effect any occurrences of ELT as a member of LIST.\n\ The modified LIST is returned.\n\ If the first member of LIST is ELT, there is no way to remove it by side effect;\n\ therefore, write (setq foo (delq element foo)) to be sure of changing foo.") (elt, list) register Lisp_Object elt; Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object tail, prev; register Lisp_Object tem; tail = list; prev = Qnil; while (!NULL (tail)) { tem = Fcar (tail); if (EQ (elt, tem)) { if (NULL (prev)) list = Fcdr (tail); else Fsetcdr (prev, Fcdr (tail)); } else prev = tail; tail = Fcdr (tail); QUIT; } return list; } DEFUN ("nreverse", Fnreverse, Snreverse, 1, 1, 0, "Reverses LIST by modifying cdr pointers. Returns the beginning of the reversed list.") (list) Lisp_Object list; { register Lisp_Object prev, tail, next; if (NULL (list)) return list; prev = Qnil; tail = list; while (!NULL (tail)) { QUIT; next = Fcdr (tail); Fsetcdr (tail, prev); prev = tail; tail = next; } return prev; } DEFUN ("reverse", Freverse, Sreverse, 1, 1, 0, "Reverses LIST, copying. Returns the beginning of the reversed list.") (list) Lisp_Object list; { Lisp_Object length; register Lisp_Object *vector; register Lisp_Object tail; register int i; length = Flength (list); vector = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (XINT (length) * sizeof (Lisp_Object)); for (i = XINT (length) - 1, tail = list; i >= 0; i--, tail = Fcdr (tail)) vector[i] = Fcar (tail); return Flist (XINT (length), vector); } Lisp_Object merge (); DEFUN ("sort", Fsort, Ssort, 2, 2, 0, "Sort LIST, stably, comparing elements using PREDICATE.\n\ Returns the sorted list. LIST is modified by side effects.\n\ PREDICATE is called with two elements of LIST, and should return T\n\ if the first element is \"less\" than the second.") (list, pred) Lisp_Object list, pred; { Lisp_Object front, back; register Lisp_Object len, tem; struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2; register int length; front = list; len = Flength (list); length = XINT (len); if (length < 2) return list; XSETINT (len, (length / 2) - 1); tem = Fnthcdr (len, list); back = Fcdr (tem); Fsetcdr (tem, Qnil); GCPRO2 (front, back); front = Fsort (front, pred); back = Fsort (back, pred); UNGCPRO; return merge (front, back, pred); } Lisp_Object merge (org_l1, org_l2, pred) Lisp_Object org_l1, org_l2; Lisp_Object pred; { Lisp_Object value; register Lisp_Object tail; Lisp_Object tem; register Lisp_Object l1, l2; struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4; l1 = org_l1; l2 = org_l2; tail = Qnil; value = Qnil; /* It is sufficient to protect org_l1 and org_l2. When l1 and l2 are updated, we copy the new values back into the org_ vars. */ GCPRO4 (org_l1, org_l2, pred, value); while (1) { if (NULL (l1)) { UNGCPRO; if (NULL (tail)) return l2; Fsetcdr (tail, l2); return value; } if (NULL (l2)) { UNGCPRO; if (NULL (tail)) return l1; Fsetcdr (tail, l1); return value; } tem = call2 (pred, Fcar (l1), Fcar (l2)); if (!NULL (tem)) { tem = l1; l1 = Fcdr (l1); org_l1 = l1; } else { tem = l2; l2 = Fcdr (l2); org_l2 = l2; } if (NULL (tail)) value = tem; else Fsetcdr (tail, tem); tail = tem; } } DEFUN ("get", Fget, Sget, 2, 2, 0, "Return the value of SYMBOL's PROPNAME property.\n\ This is the last VALUE stored with (put SYMBOL PROPNAME VALUE).") (sym, prop) Lisp_Object sym; register Lisp_Object prop; { register Lisp_Object tail; for (tail = Fsymbol_plist (sym); !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (Fcdr (tail))) { register Lisp_Object tem; tem = Fcar (tail); if (EQ (prop, tem)) return Fcar (Fcdr (tail)); } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("put", Fput, Sput, 3, 3, 0, "Store SYMBOL's PROPNAME property with value VALUE.\n\ It can be retrieved with (get SYMBOL PROPNAME).") (sym, prop, val) Lisp_Object sym; register Lisp_Object prop; Lisp_Object val; { register Lisp_Object tail, prev; Lisp_Object newcell; prev = Qnil; for (tail = Fsymbol_plist (sym); !NULL (tail); tail = Fcdr (Fcdr (tail))) { register Lisp_Object tem; tem = Fcar (tail); if (EQ (prop, tem)) return Fsetcar (Fcdr (tail), val); prev = tail; } newcell = Fcons (prop, Fcons (val, Qnil)); if (NULL (prev)) Fsetplist (sym, newcell); else Fsetcdr (Fcdr (prev), newcell); return val; } DEFUN ("equal", Fequal, Sequal, 2, 2, 0, "T if two Lisp objects have similar structure and contents.\n\ They must have the same data type.\n\ Conses are compared by comparing the cars and the cdrs.\n\ Vectors and strings are compared element by element.\n\ Numbers are compared by value. Symbols must match exactly.") (o1, o2) register Lisp_Object o1, o2; { do_cdr: QUIT; if (XTYPE (o1) != XTYPE (o2)) return Qnil; if (XINT (o1) == XINT (o2)) return Qt; if (XTYPE (o1) == Lisp_Cons) { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = Fequal (Fcar (o1), Fcar (o2)); if (NULL (v1)) return v1; o1 = Fcdr (o1), o2 = Fcdr (o2); goto do_cdr; } if (XTYPE (o1) == Lisp_Marker) { return (XMARKER (o1)->buffer == XMARKER (o2)->buffer && XMARKER (o1)->bufpos == XMARKER (o2)->bufpos) ? Qt : Qnil; } if (XTYPE (o1) == Lisp_Vector) { register int index; if (XVECTOR (o1)->size != XVECTOR (o2)->size) return Qnil; for (index = 0; index < XVECTOR (o1)->size; index++) { Lisp_Object v, v1, v2; v1 = XVECTOR (o1)->contents [index]; v2 = XVECTOR (o2)->contents [index]; v = Fequal (v1, v2); if (NULL (v)) return v; } return Qt; } if (XTYPE (o1) == Lisp_String) { if (XSTRING (o1)->size != XSTRING (o2)->size) return Qnil; if (bcmp (XSTRING (o1)->data, XSTRING (o2)->data, XSTRING (o1)->size)) return Qnil; return Qt; } return Qnil; } DEFUN ("fillarray", Ffillarray, Sfillarray, 2, 2, 0, "Store each element of ARRAY with ITEM. ARRAY is a vector or string.") (array, item) Lisp_Object array, item; { register int size, index, charval; retry: if (XTYPE (array) == Lisp_Vector) { register Lisp_Object *p = XVECTOR (array)->contents; size = XVECTOR (array)->size; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) p[index] = item; } else if (XTYPE (array) == Lisp_String) { register unsigned char *p = XSTRING (array)->data; CHECK_NUMBER (item, 1); charval = XINT (item); size = XSTRING (array)->size; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) p[index] = charval; } else { array = wrong_type_argument (Qarrayp, array); goto retry; } return array; } /* ARGSUSED */ Lisp_Object nconc2 (s1, s2) Lisp_Object s1, s2; { #ifdef NO_ARG_ARRAY Lisp_Object args[2]; args[0] = s1; args[1] = s2; return Fnconc (2, args); #else return Fnconc (2, &s1); #endif /* NO_ARG_ARRAY */ } DEFUN ("nconc", Fnconc, Snconc, 0, MANY, 0, "Concatenate any number of lists by altering them.\n\ Only the last argument is not altered, and need not be a list.") (nargs, args) int nargs; Lisp_Object *args; { register int argnum; register Lisp_Object tail, tem, val; val = Qnil; for (argnum = 0; argnum < nargs; argnum++) { tem = args[argnum]; if (NULL (tem)) continue; if (!LISTP (tem)) tem = wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, tem); if (NULL (val)) val = tem; if (argnum + 1 == nargs) break; while (LISTP (tem)) { tail = tem; tem = Fcdr (tail); QUIT; } tem = args[argnum + 1]; Fsetcdr (tail, tem); if (NULL (tem)) args[argnum + 1] = tail; } return val; } /* This is the guts of all mapping functions. Apply fn to each element of seq, one by one, storing the results into elements of vals, a C vector of Lisp_Objects. leni is the length of vals, which should also be the length of seq. */ static void mapcar1 (leni, vals, fn, seq) int leni; Lisp_Object *vals; Lisp_Object fn, seq; { register Lisp_Object tail; Lisp_Object dummy; register int i; struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3; /* Don't let vals contain any garbage when GC happens. */ for (i = 0; i < leni; i++) vals[i] = Qnil; GCPRO3 (dummy, fn, seq); gcpro1.var = vals; gcpro1.nvars = leni; /* We need not explicitly protect `tail' because it is used only on lists, and 1) lists are not relocated and 2) the list is marked via `seq' so will not be freed */ if (XTYPE (seq) == Lisp_Vector) { for (i = 0; i < leni; i++) { dummy = XVECTOR (seq)->contents[i]; vals[i] = call1 (fn, dummy); } } else if (XTYPE (seq) == Lisp_String) { for (i = 0; i < leni; i++) { XFASTINT (dummy) = XSTRING (seq)->data[i]; vals[i] = call1 (fn, dummy); } } else /* Must be a list, since Flength did not get an error */ { tail = seq; for (i = 0; i < leni; i++) { vals[i] = call1 (fn, Fcar (tail)); tail = Fcdr (tail); } } UNGCPRO; } DEFUN ("mapconcat", Fmapconcat, Smapconcat, 3, 3, 0, "Apply FN to each element of SEQ, and concat the results as strings.\n\ In between each pair of results, stick in SEP.\n\ Thus, \" \" as SEP results in spaces between the values return by FN.") (fn, seq, sep) Lisp_Object fn, seq, sep; { Lisp_Object len; register int leni; int nargs; register Lisp_Object *args; register int i; len = Flength (seq); leni = XINT (len); nargs = leni + leni - 1; if (nargs < 0) return build_string (""); args = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (nargs * sizeof (Lisp_Object)); mapcar1 (leni, args, fn, seq); for (i = leni - 1; i >= 0; i--) args[i + i] = args[i]; for (i = 1; i < nargs; i += 2) args[i] = sep; return Fconcat (nargs, args); } DEFUN ("mapcar", Fmapcar, Smapcar, 2, 2, 0, "Apply FUNCTION to each element of LIST, and make a list of the results.\n\ The result is a list just as long as LIST.") (fn, seq) Lisp_Object fn, seq; { register Lisp_Object len; register int leni; register Lisp_Object *args; len = Flength (seq); leni = XFASTINT (len); args = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (leni * sizeof (Lisp_Object)); mapcar1 (leni, args, fn, seq); return Flist (leni, args); } DEFUN ("y-or-n-p", Fy_or_n_p, Sy_or_n_p, 1, 1, 0, "Ask user a \"y or n\" question. Return t if answer is \"y\".\n\ No confirmation of the answer is requested; a single character is enough.\n\ Also accepts Space to mean yes, or Delete to mean no.") (prompt) Lisp_Object prompt; { register int ans; register Lisp_Object xprompt; Lisp_Object args[2]; CHECK_STRING (prompt, 0); xprompt = prompt; while (1) { message ("%s(y or n) ", XSTRING (xprompt)->data); ans = get_char (0); message ("%s(y or n) %c", XSTRING (xprompt)->data, ans); QUIT; if (ans >= 'A' && ans <= 'Z') ans += 'a' - 'A'; if (ans == 'y' || ans == ' ') return Qt; if (ans == 'n' || ans == 127) return Qnil; if (EQ (xprompt, prompt)) { Fdiscard_input (); args[0] = build_string ("Please answer y or n. "); args[1] = prompt; xprompt = Fconcat (2, args); } } } DEFUN ("yes-or-no-p", Fyes_or_no_p, Syes_or_no_p, 1, 1, 0, "Ask user a yes or no question. Return t if answer is yes.\n\ The user must confirm the answer with a newline, and can rub it out if not confirmed.") (prompt) Lisp_Object prompt; { register Lisp_Object ans; Lisp_Object args[2]; CHECK_STRING (prompt, 0); args[0] = prompt; args[1] = build_string ("(yes or no) "); prompt = Fconcat (2, args); while (1) { ans = Fdowncase (read_minibuf_string (Vminibuffer_local_map, Qnil, prompt)); if (XSTRING (ans)->size == 3 && !strcmp (XSTRING (ans)->data, "yes")) return Qt; if (XSTRING (ans)->size == 2 && !strcmp (XSTRING (ans)->data, "no")) return Qnil; Fdiscard_input (); message ("Please answer yes or no."); Fsleep_for (make_number (2)); } } /* Avoid static vars inside a function since in HPUX they dump as pure. */ static int ldav_initialized; static int ldav_channel; #ifdef LOAD_AVE_TYPE static struct nlist ldav_nl[2]; #endif /* LOAD_AVE_TYPE */ #define channel ldav_channel #define initialized ldav_initialized #define nl ldav_nl DEFUN ("load-average", Fload_average, Sload_average, 0, 0, 0, "Return the current 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute load averages\n\ in a list (all floating point load average values are multiplied by 100\n\ and then turned into integers).") () { #ifdef eunice #include /* * VMS/Eunice specific code -- read from the Load Ave driver */ float load_ave[3]; struct {int size; char *ptr;} descriptor; /* If this fails for any reason, we can return (0 0 0) */ load_ave[0] = 0.0; load_ave[1] = 0.0; load_ave[2] = 0.0; /* * Ensure that there is a channel open to the load ave device */ if (initialized == 0) { /* Attempt to open the channel */ descriptor.size = 18; descriptor.ptr = "$$VMS_LOAD_AVERAGE"; if (sys$assign (&descriptor, &channel, 0, 0) & 1) initialized = 1; } /* * Read the load average vector */ if (initialized) { if (!(sys$qiow (0, channel, IO$_READVBLK, 0, 0, 0, load_ave, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0) & 1)) { sys$dassgn (channel); initialized = 0; } } #else /* not eunice */ #ifndef LOAD_AVE_TYPE error ("load-average not implemented for this operating system"); #define LOAD_AVE_CVT(x) 0 #else /* LOAD_AVE_TYPE defined */ /* * 4.2BSD UNIX-specific code -- read _avenrun from /dev/kmem */ LOAD_AVE_TYPE load_ave[3]; /* If this fails for any reason, we can return (0 0 0) */ load_ave[0] = 0.0; load_ave[1] = 0.0; load_ave[2] = 0.0; /* * Make sure we have the address of _avenrun */ if (nl[0].n_value == 0) { /* * Get the address of _avenrun */ #ifndef NLIST_STRUCT strcpy (nl[0].n_name, LDAV_SYMBOL); nl[1].n_zeroes = 0; #else /* NLIST_STRUCT */ nl[0].n_name = LDAV_SYMBOL; nl[1].n_name = 0; #endif /* NLIST_STRUCT */ nlist (KERNEL_FILE, nl); #ifdef FIXUP_KERNEL_SYMBOL_ADDR if ((nl[0].n_type & N_TYPE) != N_ABS) nl[0].n_value = (nlp->n_value >> 2) | 0xc0000000; #endif /* FIXUP_KERNEL_SYMBOL_ADDR */ } /* * Make sure we have /dev/kmem open */ if (initialized == 0) { /* * Open /dev/kmem */ channel = open ("/dev/kmem", 0); if (channel >= 0) initialized = 1; } /* * If we can, get the load ave values */ if ((nl[0].n_value != 0) && (initialized != 0)) { /* * Seek to the correct address */ lseek (channel, (long) nl[0].n_value, 0); if (read (channel, load_ave, sizeof load_ave) != sizeof(load_ave)) { close (channel); initialized = 0; } } #endif /* LOAD_AVE_TYPE */ #endif /* not eunice */ /* * Return the list of load average values */ return Fcons (make_number (LOAD_AVE_CVT (load_ave[0])), Fcons (make_number (LOAD_AVE_CVT (load_ave[1])), Fcons (make_number (LOAD_AVE_CVT (load_ave[2])), Qnil))); } #undef channel #undef initialized #undef nl Lisp_Object Vfeatures; DEFUN ("featurep", Ffeaturep, Sfeaturep, 1, 1, 0, "Returns t if FEATURE is present in this Emacs.\n\ Use this to conditionalize execution of lisp code based on the presence or\n\ absence of emacs or environment extensions.\n\ Use provide to declare that a feature is available.\n\ This function looks at the value of the variable features.") (feature) Lisp_Object feature; { register Lisp_Object tem; CHECK_SYMBOL (feature, 0); tem = Fmemq (feature, Vfeatures); return (NULL (tem)) ? Qnil : Qt; } DEFUN ("provide", Fprovide, Sprovide, 1, 1, 0, "Announce that FEATURE is a feature of the current Emacs.") (feature) Lisp_Object feature; { register Lisp_Object tem; CHECK_SYMBOL (feature, 0); if (!NULL (Vautoload_queue)) Vautoload_queue = Fcons (Fcons (Vfeatures, Qnil), Vautoload_queue); tem = Fmemq (feature, Vfeatures); if (NULL (tem)) Vfeatures = Fcons (feature, Vfeatures); return feature; } DEFUN ("require", Frequire, Srequire, 1, 2, 0, "If FEATURE is not present in Emacs (ie (featurep FEATURE) is false),\n\ load FILENAME. FILENAME is optional and defaults to FEATURE.") (feature, file_name) Lisp_Object feature, file_name; { register Lisp_Object tem; CHECK_SYMBOL (feature, 0); tem = Fmemq (feature, Vfeatures); if (NULL (tem)) { Fload (NULL (file_name) ? Fsymbol_name (feature) : file_name, Qnil, Qt); tem = Fmemq (feature, Vfeatures); if (NULL (tem)) error ("Required feature %s was not provided", XSYMBOL (feature)->name->data ); } return feature; } syms_of_fns () { Qstring_lessp = intern ("string-lessp"); staticpro (&Qstring_lessp); DefLispVar ("features", &Vfeatures, "A list of symbols which are the features of the executing emacs.\n\ Used by featurep and require, and altered by provide."); Vfeatures = Qnil; defsubr (&Sidentity); defsubr (&Srandom); defsubr (&Slength); defsubr (&Sstring_equal); defsubr (&Sstring_lessp); defalias (&Sstring_equal, "string="); defalias (&Sstring_lessp, "string<"); defsubr (&Sappend); defsubr (&Sconcat); defsubr (&Svconcat); defsubr (&Scopy_sequence); defsubr (&Ssubstring); defsubr (&Snthcdr); defsubr (&Snth); defsubr (&Selt); defsubr (&Smemq); defsubr (&Sassq); defsubr (&Sassoc); defsubr (&Srassq); defsubr (&Sdelq); defsubr (&Snreverse); defsubr (&Sreverse); defsubr (&Ssort); defsubr (&Sget); defsubr (&Sput); defsubr (&Sequal); defsubr (&Sfillarray); defsubr (&Snconc); defsubr (&Smapcar); defsubr (&Smapconcat); defsubr (&Sy_or_n_p); defsubr (&Syes_or_no_p); defsubr (&Sload_average); defsubr (&Sfeaturep); defsubr (&Srequire); defsubr (&Sprovide); }