;; "RMAIL" mail reader for Emacs. ;; Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public ;; License for full details. ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies. (defun undigestify-rmail-message () "Break up a digest message into its constituent messages. Leaves original message, deleted, before the undigestified messages." (interactive) (widen) (let ((buffer-read-only nil) (msg-string (buffer-substring (rmail-msgbeg rmail-current-message) (rmail-msgend rmail-current-message)))) (goto-char (rmail-msgend rmail-current-message)) (narrow-to-region (point) (point)) (insert msg-string) (narrow-to-region (point-min) (1- (point-max)))) (let ((error_ t) (buffer-read-only nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (save-restriction (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-region (point-min) (progn (search-forward "\n*** EOOH ***\n") (point))) (insert "\^_\^L\n0,unseen,,\n*** EOOH ***\n") (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)) (let* ((fill-prefix "") (case-fold-search t) (digest-name (mail-strip-quoted-names (or (save-restriction (search-forward "\n\n") (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point)) (goto-char (point-max)) (or (mail-fetch-field "Reply-To") (mail-fetch-field "To"))) (error "Message is not a digest"))))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (forward-line -1) (if (not (looking-at (concat "End of.*Digest.*\n" (regexp-quote "*********") "*$"))) (error "Message is not a digest"))) (re-search-forward (concat "^" (make-string 65 ?-) "-*\n*")) (replace-match "\^_\^L\n0,unseen,,\n*** EOOH ***\n") (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (point) (progn (search-forward "\n\n") (point))) (if (mail-fetch-field "To") nil (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "To: " digest-name "\n"))) (while (re-search-forward (concat "\n\n" (make-string 27 ?-) "-?-?-?-?-?-?\n*") nil t) (replace-match "\n\n\^_\^L\n0,unseen,,\n*** EOOH ***\n") (save-restriction (if (looking-at "End ") (insert "To: " digest-name "\n\n") (narrow-to-region (point) (progn (search-forward "\n\n" nil 'move) (point)))) (if (mail-fetch-field "To") nil (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "To: " digest-name "\n")))))) (setq error_ nil) (message "Message successfully undigestified") (let ((n rmail-current-message)) (rmail-forget-messages) (rmail-show-message n) (rmail-delete-forward))) (cond (error_ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (rmail-show-message rmail-current-message))))))