;; Convert texinfo files to info files. ;; Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public ;; License for full details. ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies. (defvar texinfo-mode-syntax-table nil) (defvar texinfo-format-syntax-table nil) (defvar texinfo-vindex) (defvar texinfo-findex) (defvar texinfo-cindex) (defvar texinfo-pindex) (defvar texinfo-tindex) (defvar texinfo-kindex) (let ((st (syntax-table))) (unwind-protect (progn (setq texinfo-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)) (set-syntax-table texinfo-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\" " ") (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ " ") (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "\\") (modify-syntax-entry ?\^q "\\") (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]") (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[") (modify-syntax-entry ?{ "(}") (modify-syntax-entry ?} "){") (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "w") (setq texinfo-format-syntax-table (copy-sequence texinfo-mode-syntax-table)) (set-syntax-table texinfo-format-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\' ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\( ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ".")) (set-syntax-table st))) (defun texinfo-mode () "Major mode for editing texinfo files. These are files that are input for TEX and also to be turned into Info files by M-x texinfo-format-buffer. These files must be written in a very restricted and modified version of TEX input format. As for editing commands, like text-mode except for syntax table, which is set up so expression commands skip texinfo bracket groups." (interactive) (text-mode) (setq mode-name "Texinfo") (setq major-mode 'texinfo-mode) (set-syntax-table texinfo-mode-syntax-table) (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) (setq require-final-newline t) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) (setq paragraph-separate (concat "^\b\\|^@[a-z]*[ \n]\\|" paragraph-separate)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (setq paragraph-start (concat "^\b\\|^@[a-z]*[ \n]\\|" paragraph-start)) (make-local-variable 'fill-column) (setq fill-column 75) (run-hooks 'text-mode-hook 'texinfo-mode-hook)) (defun texinfo-format-buffer () "Process the current buffer as texinfo code, into an Info file. The Info file output is generated in a buffer visiting the Info file names specified in the @setfilename command." (interactive) (let (texinfo-format-filename texinfo-example-start texinfo-command-start texinfo-command-end texinfo-command-name texinfo-last-node texinfo-vindex texinfo-findex texinfo-cindex texinfo-pindex texinfo-tindex texinfo-kindex texinfo-stack outfile (fill-column fill-column) (input-buffer (current-buffer))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "@setfilename") (setq texinfo-command-end (point)) (setq outfile (texinfo-parse-line-arg))) (find-file outfile) (message "Formatting Info file...") (texinfo-mode) (set-syntax-table texinfo-format-syntax-table) (erase-buffer) (insert-buffer-substring input-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "@setfilename") (beginning-of-line) (delete-region (point-min) (point)) (while (search-forward "``" nil t) (replace-match "\"")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "''" nil t) (replace-match "\"")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "@" nil t) ;; If the @ is preceded by an odd number of ^Q's, do nothing, (if (and (eq (char-after (- (point) 2)) ?\^Q) (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (let ((opoint (point))) (skip-chars-backward "\^Q") (= (logand 1 (- opoint (point))) 1)))) nil (if (looking-at "[@{}'` *]") (if (= (following-char) ?*) (delete-region (1- (point)) (1+ (point))) (delete-char -1) (forward-char 1)) (setq texinfo-command-start (1- (point))) (if (= (char-syntax (following-char)) ?w) (forward-word 1) (forward-char 1)) (setq texinfo-command-end (point)) (setq texinfo-command-name (intern (buffer-substring (1+ texinfo-command-start) texinfo-command-end))) (let ((cmd (get texinfo-command-name 'texinfo-format))) (if cmd (funcall cmd) (texinfo-unsupported)))))) (cond (texinfo-stack (goto-char (nth 2 (car texinfo-stack))) (error "Unterminated @%s" (car (car texinfo-stack))))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "\^q" nil t) (delete-char -1) (forward-char 1)) (goto-char (point-min)) (message "Formatting Info file...done. Now save it."))) (put 'begin 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-begin) (defun texinfo-format-begin () (texinfo-format-begin-end 'texinfo-format)) (put 'end 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-end) (defun texinfo-format-end () (texinfo-format-begin-end 'texinfo-end)) (defun texinfo-format-begin-end (prop) (setq texinfo-command-name (intern (texinfo-parse-line-arg))) (setq cmd (get texinfo-command-name prop)) (if cmd (funcall cmd) (texinfo-unsupported))) (defun texinfo-parse-line-arg () (goto-char texinfo-command-end) (let ((start (point))) (cond ((looking-at " ") (skip-chars-forward " ") (setq start (point)) (end-of-line) (setq texinfo-command-end (1+ (point)))) ((looking-at "{") (setq start (1+ (point))) (forward-list 1) (setq texinfo-command-end (point)) (forward-char -1)) (t (error "Invalid texinfo command arg format"))) (prog1 (buffer-substring start (point)) (if (eolp) (forward-char 1))))) (defun texinfo-parse-arg-discard () (prog1 (texinfo-parse-line-arg) (texinfo-discard-command))) (defun texinfo-discard-command () (delete-region texinfo-command-start texinfo-command-end)) (defun texinfo-format-parse-line-args () (let ((start (1- (point))) next beg end args) (skip-chars-forward " ") (while (not (eolp)) (setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward "[\n,]") (setq next (point)) (if (bolp) (setq next (1- next))) (forward-char -1) (skip-chars-backward " ") (setq end (point)) (setq args (cons (if (> end beg) (buffer-substring beg end)) args)) (goto-char next) (skip-chars-forward " ")) (if (eolp) (forward-char 1)) (setq texinfo-command-end (point)) (nreverse args))) (defun texinfo-format-parse-args () (let ((start (1- (point))) next beg end args) (search-forward "{") (while (/= (preceding-char) ?\}) (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward "[},]") (setq next (point)) (forward-char -1) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (setq end (point)) (cond ((< beg end) (goto-char beg) (while (search-forward "\n" end t) (replace-match " ")))) (setq args (cons (if (> end beg) (buffer-substring beg end)) args)) (goto-char next)) (if (eolp) (forward-char 1)) (setq texinfo-command-end (point)) (nreverse args))) (put 'setfilename 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-setfilename) (defun texinfo-format-setfilename () (let ((arg (texinfo-parse-arg-discard))) (setq texinfo-format-filename (file-name-nondirectory arg)) (insert "Info file " texinfo-format-filename ", produced by texinfo-format-buffer -*-Text-*-\nfrom " (if (buffer-file-name input-buffer) (concat "file " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name input-buffer))) (concat "buffer " (buffer-name input-buffer))) ?\n))) (put 'node 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-node) (defun texinfo-format-node () (let* ((args (texinfo-format-parse-line-args)) (name (nth 0 args)) (next (nth 1 args)) (prev (nth 2 args)) (up (nth 3 args))) (texinfo-discard-command) (setq texinfo-last-node name) (or (bolp) (insert ?\n)) (insert "\^_\nFile: " texinfo-format-filename " Node: " name) (if prev (insert ", Prev: " prev)) (if up (insert ", Up: " up)) (if next (insert ", Next: " next)) (insert ?\n))) (put 'menu 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-menu) (defun texinfo-format-menu () (texinfo-discard-line) (insert "* Menu:\n\n")) (put 'menu 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-discard-command) (defun texinfo-discard-line () (goto-char texinfo-command-end) (or (eolp) (error "Extraneous text at end of command line.")) (goto-char texinfo-command-start) (or (bolp) (error "Extraneous text at beginning of command line.")) (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))) ; @xref {NODE, FNAME, NAME, FILE, DOCUMENT} ; -> *Note FNAME: (FILE)NODE ; If FILE is missing, ; *Note FNAME: NODE ; If FNAME is empty and NAME is present ; *Note NAME: Node ; If both NAME and FNAME are missing ; *Note NODE:: ; texinfo ignores the DOCUMENT argument. ; -> See section [NAME, else NODE], page ; If FILE is specified, (FILE)NODE is used for xrefs. ; If fifth argument DOCUMENT is specified, produces ; See section [NAME, else NODE], page ; of DOCUMENT (put 'xref 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-xref) (defun texinfo-format-xref () (let ((args (texinfo-format-parse-args))) (texinfo-discard-command) (insert "*Note ") (let ((fname (or (nth 1 args) (nth 2 args)))) (if (null (or fname (nth 3 args))) (insert (car args) "::") (insert (or fname (car args)) ": ") (if (nth 3 args) (insert "(" (nth 3 args) ")")) (insert (car args)))))) (put 'pxref 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-pxref) (defun texinfo-format-pxref () (texinfo-format-xref) (or (save-excursion (forward-char -2) (looking-at "::")) (insert "."))) ;@inforef{NODE, FNAME, FILE} ;Like @xref{NODE, FNAME,,FILE} in texinfo. ;In Tex, generates "See Info file FILE, node NODE" (put 'inforef 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-inforef) (defun texinfo-format-inforef () (let ((args (texinfo-format-parse-args))) (texinfo-discard-command) (insert "*Note " (nth 1 args) ": (" (nth 2 args) ")" (car args)))) (put 'ichapter 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (put 'chapter 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (put 'iappendix 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (put 'appendix 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (put 'iunnumbered 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (put 'unnumbered 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-chapter) (defun texinfo-format-chapter () (texinfo-format-chapter-1 ?*)) (put 'isection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'section 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'iappendixsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'appendixsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'iappendixsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'appendixsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'iunnumberedsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (put 'unnumberedsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-section) (defun texinfo-format-section () (texinfo-format-chapter-1 ?=)) (put 'isubsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (put 'subsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (put 'iappendixsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (put 'appendixsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (put 'iunnumberedsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (put 'unnumberedsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsection) (defun texinfo-format-subsection () (texinfo-format-chapter-1 ?-)) (put 'isubsubsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (put 'subsubsection 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (put 'iappendixsubsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (put 'appendixsubsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (put 'iunnumberedsubsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (put 'unnumberedsubsubsec 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-subsubsection) (defun texinfo-format-subsubsection () (texinfo-format-chapter-1 ?.)) (defun texinfo-format-chapter-1 (belowchar) (let ((arg (texinfo-parse-arg-discard))) (insert ?\n arg ?\n "@SectionPAD " belowchar ?\n) (forward-line -2))) (put 'SectionPAD 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-sectionpad) (defun texinfo-format-sectionpad () (let ((str (texinfo-parse-arg-discard))) (forward-char -1) (let ((column (current-column))) (forward-char 1) (while (> column 0) (insert str) (setq column (1- column)))) (insert ?\n))) (put '\. 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-\.) (defun texinfo-format-\. () (texinfo-discard-command) (insert ".")) (put '\: 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-\:) (defun texinfo-format-\: () (texinfo-discard-command)) ;; @itemize pushes (itemize "COMMANDS" STARTPOS) on texinfo-stack. ;; @enumerate pushes (enumerate 0 STARTPOS). ;; @item dispatches to the texinfo-item prop of the first elt of the list. ;; For itemize, this puts in and rescans the COMMANDS. ;; For enumerate, this increments the number and puts it in. ;; In either case, it puts a Backspace at the front of the line ;; which marks it not to be indented later. ;; All other lines get indented by 5 when the @end is reached. (defun texinfo-push-stack (check arg) (setq texinfo-stack (cons (list check arg texinfo-command-start) texinfo-stack))) (defun texinfo-pop-stack (check) (if (null texinfo-stack) (error "Unmatched @end %s" check)) (if (not (eq (car (car texinfo-stack)) check)) (error "@end %s matches @%s" check (car (car texinfo-stack)))) (prog1 (cdr (car texinfo-stack)) (setq texinfo-stack (cdr texinfo-stack)))) (put 'itemize 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-itemize) (defun texinfo-itemize () (texinfo-push-stack 'itemize (texinfo-parse-arg-discard)) (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5))) (put 'itemize 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-itemize) (defun texinfo-end-itemize () (setq fill-column (+ fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-command) (let ((stacktop (texinfo-pop-stack 'itemize))) (texinfo-do-itemize (nth 1 stacktop)))) (put 'enumerate 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-enumerate) (defun texinfo-enumerate () (texinfo-push-stack 'enumerate 0) (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-line)) (put 'enumerate 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-enumerate) (defun texinfo-end-enumerate () (setq fill-column (+ fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-command) (let ((stacktop (texinfo-pop-stack 'enumerate))) (texinfo-do-itemize (nth 1 stacktop)))) (put 'table 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-table) (defun texinfo-table () (texinfo-push-stack 'table (texinfo-parse-arg-discard)) (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5))) (put 'ftable 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-ftable) (defun texinfo-ftable () (texinfo-push-stack 'table "@code") (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-line)) (put 'description 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-description) (defun texinfo-description () (texinfo-push-stack 'table "@asis") (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-line)) (put 'table 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-table) (put 'ftable 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-table) (put 'description 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-table) (defun texinfo-end-table () (setq fill-column (+ fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-command) (let ((stacktop (texinfo-pop-stack 'table))) (texinfo-do-itemize (nth 1 stacktop)))) ;; At the @end, indent all the lines within the construct ;; except those marked with backspace. FROM says where ;; construct started. (defun texinfo-do-itemize (from) (save-excursion (while (progn (forward-line -1) (>= (point) from)) (if (= (following-char) ?\b) (save-excursion (delete-char 1) (end-of-line) (delete-char 6)) (save-excursion (insert " ")))))) (put 'item 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-item) (put 'itemx 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-item) (defun texinfo-item () (funcall (get (car (car texinfo-stack)) 'texinfo-item))) (put 'itemize 'texinfo-item 'texinfo-itemize-item) (defun texinfo-itemize-item () (texinfo-discard-line) (insert "\b " (nth 1 (car texinfo-stack)) " \n") (forward-line -1)) (put 'enumerate 'texinfo-item 'texinfo-enumerate-item) (defun texinfo-enumerate-item () (texinfo-discard-line) (let ((next (1+ (car (cdr (car texinfo-stack)))))) (setcar (cdr (car texinfo-stack)) next) (insert ?\b (format "%3d. " next) ?\n)) (forward-line -1)) (put 'table 'texinfo-item 'texinfo-table-item) (defun texinfo-table-item () (let ((arg (texinfo-parse-arg-discard)) (itemfont (car (cdr (car texinfo-stack))))) (insert ?\b itemfont ?\{ arg "}\n \n")) (forward-line -2)) (put 'ifinfo 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-command) (put 'ifinfo 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-discard-command) (put 'iftex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-iftex) (defun texinfo-format-iftex () (delete-region texinfo-command-start (progn (re-search-forward "@end iftex\n") (point)))) (put 'titlepage 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-titlepage) (defun texinfo-format-titlepage () (delete-region texinfo-command-start (progn (search-forward "@end titlepage\n") (point)))) (put 'endtitlepage 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line) (put 'ignore 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-ignore) (defun texinfo-format-ignore () (delete-region texinfo-command-start (progn (search-forward "@end ignore\n") (point)))) (put 'endignore 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line) (put 'var 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-var) (put 'heading 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-var) (defun texinfo-format-var () (insert (upcase (texinfo-parse-arg-discard))) (goto-char texinfo-command-start)) (put 'asis 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (put 'b 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (put 't 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (put 'i 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (put 'key 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (put 'w 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-noop) (defun texinfo-format-noop () (insert (texinfo-parse-arg-discard)) (goto-char texinfo-command-start)) (put 'code 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-code) (put 'samp 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-code) (put 'file 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-code) (put 'kbd 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-code) (defun texinfo-format-code () (insert "`" (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) "'") (goto-char texinfo-command-start)) (put 'defn 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-defn) (put 'dfn 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-defn) (defun texinfo-format-defn () (insert "\"" (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) "\"") (goto-char texinfo-command-start)) (put 'bullet 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-bullet) (defun texinfo-format-bullet () (texinfo-discard-command) (insert "*")) (put 'smallexample 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'example 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'quotation 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'lisp 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'display 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'format 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (put 'flushleft 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-example) (defun texinfo-format-example () (texinfo-push-stack 'example nil) (setq fill-column (- fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-line)) (put 'smallexample 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'example 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'quotation 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'lisp 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'display 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'format 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (put 'flushleft 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-end-example) (defun texinfo-end-example () (setq fill-column (+ fill-column 5)) (texinfo-discard-command) (let ((stacktop (texinfo-pop-stack 'example))) (texinfo-do-itemize (nth 1 stacktop)))) (put 'exdent 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-exdent) (defun texinfo-format-exdent () (texinfo-discard-command) (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward " ") (point))) (insert ?\b) ;; Cancel out the deletion that texinfo-do-itemize ;; is going to do at the end of this line. (save-excursion (end-of-line) (insert "\n "))) (put 'ctrl 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-ctrl) (defun texinfo-format-ctrl () (let ((str (texinfo-parse-arg-discard))) (insert (logand 31 (aref str 0))))) (put 'TeX 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-TeX) (defun texinfo-format-TeX () (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) (insert "TeX")) (put 'copyright 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-copyright) (defun texinfo-format-copyright () (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) (insert "(C)")) (put 'dots 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-dots) (defun texinfo-format-dots () (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) (insert "...")) (put 'refill 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-refill) (defun texinfo-format-refill () (texinfo-discard-command) (fill-paragraph nil)) ;; Index generation (put 'vindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-vindex) (defun texinfo-format-vindex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-vindex)) (put 'cindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-cindex) (defun texinfo-format-cindex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-cindex)) (put 'findex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-findex) (defun texinfo-format-findex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-findex)) (put 'pindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-pindex) (defun texinfo-format-pindex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-pindex)) (put 'tindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-tindex) (defun texinfo-format-tindex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-tindex)) (put 'kindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-kindex) (defun texinfo-format-kindex () (texinfo-index 'texinfo-kindex)) (defun texinfo-index (indexvar) (set indexvar (cons (list (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) texinfo-last-node) (symbol-value indexvar)))) (defconst texinfo-indexvar-alist '(("cp" . texinfo-cindex) ("fn" . texinfo-findex) ("vr" . texinfo-vindex) ("tp" . texinfo-tindex) ("pg" . texinfo-pindex) ("ky" . texinfo-kindex))) (put 'printindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-format-printindex) (defun texinfo-format-printindex () (let ((indexelts (symbol-value (cdr (assoc (texinfo-parse-arg-discard) texinfo-indexvar-alist)))) opoint) (insert "\n* Menu:\n\n") (setq opoint (point)) (while indexelts (insert "* " (car (car indexelts)) ": " (nth 1 (car indexelts)) ".\n") (setq indexelts (cdr indexelts))) (shell-command-on-region opoint (point) "sort -f" 1))) ;; Lots of bolio constructs do nothing in texinfo. (put 'page 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'c 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'comment 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'setchapternewpage 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'contents 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'summarycontents 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'nopara 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'noindent 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'setx 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'setq 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'settitle 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'defindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'synindex 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'hsize 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'parindent 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'lispnarrowing 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'itemindent 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'headings 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'group 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'group 'texinfo-end 'texinfo-discard-line-with-args) (put 'bye 'texinfo-format 'texinfo-discard-line) (defun texinfo-discard-line-with-args () (goto-char texinfo-command-start) (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))) ;; Some cannot be handled (defun texinfo-unsupported () (error "%s is not handled by texinfo" (buffer-substring texinfo-command-start texinfo-command-end)))