;; electric -- Window maker and Command loop for `electric' modes. ;; adapted by shane after mly ;; Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman and K. Shane Hartman ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public ;; License for full details. ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies. (provide 'electric) ; zaaaaaaap ;; This loop is the guts for non-standard modes which retain control ;; until some event occurs. It is a `do-forever', the only way out is to ;; throw. It assumes that you have set up the keymap, window, and ;; everything else: all it does is read commands and execute them - ;; providing error messages should one occur (if there is no loop ;; function - which see). The required argument is a tag which should ;; expect a value of nil if the user decides to punt. The user is ;; offered a chance to flush the loop by typing Space as the very first ;; character. Thereafter Space is just a normal character. The ;; second argument is a prompt string (defaults to "->"). Given third ;; argument non-nil, it INHIBITS quitting unless the user types C-g at ;; toplevel. This is so user can do things like C-u C-g and not get ;; thrown out. Fourth argument, if non-nil, should be a function of two ;; arguments which is called after every command is executed. The fifth ;; argument, if provided, is the state variable for the function. If the ;; loop-function gets an error, the loop will abort WITHOUT throwing ;; (moral: use unwind-protect around call to this function for any ;; critical stuff). The second argument for the loop function is the ;; conditions for any error that occurred or nil if none. (defun Electric-command-loop (return-tag &optional prompt inhibit-quit loop-function loop-state) (if (not prompt) (setq prompt "->")) (message "<<< Type Space to flush >>>") (let ((cmd (read-char)) (err)) (if (memq cmd '(?\ ?\C-g)) (throw return-tag nil) (setq unread-command-char cmd cmd nil)) (while t (setq cmd (read-key-sequence prompt)) (setq last-command-char (aref cmd (1- (length cmd))) this-command (key-binding cmd) cmd this-command) (if (or (prog1 quit-flag (setq quit-flag nil)) (= last-input-char ?\C-g)) (progn (setq unread-command-char -1 prefix-arg nil) ;; If it wasn't cancelling a prefix character, then quit. (if (or (= (length (this-command-keys)) 1) (not inhibit-quit)); safety (progn (ding) (message "Quit") (throw return-tag nil)) (setq cmd nil)))) (setq current-prefix-arg prefix-arg) (if cmd (condition-case conditions (progn (command-execute cmd) (if (or (prog1 quit-flag (setq quit-flag nil)) (= last-input-char ?\C-g)) (progn (setq unread-command-char -1) (if (not inhibit-quit) (progn (ding) (message "Quit") (throw return-tag nil)) (ding))))) (buffer-read-only (if loop-function (setq err conditions) (ding) (message "Buffer is read-only") (sit-for 2))) (beginning-of-buffer (if loop-function (setq err conditions) (ding) (message "Beginning of Buffer") (sit-for 2))) (end-of-buffer (if loop-function (setq err conditions) (ding) (message "End of Buffer") (sit-for 2))) (error (if loop-function (setq err conditions) (ding) (message "%s" (or (car (cdr conditions)) "Huh?")) (sit-for 2)))) (ding)) (if loop-function (funcall loop-function loop-state err)))) (ding) (throw return-tag nil)) ;; This function is like pop-to-buffer, sort of. ;; The algorithm is ;; If there is a window displaying buffer ;; Select it ;; Else if there is only one window ;; Split it, selecting the window on the bottom with height being ;; the lesser of max-height (if non-nil) and the number of lines in ;; the buffer to be displayed subject to window-min-height constraint. ;; Else ;; Switch to buffer in the current window. ;; ;; Then if max-height is nil, and not all of the lines in the buffer ;; are displayed, grab the whole screen. ;; ;; Returns selected window on buffer positioned at point-min. (defun Electric-pop-up-window (buffer &optional max-height) (let* ((win (or (get-buffer-window buffer) (selected-window))) (buf (get-buffer buffer)) (one-window (eq win (next-window))) (pop-up-windows t) (target-height) (lines)) (if (not buf) (error "Buffer %s does not exist" buffer) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (setq lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))) (setq target-height (min (max (if max-height (min max-height (1+ lines)) (1+ lines)) window-min-height) (save-window-excursion (delete-other-windows) (1- (window-height (selected-window))))))) (cond ((and (eq (window-buffer win) buf)) (select-window win)) (one-window (goto-char (window-start win)) (pop-to-buffer buffer) (setq win (selected-window)) (enlarge-window (- target-height (window-height win)))) (t (switch-to-buffer buf))) (if (and (not max-height) (> target-height (window-height (selected-window)))) (progn (goto-char (window-start win)) (enlarge-window (- target-height (window-height win))))) (goto-char (point-min)) win)))