;; C code editing commands for Emacs ;; Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public ;; License for full details. ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies. (defvar c-mode-syntax-table nil "Syntax table in use in C-mode buffers.") (defvar c-mode-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table in use in C-mode buffers.") (defvar c-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap used in C mode.") (define-key c-mode-map "\C-j" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent) (define-key c-mode-map "{" 'electric-c-brace) (define-key c-mode-map "}" 'electric-c-brace) (define-key c-mode-map ";" 'electric-c-semi) (define-key c-mode-map ":" 'electric-c-terminator) (define-key c-mode-map "\e\C-h" 'mark-c-function) (define-key c-mode-map "\e\C-q" 'indent-c-exp) (define-key c-mode-map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify) (define-key c-mode-map "\t" 'c-indent-line) (defconst c-indent-level 2 "*Indentation of C statements with respect to containing block.") (defconst c-brace-imaginary-offset 0 "*Imagined indentation of a C open brace that actually follows a statement.") (defconst c-brace-offset 0 "*Extra indentation for braces, compared with other text in same context.") (defconst c-argdecl-indent 5 "*Indentation level of declarations of C function arguments.") (defconst c-label-offset -2 "*Offset of C label lines and case statements relative to usual indentation.") (defconst c-continued-statement-offset 2 "*Extra indent for lines not starting new statements.") (defconst c-auto-newline nil "*Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces, and after colons and semicolons, inserted in C code.") (defun c-mode () "Major mode for editing C code. Expression and list commands understand all C brackets. Tab indents for C code. Comments are delimited with /* ... */. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only. Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back. \\{c-mode-map} Variables controlling indentation style: c-auto-newline Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces, and after colons and semicolons, inserted in C code. c-indent-level Indentation of C statements within surrounding block. The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation of the line on which the open-brace appears. c-continued-statement-offset Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the then-clause of an if or body of a while. c-brace-offset Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace. c-brace-imaginary-offset An open brace following other text is treated as if it were this far to the right of the start of its line. c-argdecl-indent Indentation level of declarations of C function arguments. c-label-offset Extra indentation for line that is a label, or case or default. Turning on C mode calls the value of the variable c-mode-hook with no args, if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (kill-all-local-variables) (use-local-map c-mode-map) (setq major-mode 'c-mode) (setq mode-name "C") (define-abbrev-table 'c-mode-abbrev-table ()) (setq local-abbrev-table c-mode-abbrev-table) (if (not c-mode-syntax-table) (let ((i 0)) (setq c-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)) (set-syntax-table c-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\") (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14") (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23") (modify-syntax-entry ?+ ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?- ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?= ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?< ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?> ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"")) (set-syntax-table c-mode-syntax-table)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start) (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) (setq indent-line-function 'c-indent-line) (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) (setq require-final-newline t) (make-local-variable 'comment-start) (setq comment-start "/* ") (make-local-variable 'comment-end) (setq comment-end " */") (make-local-variable 'comment-column) (setq comment-column 32) (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) (setq comment-start-skip "/\\*+ *") (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook) (setq comment-indent-hook 'c-comment-indent) (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t) (run-hooks 'c-mode-hook)) ;; This is used by indent-for-comment ;; to decide how much to indent a comment in C code ;; based on its context. (defun c-comment-indent () (if (looking-at "^/\\*") 0 ;Existing comment at bol stays there. (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (max (1+ (current-column)) ;Else indent at comment column comment-column)))) ; except leave at least one space. (defun electric-c-brace (arg) "Insert character and correct line's indentation." (interactive "P") (let (insertpos) (if (and (not arg) (eolp) (or (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp)) (if c-auto-newline (progn (c-indent-line) (newline) t) nil))) (progn (insert last-command-char) (c-indent-line nil) (if c-auto-newline (progn (setq insertpos (1- (point))) (newline) (c-indent-line nil))) (save-excursion (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos))) (delete-char -1)))) (if insertpos (save-excursion (goto-char insertpos) (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))) (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))))) (defun electric-c-semi (arg) "Insert character and correct line's indentation." (interactive "P") (if c-auto-newline (electric-c-terminator arg) (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))) (defun electric-c-terminator (arg) "Insert character and correct line's indentation." (interactive "P") (let (insertpos (end (point))) (if (and (not arg) (eolp) (not (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (or (= (following-char) ?#) (let ((pps (parse-partial-sexp (point) end))) (or (nth 3 pps) (nth 4 pps) (nth 5 pps))))))) (progn (insert last-command-char) (c-indent-line nil) (and c-auto-newline (not (c-inside-parens-p)) (progn (setq insertpos (1- (point))) (newline) (c-indent-line nil))) (save-excursion (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos))) (delete-char -1)))) (if insertpos (save-excursion (goto-char insertpos) (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))) (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))))) (defun c-inside-parens-p () (condition-case () (save-excursion (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-defun) (point))) (goto-char (point-max)) (= (char-after (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1) (point-min))) ?\())) (error nil))) (defun c-indent-line (&optional whole-exp) "Indent current line as C code. Argument means shift any additional lines of grouping rigidly with thls line." (interactive "P") (let ((indent (calculate-c-indent nil)) beg end shift-amt (case-fold-search nil) (pos (- (point-max) (point)))) (beginning-of-line) (setq beg (point)) (cond ((eq indent nil) (setq indent (current-indentation))) ((eq indent t) (setq indent (calculate-c-indent-within-comment))) ((looking-at "[ \t]*#") (setq indent 0)) (t (skip-chars-forward " \t") (if (listp indent) (setq indent (car indent))) (cond ((or (looking-at "case\\b") (and (looking-at "[A-Za-z]") (save-excursion (forward-sexp 1) (looking-at ":")))) (setq indent (max 1 (+ indent c-label-offset)))) ((looking-at "else\\b") (setq indent (save-excursion (c-backward-to-start-of-if) (current-indentation)))) ((= (following-char) ?}) (setq indent (- indent c-indent-level))) ((= (following-char) ?{) (setq indent (+ indent c-brace-offset)))))) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column))) (if (zerop shift-amt) (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point)) (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))) (delete-region beg (point)) (indent-to indent) ;; If initial point was within line's indentation, ;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text. (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point)) (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))) ;; If desired, shift remaining lines of expression the same amount. (and whole-exp (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (forward-sexp 1) (setq end (point)) (goto-char beg) (forward-line 1) (setq beg (point)) (> end beg)) (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt "#"))))) (defun calculate-c-indent (&optional parse-start) "Return appropriate indentation for current line as C code. In usual case returns an integer: the column to indent to. Returns nil if line starts inside a string, t if in a comment." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (let ((indent-point (point)) (case-fold-search nil) state containing-sexp) (if parse-start (goto-char parse-start) (beginning-of-defun)) (while (< (point) indent-point) (setq parse-start (point)) (setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) indent-point 0)) (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr state)))) (cond ((or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state)) ;; return nil or t if should not change this line (nth 4 state)) ((null containing-sexp) ;; Line is at top level. May be data or function definition, ;; or may be function argument declaration. ;; Indent like the previous top level line ;; unless that ends in a closeparen without semicolon, ;; in which case this line is the first argument decl. (goto-char indent-point) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (if (= (following-char) ?{) 0 ; Unless it starts a function body (c-backward-to-noncomment (or parse-start (point-min))) (if (= (preceding-char) ?\)) c-argdecl-indent (current-indentation)))) ((/= (char-after containing-sexp) ?{) ;; line is expression, not statement: ;; indent to just after the surrounding open. (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp)) (current-column)) (t ;; Statement. Find previous non-comment character. (goto-char indent-point) (c-backward-to-noncomment containing-sexp) (if (not (memq (preceding-char) '(nil ?\, ?\; ?} ?: ?\{))) ;; This line is continuation of preceding line's statement; ;; indent c-continued-statement-offset more than the ;; previous line of the statement. (progn (c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp) (+ c-continued-statement-offset (current-column))) ;; This line starts a new statement. ;; Position following last unclosed open. (goto-char containing-sexp) ;; Is line first statement after an open-brace? (or ;; If no, find that first statement and indent like it. (save-excursion (forward-char 1) (while (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (looking-at "#\\|/\\*\\|case[ \t\n]\\|[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*:")) ;; Skip over comments and labels following openbrace. (if (= (following-char) ?\#) (forward-line 1) (if (looking-at "/\\*") (search-forward "*/" nil 'move) (search-forward ":")))) ;; The first following code counts ;; if it is before the line we want to indent. (and (< (point) indent-point) (current-column))) ;; If no previous statement, ;; indent it relative to line brace is on. ;; For open brace in column zero, don't let statement ;; start there too. If c-indent-offset is zero, ;; use c-brace-offset + c-continued-statement-offset instead. ;; For open-braces not the first thing in a line, ;; add in c-brace-imaginary-offset. (+ (if (and (bolp) (zerop c-indent-level)) (+ c-brace-offset c-continued-statement-offset) c-indent-level) (if (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp)) 0 c-brace-imaginary-offset) (current-indentation))))))))) (defun calculate-c-indent-within-comment () "Return the indentation amount for line, assuming that the current line is to be regarded as part of a block comment." (let (end star-start) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (setq star-start (= (following-char) ?\*)) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (setq end (point)) (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (and (re-search-forward "/\\*[ \t]*" end t) star-start (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0)))) (current-column)))) (defun c-backward-to-noncomment (lim) (let (opoint stop) (while (not stop) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n" lim) (setq opoint (point)) (if (and (>= (point) (+ 2 lim)) (save-excursion (forward-char -2) (looking-at "\\*/"))) (search-backward "/*" lim 'move) (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (if (looking-at "#") (setq stop (<= (point) lim)) (setq stop t) (goto-char opoint)))))) (defun c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (lim) (if (= (preceding-char) ?\)) (forward-sexp -1)) (beginning-of-line) (if (<= (point) lim) (goto-char (1+ lim))) (skip-chars-forward " \t")) (defun c-backward-to-start-of-if (&optional limit) "Move to the start of the last ``unbalanced'' if." (or limit (setq limit (save-excursion (beginning-of-defun) (point)))) (let ((if-level 1) (case-fold-search nil)) (while (not (zerop if-level)) (backward-sexp 1) (cond ((looking-at "else\\b") (setq if-level (1+ if-level))) ((looking-at "if\\b") (setq if-level (1- if-level))) ((< (point) limit) (setq if-level 0) (goto-char limit)))))) (defun mark-c-function () "Put mark at end of C function, point at beginning." (interactive) (push-mark (point)) (end-of-defun) (push-mark (point)) (beginning-of-defun) (backward-paragraph)) (defun indent-c-exp () "Indent each line of the C grouping following point." (interactive) (let ((indent-stack (list nil)) (contain-stack (list (point))) (case-fold-search nil) restart outer-loop-done inner-loop-done state ostate this-indent last-sexp at-else (opoint (point)) (next-depth 0)) (save-excursion (forward-sexp 1)) (save-excursion (setq outer-loop-done nil) (while (and (not (eobp)) (not outer-loop-done)) (setq last-depth next-depth) ;; Compute how depth changes over this line ;; plus enough other lines to get to one that ;; does not end inside a comment or string. ;; Meanwhile, do appropriate indentation on comment lines. (setq innerloop-done nil) (while (and (not innerloop-done) (not (and (eobp) (setq outer-loop-done t)))) (setq ostate state) (setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)) nil nil state)) (setq next-depth (car state)) (if (and (car (cdr (cdr state))) (>= (car (cdr (cdr state))) 0)) (setq last-sexp (car (cdr (cdr state))))) (if (or (nth 4 ostate)) (c-indent-line)) (if (or (nth 3 state)) (forward-line 1) (setq innerloop-done t))) (if (<= next-depth 0) (setq outer-loop-done t)) (if outer-loop-done nil (if (/= last-depth next-depth) (setq last-sexp nil)) (while (> last-depth next-depth) (setq indent-stack (cdr indent-stack) contain-stack (cdr contain-stack) last-depth (1- last-depth))) (while (< last-depth next-depth) (setq indent-stack (cons nil indent-stack) contain-stack (cons nil contain-stack) last-depth (1+ last-depth))) (if (null (car contain-stack)) (setcar contain-stack (or (car (cdr state)) (save-excursion (forward-sexp -1) (point))))) (forward-line 1) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (if (eolp) nil (if (and (car indent-stack) (>= (car indent-stack) 0)) ;; Line is on an existing nesting level. ;; Lines inside parens are handled specially. (if (/= (char-after (car contain-stack)) ?{) (setq this-indent (car indent-stack)) ;; Line is at statement level. ;; Is it a new statement? Is it an else? ;; Find last non-comment character before this line (save-excursion (setq at-else (looking-at "else\\W")) (c-backward-to-noncomment opoint) (if (not (memq (preceding-char) '(nil ?\, ?\; ?} ?: ?{))) ;; Preceding line did not end in comma or semi; ;; indent this line c-continued-statement-offset ;; more than previous. (progn (c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (car contain-stack)) (setq this-indent (+ c-continued-statement-offset (current-column)))) ;; Preceding line ended in comma or semi; ;; use the standard indent for this level. (if at-else (progn (c-backward-to-start-of-if opoint) (setq this-indent (current-indentation))) (setq this-indent (car indent-stack)))))) ;; Just started a new nesting level. ;; Compute the standard indent for this level. (let ((val (calculate-c-indent (if (car indent-stack) (- (car indent-stack)))))) (setcar indent-stack (setq this-indent val)))) ;; Adjust line indentation according to its contents (if (or (looking-at "case[ \t]") (and (looking-at "[A-Za-z]") (save-excursion (forward-sexp 1) (looking-at ":")))) (setq this-indent (max 1 (+ this-indent c-label-offset)))) (if (= (following-char) ?}) (setq this-indent (- this-indent c-indent-level))) (if (= (following-char) ?{) (setq this-indent (+ this-indent c-brace-offset))) ;; Put chosen indentation into effect. (or (= (current-column) this-indent) (= (following-char) ?\#) (progn (delete-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))) (indent-to this-indent))) ;; Indent any comment following the text. (or (looking-at comment-start-skip) (if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) (progn (indent-for-comment) (beginning-of-line))))))))) ; (message "Indenting C expression...done") )