This directory holds the latest distribution version of GNU Emacs. The subdirectory `src' holds the C code, `lisp' holds the Lisp code for the editing commands, `etc' holds various associated documentation files and programs that Emacs runs, See etc/DEBUG for info on how to debug. `info' holds the Info documentation tree. `man' holds the source of the Emacs manual. `shortnames' holds programs and data files for creating files of #define's used to convert long symbol names to distinct short ones for C compiles that cannot distinguish more than 8 characters. The file INSTALL in this directory says how to bring up GNU Emacs, once you have loaded the entire subtree of this directory. It also contains information on many common problems that occur in building, installing and running Emacs. The `etc' subdirectory contains several other files, named in capital letters, which you should look at when installing GNU Emacs. For a list of the changes made at Berkeley to the FSF distribution, see the file ChangeLog, in this directory.