/* deviceinfo.h: data describing the Interpress device and fonts */ struct device_entry { short font_size; /* total size of font_entries in file (bytes), */ short resolution; /* resolution of device */ short hor_units; /* horizontal units */ short ver_units; /* vertical units */ short width_units; /* units used to descibe character widths */ short num_fonts; /* number of valid fonts for device */ short num_sizes; /* number of valid sizes for device */ short scaling; /* scale factor used to represent non-integer point sizes */ short output_wid; /* maximum width of output (in units) */ short output_len; /* maximum length of output (in units) */ short spec_char_num; /* number of 'special' characters recognized by device */ /* must exist in specCharTab */ short spec_name_len; /* length of string containing all 'special' */ /* character names */ short unused[2]; }; struct font_entry { char num_char_wid; /* number of width entries for this font */ char special_flag; /* indicates if this font is a special font (=1) */ char ligature_flag; /* indicates if ligatures exist on this font (=1) */ char unused; char font_name[10]; /* troff internal font name */ char font_number[10]; /* troff internal font number (ascii equivalent) */ };