1: /******************************************************************************
   2:  *
   3:  *	main	--	main routine for dipress
   4:  *			(ditroff to interpress conversion)
   5:  *
   6:  *	John Mellor-Crummey (Xerox Corp)
   7:  *
   8:  *	Copyright 1985 Xerox Corporation
   9:  *
  10:  *****************************************************************************/
  12: #include <stdio.h>
  13: #include <ctype.h>
  14: #include <sys/types.h>
  15: #include <sys/file.h>
  16: #include <sys/stat.h>
  17: #include <strings.h>
  19: #include "defs.h"   /* constant and macro definitions */
  20: #include "externs.h"    /* declarations for global variables */
  23: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24:  *
  25:  *	main processes the list of command line options and opens the
  26:  *	necessary temporary files
  27:  *
  28:  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  29: main(argc, argv)
  30: int argc;
  31: char **argv;
  32: {
  33:     FILE *inputfile;
  35:     /* set up signal handlers to insure clean termination */
  36:     signalHandler();
  38:     /* process command line options */
  40:     while ((--argc > 0) && (**++argv == '-'))
  41:     {
  42:         switch (*++*argv)
  43:         {
  44:         case 'd':
  45:             /* produce debugging info */
  46:             dbg = atoi(++*argv);
  47:             if (dbg == 0) dbg = 1;
  48:             setbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL);
  49:             printf("debugging level %d\n", dbg);
  50:             break;
  51:         case 'f':
  52:         case 'F':
  53:             /* reset default font directory
  54: 			 * accept either form '-f <dir>' or '-f<dir>'
  55: 			 */
  56:             if (*(*argv+1) == '\0')
  57:             {
  58:                 fontdirectory = *++argv;
  59:                 --argc;
  60:             }
  61:             else
  62:                 fontdirectory = ++*argv;
  63:             break;
  64:         case 'o':
  65:             /* read the following list of page numbers */
  66:             readPageList(++*argv);
  67:             break;
  68:         case 't':
  69:             /* dump the interpress to the standard output */
  70:             outputfile = fileno(stdout);
  71:             break;
  72:         default:
  73:             reportError(CONTINUE,"option -%c not recognized\n", (char *) **argv);
  74:             break;
  75:         }
  76:     }
  78:     /* construct name for temporary files */
  79:     (void) sprintf(tempfilename, "/tmp/dip%d", getpid());
  81:     if (outputfile != fileno(stdout))
  82:     {
  83:         /* open file to hold master */
  84:         if ((outputfile=open(tempfilename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1)
  85:             reportError(QUIT, "temporary file %s: %s",
  86:             tempfilename, sys_errlist[errno]);
  87:         ip_select(outputfile);
  88:     }
  90:     /* open file to hold body */
  91:     (void) strcat(tempfilename, "b");
  93:     if ((pagebodyfile = open(tempfilename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1)
  94:         reportError(QUIT, "temporary file %s: %s",
  95:         tempfilename, sys_errlist[errno]);
  97:     ip_raw_select(pagebodyfile);
 101:     if (argc <= 0)  /* if no file specified, default to stdin */
 102:         ditroffToIpress(stdin);
 103:     else
 104:         /* process files explicitly specified */
 105:         while (argc-- > 0)
 106:         {
 107:             if ((inputfile = fopen(*argv++, "r")) == NULL)
 108:                 reportError(QUIT, "can't open %s: %s",
 109:                     *argv, sys_errlist[errno]);
 110:             ditroffToIpress(inputfile);
 111:             (void) fclose(inputfile);
 112:         }
 113:     goodbye();
 114: }
 117: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 118:  * readPageList	--	read a list of page specifications of the form
 119:  *			p1 or p1-p2 separated by commas. if in the dash form
 120:  *			either p1 or p2 is omitted, it will appropriately
 121:  *			default to the first of last page of the document
 122:  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 123: readPageList(ptr)
 124: char *ptr;
 125: {
 126:     while(*ptr != '\0')
 127:     {
 128:         pagerange[nPageRanges][0] =
 129:             ((isdigit(*ptr)) ? readPageNumber(&ptr): DEFAULTRANGEBOT);
 130:         pagerange[nPageRanges][1] =
 131:             ((*ptr != '-') ? pagerange[nPageRanges][0] :
 132:                     ((isdigit(*++ptr)) ? readPageNumber(&ptr) :
 133:                              DEFAULTRANGETOP));
 134:         nPageRanges++;
 135:         if (*ptr != '\0') ptr++;
 136:     }
 137: }
 140: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 141:  * readPageNumber	--	read a page number from a string and update the
 142:  *				pointer to the next non-digit
 143:  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 144: readPageNumber(ptr)
 145: char **ptr;
 146: {
 147:     int pagenumber = 0;
 149:     while(isdigit(**ptr))
 150:     {
 151:         pagenumber = pagenumber * 10 + **ptr - '0';
 152:         ++*ptr;
 153:     }
 154:     return(pagenumber);
 155: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 29; never used
readPageList defined in line 123; used 1 times
  • in line 66
readPageNumber defined in line 144; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-01-06
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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