1: static char tab_c_Sccsid[] = "tab.c @(#)tab.c	1.3	10/5/82 Berkeley ";
   3: /*
   4:  * This table defines the operators in APL\11.
   5:  * The first entry is the character representing
   6:  * the operator, the second is the unique operator
   7:  * identifier (which should give you a hint as
   8:  * to what the operator is), and the third is
   9:  * the operator type, of interest only to the
  10:  * interpreter.
  11:  * Those characters represented by octal numbers are actually
  12:  * two-character overstrikes.  Ignore the leading "2", and
  13:  * the rest of the number is an index into "chartab", below,
  14:  * which lists the two-character overstrikes.  Overstrikes
  15:  * may be in either order.
  16:  *
  17:  * Note: What isn't shown here is that unary minus
  18:  * is ` (backwards apostrophe).  This is handled in lex.c, a0.c
  19:  * and a2.c (both input and output).
  20:  */
  21: struct tab
  22: {
  23:     int input;
  24:     int lexval;
  25:     int retval;
  26: } tab[] = {
  28: /*
  29:  * one of a kind
  30:  */
  32:     '(',    unk,lpar,
  33:     ')',    unk,rpar,
  34:     '[',    unk,lbkt,
  35:     ']',    unk,rbkt,
  36:     '/',    COM,com,
  37:     0200  , COM0,com0,
  38:     '\\',   EXD,com,
  39:     0201  , EXD0,com0,
  40:     '\'',   unk,strng,
  41:     'J',    unk,null,
  42:     '.',    IPROD,dot,
  43:     'L',    QUAD,Quad,
  44:     0202  , QQUAD,Quad,
  45:     0203  , CQUAD,Quad,
  46:     ';',    unk,semi,
  47:     ':',    unk,cln,
  48:     0204  , COMNT,comnt,
  49:     'C',    COMNT,comnt,
  50:     '}',    BRAN0,tran,
  52: /*
  53:  * dyadic scalars
  54:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
  55:  */
  57:     '<',    LT,dscal,
  58:     '>',    GT,dscal,
  59:     '$',    LE,dscal,
  60:     0220,   LE,dscal,
  61:     '&',    GE,dscal,
  62:     0221,   GE,dscal,
  63:     '=',    EQ,dscal,
  64:     '#',    NE,dscal,
  65:     0222,   NE,dscal,
  66:     '^',    AND,dscal,
  67:     'A',    AND,dscal,
  68:     'Q',    OR,dscal,
  69:     'V',    OR,dscal,
  70:     0205  , NAND,dscal,
  71:     0231,   NAND,dscal,
  72:     0206  , NOR,dscal,
  73:     0223,   NAND,dscal,
  74:     0224,   NOR,dscal,
  76: /*
  77:  * monadic or dyadic scalars
  78:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
  79:  *	op1 v+1 (monadic op)
  80:  */
  82:     '+',    ADD,mdscal,
  83:     '-',    SUB,mdscal,
  84:     'M',    MUL,mdscal,
  85:     'X',    MUL,mdscal,
  86:     0225,   MUL,mdscal,
  87:     'P',    DIV,mdscal,
  88:     0240,   DIV,mdscal,
  89:     '%',    DIV,mdscal,
  90:     0226,   DIV,mdscal,
  91:     '|',    MOD,mdscal,
  92:     'D',    MIN,mdscal,
  93:     'S',    MAX,mdscal,
  94:     '*',    PWR,mdscal,
  95:     0207  , LOG,mdscal,
  96:     'O',    CIR,mdscal,
  97:     0210  , COMB,mdscal,
  98:     '!',    COMB,mdscal,
 100: /*
 101:  * monadic
 102:  *	op1 v (monadic op)
 103:  */
 105:     '~',    NOT,m,
 106:     0241,   EPS+1,m,
 107: /*
 108:  * dyadic
 109:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
 110:  */
 112:     'N',    REP,d,
 113:     'Y',    TAKE,d,
 114:     'U',    DROP,d,
 115:     '_',    ASGN,asg,
 116:     '{',    ASGN,asg,
 118: /*
 119:  * monadic or dyadic
 120:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
 121:  *	op1 v+1 (monadic op)
 122:  */
 124:     'E',    EPS,md,
 125:     'B',    BASE,md,
 126:     '?',    DEAL,md,
 127:     'R',    DRHO,md,
 128:     'I',    DIOT,md,
 129:     0211  , ROT0,md,
 130:     0212  , DTRN,md,
 131:     0213  , DIBM,md,
 132:     0214  , DDOM,md,
 133:     0242,   DFMT,md,
 137: /*
 138:  * monadic with optional subscript
 139:  *	op1 v (monadic op)
 140:  *	op1 sub v+1 (subscripted monadic op)
 141:  */
 143:     0215  , GDU,msub,
 144:     0216  , GDD,msub,
 145:     0227,   GDU,msub,
 146:     0230,   GDD,msub,
 148: /*
 149:  * dyadic with optional subscript
 150:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
 151:  *	op2 op1 sub v+1 (subscripted dyadic op)
 152:  */
 155: /*
 156:  * monadic or dyadic with optional subscript
 157:  *	op2 op1 v (dyadic op)
 158:  *	op1 v+1 (monadic op)
 159:  *	op2 op1 sub v+2 (subscripted dyadic op)
 160:  *	op1 sub v+3 (subscripted monadic op)
 161:  */
 163:     0217  , ROT,mdsub,
 164:     ',',    CAT,mdsub,
 166: /*
 167:  *	ISP and PSI
 168:  */
 169:     0232,   PSI,d,
 170:     0233,   ISP,d,
 172: /*
 173:  *	other, non-function
 174:  */
 175:     0234,   unk,null,
 176:     0235,   unk,null,
 177:     0236,   unk,null,
 178:     0237,   unk,null,
 179:     '@',    unk,null,
 181: /*
 182:  * end of list
 183:  */
 185:     0
 186: };
 188: struct {
 189:     char    *ct_name;       /* command name string */
 190:     int ct_ytype;       /* command type */
 191:     int ct_ylval;       /* "yylval" value */
 192: } comtab[] = {
 193:     "clear",    comnull,    CLEAR,
 194:     "continue", comnull,    CONTIN,
 195:     "copy",     comnam,     COPY,
 196:     "debug",    comnull,    DEBUG,
 197:     "digits",   comexpr,    DIGITS,
 198:     "drop",     comlist,    DROPC,
 199:     "edit",     comnam,     EDIT,
 200:     "editf",    comnam,     EDITF,
 201:     "write",    comnam,     WRITE,
 202:     "trace",    comnull,    TRACE,
 203:     "untrace",  comnull,    UNTRACE,
 204:     "erase",    comlist,    ERASE,
 205:     "fns",      comnull,    FNS,
 206:     "fuzz",     comexpr,    FUZZ,
 207:     "lib",      comnull,    LIB,
 208:     "load",     comnam,     LOAD,
 209:     "off",      comnull,    OFF,
 210:     "origin",   comexpr,    ORIGIN,
 211:     "read",     comnam,     READ,
 212:     "save",     comnam,     SAVE,
 213:     "vars",     comnull,    VARS,
 214:     "width",    comexpr,    WIDTH,
 215:     "vsave",    comnam,     VSAVE,
 216:     "script",   comnam,     SCRIPT,
 217:     "reset",    comnull,    RESET,
 218:     "si",       comnull,    SICOM,
 219:     "code",     comnam,     CODE,
 220:     "del",      comnam,     DEL,
 221:     "shell",    comnull,    SHELL,
 222:     "list",     comnam,     LIST,
 223:     "prws",     comnull,    PRWS,
 224:     0,      unk
 225: };
 227: /*
 228:  * List of two-character escapes.  Indexed by 02XX entries
 229:  * in "tab", above.  Entries must be in lexical order, i.e.
 230:  * 'V~' will work, '~V' will not (since overstrikes are
 231:  * sorted before they are looked up).  'V~' is 6 down in
 232:  * the table, and thus corresponds to 0206,
 233:  * which "tab" shows to be NOR.
 234:  */
 235: int     chartab[] = {
 237:     '-/',       /* 0200 comprs */
 238:     '-\\',      /* 0201 expand */
 239:     '\'L',      /* 0202 quote quad */
 240:     'LO',       /* 0203 circle quad */
 241:     'CJ',       /* 0204 lamp */
 242:     '^~',       /* 0205 nand */
 243:     'V~',       /* 0206 nor */
 244:     '*O',       /* 0207 log */
 245:     '\'.',      /* 0210 comb/fact ('!') */
 246:     '-O',       /* 0211 rotate */
 247:     'O\\',      /* 0212 transpose */
 248:     'BN',       /* 0213 i beam */
 249:     '%L',       /* 0214 domino */
 250:     'A|',       /* 0215 grade up */
 251:     'V|',       /* 0216 grade dn */
 252:     'O|',       /* 0217 rotate */
 253:     '<=',       /* 0220 less eq */
 254:     '=>',       /* 0221 greater eq */
 255:     '/=',       /* 0222 not eq */
 256:     'A~',       /* 0223 nand */
 257:     'Q~',       /* 0224 nor */
 258:     '/\\',      /* 0225 multiply */
 259:     '-:',       /* 0226 divide */
 260:     'H|',       /* 0227 another grade up */
 261:     'G|',       /* 0230 another dgrade dn */
 262:     '&~',       /* 0231 yet another nand */
 263:     'U|',       /* 0232 PSI */
 264:     'C|',       /* 0233 ISP */
 265:     'Y~',       /* 0234 bracket 1 */
 266:     'U~',       /* 0235 bracket 2 */
 267:     '-U',       /* 0236 another bracket 2 */
 268:     '-Y',       /* 0237 another bracket 2 */
 269:     '//',       /* 0240 alternate divide */
 270:     'BJ',       /* 0241 standard execute */
 271:     'JN',       /* 0242 format */
 272: /*
 273:  *	function alpha() in lex.c must be changed whenever this
 274:  *	table is updated.  It must know the index of the alternate
 275:  *	character set (currently 0243)
 276:  */
 277:     'Fa',       /* alternate character set */
 278:     'Fb',
 279:     'Fc',
 280:     'Fd',
 281:     'Fe',
 282:     'Ff',
 283:     'Fg',
 284:     'Fh',
 285:     'Fi',
 286:     'Fj',
 287:     'Fk',
 288:     'Fl',
 289:     'Fm',
 290:     'Fn',
 291:     'Fo',
 292:     'Fp',
 293:     'Fq',
 294:     'Fr',
 295:     'Fs',
 296:     'Ft',
 297:     'Fu',
 298:     'Fv',
 299:     'Fw',
 300:     'Fx',
 301:     'Fy',
 302:     'Fz',
 303:     0
 304: };
 306: /*
 307:  *	qtab -- table of valid quad functions
 308:  *	the format of the qtab is the similar to tab, above
 309:  *
 310:  */
 311: struct qtab{
 312:     char    *qname;
 313:     int qtype;
 314:     int rtype;
 315: } qtab[] = {
 317:     "lx",   XQUAD,  Quad,
 318:     "width", QWID,  Quad,
 319:     "run",  QRUN,   m,
 320:     "fuzz", QFUZZ,  Quad,
 321:     "fork", QFORK,  m,
 322:     "wait", QWAIT,  m,
 323:     "exec", QEXEC,  m,
 324:     "cr",   QCRP,   m,
 325:     "fx",   FDEF,   m,
 326:     "exit", QEXIT,  m,
 327:     "pipe", QPIPE,  m,
 328:     "chdir",QCHDIR, m,
 329:     "open", QOPEN,  d,
 330:     "close", QCLOSE, m,
 331:     "read", QREAD,  d,
 332:     "write",QWRITE, d,
 333:     "creat",QCREAT, d,
 334:     "seek", QSEEK,  m,
 335:     "kill", QKILL,  d,
 336:     "rd",   QRD,    m,
 337:     "rm",   QUNLNK, m,
 338:     "dup",  QDUP,   m,
 339:     "ap",   QAP,    d,
 340:     "rline",QRD,    m,
 341:     "nc",   QNC,    m,
 342:     "sig",  QSIGNL, d,
 343:     "float",QFLOAT, m,
 344:     "nl"    ,QNL,   m,
 345:     0};

Defined variables

chartab defined in line 235; never used
qtab defined in line 315; never used
tab defined in line 26; never used
tab_c_Sccsid defined in line 1; never used

Defined struct's

qtab defined in line 311; never used
tab defined in line 21; never used

Usage of this include

tab.c used 1 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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