#include /* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 */ /* * xwm - X Window System window manager header file. * * File: xwm.h */ /* $Header: xwm.h,v 10.3 86/02/01 16:10:49 tony Rel $ */ #include #include #include typedef enum _bool {FALSE, TRUE} Bool; #define min(x, y) ((x) <= (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define max(x, y) ((x) >= (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define DEF_BUTTON_MASK MetaMask #define DEF_KEY_MASK MetaMask #define DEF_DELTA 5 #define DEF_I_FONT "6x10" #define DEF_P_FONT "6x10" #define DEF_FUNC GXcopy #define DEF_ICON_BORDER_WIDTH 2 #define DEF_ICON_PADDING 4 #define DEF_POP_BORDER_WIDTH 2 #define DEF_POP_PADDING 4 #define INIT_PTEXT {'0', '0', '0', 'x', '0', '0', '0'} #define CURSOR_WIDTH 16 #define CURSOR_HEIGHT 16 #define MAX_ZAP_VECTORS 16 #define MAX_BOX_VECTORS 26 #define DRAW_HEIGHT 1 #define DRAW_WIDTH 1 #define DRAW_VALUE ~0 #define DRAW_FUNC GXxor #define DRAW_PLANES 1 #define FAILURE 0 /* * External variable definitions. */ extern int errno; extern Window Pop; /* Pop up dimension display window. */ extern Font IFont; /* Icon output font. */ extern FontInfo IFontInfo; /* Icon output font information. */ extern Font PFont; /* Pop up output font. */ extern FontInfo PFontInfo; /* Pop up output font information. */ extern Pixmap GrayPixmap; /* Gray pixmap. */ extern Pixmap IBorder; /* Icon window border pixmap. */ extern Pixmap IBackground; /* Icon window background pixmap. */ extern Pixmap PBorder; /* Pop-Up Window border pixmap. */ extern Pixmap PBackground; /* Pop-up Window background pixmap. */ extern Cursor ArrowCrossCursor; /* Arrow cross cursor. */ extern Cursor ULAngleCursor; /* Upper left angle cursor. */ extern Cursor LLAngleCursor; /* Lower left angle cursor. */ extern Cursor LRAngleCursor; /* Lower right angle cursor. */ extern Cursor URAngleCursor; /* Upper right angle cursor. */ extern Cursor TopTeeCursor; /* Top tee cursor. */ extern Cursor LeftTeeCursor; /* Left tee cursor. */ extern Cursor BottomTeeCursor; /* Bottom tee cursor. */ extern Cursor RightTeeCursor; /* Right tee cursor. */ extern Cursor DotCursor; /* Dot cursor. */ extern Cursor CircleCursor; /* Circle Cursor. */ extern Cursor TextCursor; /* Text cursor used in icon windows. */ extern Cursor IconCursor; /* Icon Cursor. */ extern int ScreenWidth; /* Display screen width. */ extern int ScreenHeight; /* Display screen height. */ extern int CursorFunc; /* Mouse cursor function. */ extern int IconCursorFunc; /* Icon Mouse Cursor function. */ extern int ITextForground; /* Icon window text forground color. */ extern int ITextBackground; /* Icon window text background color. */ extern int IBorderWidth; /* Icon window border width. */ extern int IPadding; /* Icon window padding. */ extern int PTextForground; /* Pop-up window text forground color. */ extern int PTextBackground; /* Pop-up window text background color. */ extern int PWidth; /* Pop-up window width (including borders). */ extern int PHeight; /* Pop-up window height (including borders). */ extern int PBorderWidth; /* Pop-up window border width. */ extern int PPadding; /* Pop-up window padding. */ extern int ButtonMask; /* Global mouse button event mask. */ extern int Delta; /* Mouse movement slop. */ extern Bool Debug; /* Global debug flag. */ extern Bool Grid; /* Should the m/r box contain a 9 seg. grid. */ extern Bool Zap; /* Should the the zap effect be used. */ extern char PText[]; /* Pop-up window dummy text. */ extern int PTextSize; /* Pop-up window dummy text size. */ #ifdef PROFIL int ptrap(); #endif /* * External routine typing. */ extern Bool Change(); extern Bool GetButton(); extern int LowerIconify(); extern int Move(); extern int StoreCursors(); extern int StoreBox(); extern int StoreGridBox(); extern int StoreZap(); extern int Error(); extern int XError();