/* this file contains the site dependent items for the ipq, iprm, ipch * and impv routines. * * history * * created by Ted Bentley * University of Alberta * February 1984 * Color revisions: Martin Dubetz January 1985 */ /* $Header: site.h,v 10.3 86/02/01 16:00:33 tony Rel $ */ #define REMOTE_HOST "alberta" /* The host where the spool files are */ #define P_SERV "impvserv" /* The name of the server on that host */ #define SCREEN_FILE "/usr/tmp/impvXXXXXX" /* the disk file for screen images */ #define SAVE_PAGES 5 /* the number of screen images to save */ #define NOSPOOL /* no spool file, local previewing only*/ /* #define XWIND /* DO NOT TURN ON, MAKEFILE DOES IT */ /*for VAXSTATION */ /* #define IMAGEN300 /* for IMAGEN 300 dpi*/ #ifndef XWIND #define COLOR /* include the color slide option */ #endif #ifdef IMAGEN300 #define SIZED #define MAXx 2550 /* maximum number of dots imagen 300 page */ #define MAXy 3300 #ifdef SUN120 #define LEFTE 126 /* left edge of pscreen to start at */ #else SUN120 #define LEFTE 62 /* left edge of pscreen to start at */ #endif SUN120 #endif IMAGEN300 #ifndef SIZED #ifdef IMAGEN480 #define MAXx 4080 /* maximum number of dots imagen 480 page */ #define MAXy 5280 #define LEFTE 0 /* left edge of pscreen to start at */ #else IMAGEN480 #define MAXx 2040 /* maximum number of dots imagen 240 page */ #define MAXy 2640 #define LEFTE 0 /* left edge of pscreen to start at */ #endif IMAGEN480 #endif SIZED /* these likely won't change */ #define SMAXx (MAXx / 2) /* number of dots on a screen page */ #define SMAXy (MAXy / 2) /* calculate the screen size in bytes 2::1 compression */ #define SCREENSIZE (((SMAXx + 7) / 8) * SMAXy )