1: #include <X/mit-copyright.h>
   2: /* Copyright 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology	*/
   3: #ifndef lint
   4: static char *rcsid_xhost_c = "$Header: xhost.c,v 10.9 86/02/01 15:59:16 tony Rel $";
   5: #endif
   7: #include <signal.h>
   8: #include <setjmp.h>
   9: #include <ctype.h>
  10: #include <sys/types.h>
  11: #include <sys/socket.h>
  12: #include <stdio.h>
  13: #include <netdb.h>
  14: #include <netinet/in.h>
  15: #ifdef DNETCONN
  16: #include <netdnet/dn.h>
  17: #include <netdnet/dnetdb.h>
  18: #endif
  19: #include <X/Xlib.h>
  20: #include <X/Xproto.h>
  22: char *index();
  23: int local_xerror();
  25: #define NAMESERVER_TIMEOUT 5    /* time to wait for nameserver */
  26: int nameserver_timedout;
  28: main(argc, argv)
  29:     int argc;
  30:     char **argv;
  31: {
  32:     Display *dpy;
  33:     char host[256];
  34:     register char *arg;
  35:     int display, i, w, nhosts;
  36:     char *address, *get_address();
  37:     char *hostname, *get_hostname();
  38:     struct in_addr *list, *XGetHosts();
  39: #ifdef DNETCONN
  40:     char *dnet_htoa();
  41:     struct nodeent *np;
  42:     struct dn_naddr *nlist, dnaddr, *dnaddrp, *XGetNodes(), *dnet_addr();
  43:     char *cp, *index();
  44: #endif
  46:     if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) {
  47:         fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't connect to display!\n", argv[0]);
  48:         exit(1);
  49:     }
  51:     XErrorHandler(local_xerror);
  54:     if (argc == 1) {
  55:         /*
  56: 		 * Get all the INET host names
  57: 		 */
  58:         list = XGetHosts(&nhosts);
  59:         if (nhosts != 0) {
  60:             sethostent(1); /* don't close the data base each time */
  61:             for (i = 0; i < nhosts; i++ )  {
  62:               hostname = get_hostname(list[i]);
  63:               printf("%s\t", hostname);
  64:               if (nameserver_timedout)
  65:             printf("(nameserver did not respond in %d seconds)\n",
  66:                     NAMESERVER_TIMEOUT);
  67:               else printf("\n");
  68:             }
  69:             endhostent();
  70:         }
  71: #ifdef DNETCONN
  72:         /*
  73: 		 * Get all the DECnet node names
  74: 		 */
  75:         nlist = XGetNodes(&nhosts);
  76:         if (nhosts != 0) {
  77:             setnodeent(1); /* keep the database accessed */
  78:             for (i = 0; i < nhosts; i++ )  {
  79:             printf("%s::\n", dnet_htoa(&nlist[i]));
  80:             }
  81:         }
  82: #endif
  83:         exit(0);
  84:     }
  86:     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
  87:         arg = argv[i];
  88:         if (*arg == '-') {
  89:         arg++;
  90: #ifdef DNETCONN
  91:         if ((cp = index(arg, ':')) && (*(cp + 1) == ':')) {
  92:             *cp = '\0';
  93:             if (dnaddrp = dnet_addr(arg)) {
  94:             XRemoveNode(dnaddrp);
  95:             } else {
  96:             if ((np = getnodebyname (arg)) == NULL) {
  97:                 printf("xhost:bad node: %s::\n", arg);
  98:             } else {
  99:                 dnaddr.a_len = np->n_length;
 100:                 bcopy (np->n_addr, dnaddr.a_addr, np->n_length);
 101:                 XRemoveNode(&dnaddr);
 102:             }
 103:             }
 104:         } else {
 105: #endif
 106:                     if ((address = get_address(arg)) == NULL)
 107:                  fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad host: %s\n", argv[0], arg);
 108:                     else XRemoveHost(address);
 109: #ifdef DNETCONN
 110:         }
 111: #endif
 112:         } else {
 113:         if (*arg == '+') arg++;
 114: #ifdef DNETCONN
 115:         if ((cp = index(arg, ':')) && (*(cp + 1) == ':')) {
 116:             *cp = '\0';
 117:             if (dnaddrp = dnet_addr(arg)) {
 118:             XAddNode(dnaddrp);
 119:             } else {
 120:             if ((np = getnodebyname (arg)) == NULL) {
 121:                 printf("xhost:bad node: %s::\n", arg);
 122:             } else {
 123:                 dnaddr.a_len = np->n_length;
 124:                 bcopy (np->n_addr, dnaddr.a_addr, np->n_length);
 125:                 XAddNode(&dnaddr);
 126:             }
 127:             }
 128:         } else {
 129: #endif
 130:                     if ((address = get_address(arg)) == NULL)
 131:                  fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad host: %s\n", argv[0], arg);
 132:                     else XAddHost(address);
 133: #ifdef DNETCONN
 134:         }
 135: #endif
 136:         }
 137:     }
 138:     XSync(0);
 139:     exit(0);
 140: }
 144: /*
 145:  * get_address - return a pointer to an internet address given
 146:  * either a name (CHARON.MIT.EDU) or a string with the raw
 147:  * address (
 148:  */
 150: char *get_address (name)
 151: char *name;
 152: {
 153:   struct hostent *hp;
 154:   static unsigned long address;
 156:   /* Raw addresses are the ones that begin with a digit (do this for speed) */
 157:   if (isdigit(*name)) {
 158:     address = inet_addr (name);
 159:     if ((int)address == -1) return(NULL);
 160:     else return((char *)&address);
 161:   }
 162:   hp = gethostbyname (name);
 163:   if (hp) {
 164:     if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) return (NULL);
 165:     else return(hp->h_addr);
 166:   } else return(NULL);
 167: }
 170: /*
 171:  * get_hostname - Given an internet address, return a name (CHARON.MIT.EDU)
 172:  * or a string representing the address ( if the name cannot
 173:  * be found.
 174:  */
 176: jmp_buf env;
 178: char *get_hostname (address)
 179: struct in_addr *address;
 180: {
 181:   struct hostent *hp = NULL;
 182:   int nameserver_lost();
 183:   char *inet_ntoa();
 184:   /* gethostbyaddr can take a LONG time if the host does not exist.
 185:      Assume that if it does not respond in NAMESERVER_TIMEOUT seconds
 186:      that something is wrong and do not make the user wait.
 187:      gethostbyaddr will continue after a signal, so we have to
 188:      jump out of it.
 189:    */
 190:   nameserver_timedout = 0;
 191:   signal(SIGALRM, nameserver_lost);
 192:   alarm(4);
 193:   if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
 194:     hp = gethostbyaddr (&address, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET);
 195:   }
 196:   alarm(0);
 197:   if (hp)
 198:     return (hp->h_name);
 199:   else return (inet_ntoa(address));
 200: }
 202: nameserver_lost()
 203: {
 204:   nameserver_timedout = 1;
 205:   longjmp(env, -1);
 206: }
 208: /*
 209:  * local_xerror - local non-fatal error handling routine. If the error was
 210:  * that an X_GetHosts request for an unknown address format was received, just
 211:  * return, otherwise call the default error handler _XError.
 212:  */
 213: local_xerror (dpy, rep)
 214:     Display *dpy;
 215:     XErrorEvent *rep;
 216: {
 217:     if ((rep->error_code == BadValue) && (rep->request_code == X_GetHosts)) {
 218:     return;
 219:     } else {
 220:     _XError(dpy, rep);
 221:     }
 222: }

Defined functions

get_address defined in line 150; used 3 times
get_hostname defined in line 178; used 2 times
local_xerror defined in line 213; used 2 times
main defined in line 28; never used
nameserver_lost defined in line 202; used 2 times

Defined variables

env defined in line 176; used 2 times
nameserver_timedout defined in line 26; used 3 times
rcsid_xhost_c defined in line 4; never used

Defined macros

NAMESERVER_TIMEOUT defined in line 25; used 1 times
  • in line 66
Last modified: 1986-02-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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