/* Copyright (c) 1984 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)libcpats.c 1.2 (Berkeley) 8/18/84"; #endif not lint #include "inline.h" /* * Pattern table for the C library. */ struct pats libc_ptab[] = { #ifdef vax { "1,_fgetc\n", " movl (sp)+,r2\n\ sobgeq (r2),1f\n\ pushl r2\n\ calls $1,__filbuf\n\ jbr 2f\n\ 1:\n\ movzbl *4(r2),r0\n\ incl 4(r2)\n\ 2:\n" }, { "2,_fputc\n", " movl (sp)+,r2$\n\ movl (sp)+,r3\n\ sobgeq (r3),1f\n\ pushl r3\n\ pushl r2\n\ calls $2,__flsbuf\n\ jbr 2f\n\ 1:\n\ movb r2,*4(r3)\n\ incl 4(r3)\n\ 2:\n" }, { "1,_strlen\n", " movl (sp)+,r5\n\ movl r5,r1\n\ 1:\n\ locc $0,$65535,(r1)\n\ jeql 1b\n\ subl3 r5,r1,r0\n" }, #endif vax #ifdef mc68000 /* someday... */ #endif mc68000 { "", "" } };