1: /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984. */
   2: /* $Header: B1tex.c,v 1.1 84/06/28 00:48:59 timo Exp $ */
   4: /* B texts */
   5: #include "b.h"
   6: #include "b1obj.h"
   7: #include "B1tlt.h" /* for Cts */
   9: Visible value mk_text(m) string m; {
  10:     value v; intlet len= strlen(m);
  11:     v= grab_tex(len);
  12:     strcpy(Str(v), m);
  13:     return v;
  14: }
  16: Visible bool character(v) value v; {
  17:     if (Is_text(v) && Length(v) == 1) return Yes;
  18:     else return No;
  19: }
  21: Visible char charval(v) value v; {
  22:     if (!Is_text(v) || Length(v) != 1) error("value not a character");
  23:     return *Str(v);
  24: }
  26: Visible string strval(v) value v; {
  27:     return Str(v);
  28: }
  30: Visible value concat(s, t) value s, t; {
  31:     value c;
  32:     if (s->type != Tex) error("in t^u, t is not a text");
  33:     else if (t->type != Tex) error("in t^u, t is a text, but u is not");
  34:     c= grab_tex(Length(s)+Length(t));
  35:     strcpy(Str(c), Str(s)); strcpy(Str(c)+Length(s), Str(t));
  36:     return c;
  37: }
  39: Hidden Procedure concato(s, t) value *s; string t; {
  40:     if ((*s)->type != Tex) error("attempt to join text with non-text");
  41:     xtndtex(s, strlen(t));
  42:     strcat(Str(*s), t);
  43: }
  45: Visible value trim(v, B, C) value v; intlet B, C; {
  46:     intlet len= Length(v), k; value w;
  47:     string vp= Str(v)+B, wp;
  48:     if (v->type != Tex) error("trim (@ or |) applied to non-text");
  49:     if (B < 0 || C < 0 || B+C > len)
  50:         error("trim (@ or |) out of bounds");
  51:     w= grab_tex(len-=(B+C)); wp= Str(w);
  52:     Overall *wp++= *vp++; *wp= '\0';
  53:     return w;
  54: }
  56: Visible value repeat(x, y) value x, y; {
  57:     value r; intlet i= propintlet(intval(y)); intlet xl= Length(x), p, q;
  58:     string rp, xp;
  59:     if (x->type != Tex) error("in t^^n, t is not a text");
  60:     if (i < 0) error("in t^^n, n is negative");
  61:     r= grab_tex(propintlet(i*xl)); rp= Str(r);
  62:     for (p= 0; p < i; p++) {
  63:         xp= Str(x);
  64:         for (q= 0; q < xl; q++) *rp++= *xp++;
  65:     }
  66:     *rp= '\0';
  67:     return r;
  68: }
  70: #define Left 'L'
  71: #define Right 'R'
  72: #define Centre 'C'
  74: Hidden value adj(x, y, side) value x, y; literal side; {
  75:     value r, v= convert(x, Yes, Yes); int i= intval(y);
  76:     intlet lv= Length(v), la, k, ls, rs;
  77:     string rp, vp;
  78:     la= propintlet(i) - lv;
  79:     if (la <= 0) return v;
  80:     r= grab_tex(lv+la); rp= Str(r); vp= Str(v);
  82:     if (side == Left) { ls= 0; rs= la; }
  83:     else if (side == Centre) { ls= la/2; rs= (la+1)/2; }
  84:     else { ls= la; rs= 0; }
  86:     for (k= 0; k < ls; k++) *rp++= ' ';
  87:     for (k= 0; k < lv; k++) *rp++= *vp++;
  88:     for (k= 0; k < rs; k++) *rp++= ' ';
  89:     *rp= 0;
  90:     release(v);
  91:     return r;
  92: }
  94: Visible value adjleft(x, y) value x, y; {
  95:     return adj(x, y, Left);
  96: }
  98: Visible value centre(x, y) value x, y; {
  99:     return adj(x, y, Centre);
 100: }
 102: Visible value adjright(x, y) value x, y; {
 103:     return adj(x, y, Right);
 104: }
 106: /* For reasons of efficiency, wri does not always call convert but writes
 107:    directly on the standard output. Modifications in convert should
 108:    be mirrored by changes in wri and vice versa. */
 110: Visible value convert(v, coll, outer) value v; bool coll, outer; {
 111:     literal type= v->type; intlet len= Length(v), k; value *vp= Ats(v);
 112:     value t, cv;
 113:     switch (type) {
 114:     case Num:
 115:         return mk_text(convnum(v));
 116:     case Tex:
 117:         if (outer) return copy(v);
 118:         else {string tp= (string) vp; char cs[2];
 119:             cs[1]= '\0';
 120:             t= mk_text("'");
 121:             Overall {
 122:                 cs[0]= *tp++;
 123:                 concato(&t, cs);
 124:                 if (cs[0] == '\'' || cs[0] == '`')
 125:                     concato(&t, cs);
 126:             }
 127:             concato(&t, "'");
 128:             return t;
 129:         }
 130:     case Com:
 131:         outer&= coll;
 132:         t= mk_text(coll ? "" : "(");
 133:         Overall {
 134:             concato(&t, Str(cv= convert(*vp++, No, outer)));
 135:             release(cv);
 136:             if (k != len-1) concato(&t, outer ? " " : ", ");
 137:         }
 138:         if (!coll) concato(&t, ")");
 139:         return t;
 140:     case Lis: case ELT:
 141:         t= mk_text("{");
 142:         Overall {
 143:             concato(&t, Str(cv= convert(*vp++, No, No)));
 144:             release(cv);
 145:             if (k != len-1) concato(&t, "; ");
 146:         }
 147:         concato(&t, "}");
 148:         return t;
 149:     case Tab:
 150:         t= mk_text("{");
 151:         Overall {
 152:             concato(&t, "[");
 153:             concato(&t, Str(cv= convert(Cts(*vp), Yes, No)));
 154:             release(cv);
 155:             concato(&t, "]: ");
 156:             concato(&t, Str(cv= convert(Dts(*vp++), No, No)));
 157:             release(cv);
 158:             if (k != len-1) concato(&t, "; ");
 159:         }
 160:         concato(&t, "}");
 161:         return t;
 162:     default:
 163:         syserr("converting value of unknown type");
 164:         return (value) Dummy;
 165:     }
 166: }

Defined functions

adj defined in line 74; used 3 times
adjleft defined in line 94; used 1 times
adjright defined in line 102; used 1 times
centre defined in line 98; used 1 times
concato defined in line 39; used 15 times
repeat defined in line 56; used 1 times

Defined macros

Centre defined in line 72; used 2 times
Left defined in line 70; used 2 times
Right defined in line 71; used 1 times
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