/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* $Header: b2tcP.c,v 1.4 85/08/22 16:57:02 timo Exp $ */ /* polytype representation */ #include "b.h" #include "b1obj.h" #include "b2tcP.h" /* A polytype is a compound with two fields. * The first field is a B text, and holds the typekind. * If the typekind is 'Variable', the second field is * a B text, holding the identifier of the variable; * otherwise, the second field is a compound of sub(poly)types, * indexed from 0 to one less then the number of subtypes. */ #define Kin 0 #define Sub 1 #define Id Sub #define Asc 0 #define Key 1 #define Kind(u) ((typekind) *Field((value) (u), Kin)) #define Psubtypes(u) (Field((value) (u), Sub)) #define Ident(u) (*Field((value) (u), Id)) typekind var_kind; typekind num_kind; typekind tex_kind; typekind lis_kind; typekind tab_kind; typekind com_kind; typekind t_n_kind; typekind l_t_kind; typekind tlt_kind; typekind err_kind; polytype num_type; polytype tex_type; polytype err_type; polytype t_n_type; /* Making, setting and accessing (the fields of) polytypes */ Visible polytype mkt_polytype(k, nsub) typekind k; intlet nsub; { value u; u = mk_compound(2); *Field(u, Kin)= copy((value) k); *Field(u, Sub)= mk_compound(nsub); return ((polytype) u); } Procedure putsubtype(sub, u, isub) polytype sub, u; intlet isub; { *Field(*Psubtypes(u), isub)= (value) sub; } typekind kind(u) polytype u; { return (Kind(u)); } intlet nsubtypes(u) polytype u; { return (Nfields(*Psubtypes(u))); } polytype subtype(u, i) polytype u; intlet i; { return ((polytype) *Field(*Psubtypes(u), i)); } polytype asctype(u) polytype u; { return (subtype(u, Asc)); } polytype keytype(u) polytype u; { return (subtype(u, Key)); } value ident(u) polytype u; { return (Ident(u)); } /* making new polytypes */ polytype mkt_number() { return(p_copy(num_type)); } polytype mkt_text() { return(p_copy(tex_type)); } polytype mkt_tn() { return(p_copy(t_n_type)); } polytype mkt_error() { return(p_copy(err_type)); } polytype mkt_list(s) polytype s; { polytype u; u = mkt_polytype(lis_kind, 1); putsubtype(s, u, Asc); return (u); } polytype mkt_table(k, a) polytype k, a; { polytype u; u = mkt_polytype(tab_kind, 2); putsubtype(a, u, Asc); putsubtype(k, u, Key); return (u); } polytype mkt_lt(s) polytype s; { polytype u; u = mkt_polytype(l_t_kind, 1); putsubtype(s, u, Asc); return (u); } polytype mkt_tlt(s) polytype s; { polytype u; u = mkt_polytype(tlt_kind, 1); putsubtype(s, u, Asc); return (u); } polytype mkt_compound(nsub) intlet nsub; { return mkt_polytype(com_kind, nsub); } polytype mkt_var(id) value id; { polytype u; u = mk_compound(2); *Field(u, Kin)= copy((value) var_kind); *Field(u, Id)= id; return (u); } Hidden value nnewvar; polytype mkt_newvar() { value v; v = sum(nnewvar, one); release(nnewvar); nnewvar = v; return mkt_var(convert(nnewvar, No, No)); } polytype p_copy(u) polytype u; { return((polytype) copy((polytype) u)); } Procedure p_release(u) polytype u; { release((polytype) u); } /* predicates */ bool are_same_types(u, v) polytype u, v; { if (compare((value) Kind(u), (value) Kind(v)) NE 0) return (No); else if (t_is_var(Kind(u))) return (compare(Ident(u), Ident(v)) EQ 0); else return ( (nsubtypes(u) EQ nsubtypes(v)) && (compare(*Psubtypes(u), *Psubtypes(v)) EQ 0) ); } bool have_same_structure(u, v) polytype u, v; { return( (compare((value) Kind(u), (value) Kind(v)) EQ 0) && nsubtypes(u) EQ nsubtypes(v) ); } bool t_is_number(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) num_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_text(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) tex_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_tn(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) t_n_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_error(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) err_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_list(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) lis_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_table(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) tab_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_lt(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) l_t_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_tlt(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) tlt_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_compound(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) com_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool t_is_var(kind) typekind kind; { return (compare((value) kind, (value) var_kind) EQ 0 ? Yes : No); } bool has_number(kind) typekind kind; { if (compare(kind, num_kind) EQ 0 || compare(kind, t_n_kind) EQ 0) return (Yes); else return (No); } bool has_text(kind) typekind kind; { if (compare(kind, tex_kind) EQ 0 || compare(kind, t_n_kind) EQ 0) return (Yes); else return (No); } bool has_lt(kind) typekind kind; { if (compare(kind, l_t_kind) EQ 0 || compare(kind, tlt_kind) EQ 0) return (Yes); else return (No); } /* The table "typeof" maps the identifiers of the variables (B texts) * to polytypes. */ value typeof; Procedure repl_type_of(u, p) polytype u, p; { replace((value) p, &typeof, Ident(u)); } bool table_has_type_of(u) polytype u; { return(in_keys(Ident(u), typeof)); } polytype type_of(u) polytype u; { return((polytype) *adrassoc(typeof, Ident(u))); } polytype bottom_var(u) polytype u; { polytype b; if (!t_is_var(Kind(u))) return (u); /* Kind(u) == Variable */ while (table_has_type_of(u)) { b = type_of(u); if (t_is_var(Kind(b))) u = b; else break; } /* Kind(u) == Variable && !table_has_type_of(u)*/ return (u); } Visible Procedure usetypetable(t) value t; { typeof = t; } Visible Procedure deltypetable() { release(typeof); } /* init */ Visible Procedure initpol() { num_kind = mk_text("Number"); num_type = mkt_polytype(num_kind, 0); tex_kind = mk_text("Text"); tex_type = mkt_polytype(tex_kind, 0); t_n_kind = mk_text("TN"); t_n_type = mkt_polytype(t_n_kind, 0); err_kind = mk_text("Error"); err_type = mkt_polytype(err_kind, 0); lis_kind = mk_text("List"); tab_kind = mk_text("Table"); com_kind = mk_text("Compound"); l_t_kind = mk_text("LT"); tlt_kind = mk_text("TLT"); var_kind = mk_text("Variable"); nnewvar = zero; }