/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* $Header: b0con.h,v 1.4 85/08/26 10:42:23 timo Exp $ */ /* Configuration file: some easy changes to the system */ /* As much as possible, this is done automatically these days */ /* You only need to change this file under rare circumstances */ /* At the end, this file #includes another file, config.h, which is */ /* generated automatically (by running mkconfig). Most machine-dependent */ /* changes are put there. */ /* VOID is used to keep lint quiet(er) */ /* (This could be moved to "b.h", as it is never necessary to change it) */ #ifdef lint #define VOID (void) #else #define VOID /*empty*/ #endif /* some un*xes demand that you reset stdin in some way if you get eof, and */ /* want to read from it still. If yours doesn't, delete "clearerr(stdin)" */ /* Actually, it never harms, so why should you want to delete it? */ #define CLEAR_EOF clearerr(stdin) /* Miscellaneous definitions*/ typedef int expint; /*The 2nd argument of frexp points to this */ /*(see manual page frexp(3)). */ /*On some 68K systems must be short (foo!) */ #define Maxtrig 1e16 /*Max x for sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) */ /*(Can anybody find a way to compute this */ /*automatically?) */ #ifdef IBMPC #define Maxrefcnt 255 #else #define Maxrefcnt Maxintlet #endif #define MaxSmallInt (BASE-1) /* This must be so! */ #define MinSmallInt (-BASE) /* This must be so!!! */ #ifndef INTEGRATION #define CMBUFSIZE 1000 /*Buffer used for commands*/ #define RDBUFSIZE 1000 /*Buffer used for reading*/ #else #define CMBUFSIZE 200 /*Buffer used for commands*/ #define RDBUFSIZE 100 /*Buffer used for reading*/ #endif #ifdef unix #define SEED getpid() /*Any suitable random int (eg date or time) */ /*to start the random number generator with */ #else #define SEED getseed() #endif #include "config.h" /* Chain to real machine dependencies */