# Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984, 1985. # # bootstrap Mark 1 implementation of B. # Filled in by ./Setup: # for public installation, e.g. outside the B root directory (make install): # public place for 'b' command BDIR= # public place for 'b.1' manual MAN1DIR= # public place for 'bterminal.5' manual MAN5DIR= # public place for auxiliary files needed by 'b' LIBDIR= # BINT determines B interpreter used BINT= default: all # put everything in ./bin and ./lib: all: cd src/b; make install cd src/bed; make install cd src/$(BINT); make install cd src/libbed; make install @ch_all "$(BINT)" examples: bin/b @cd ex; make examples @echo "" @echo "If all went well, try the B editor in ./ex/try." # install everything in public places: install: $(BDIR) $(MAN1DIR) $(MAN5DIR) $(LIBDIR) cd src/b; make BDEST=$(BDIR) LDEST=$(LIBDIR) install cd src/bed; make DEST=$(LIBDIR) install cd src/$(BINT); make DEST=$(LIBDIR) install cd src/libbed; make DEST=$(LIBDIR) install cd man; make DEST1=$(MAN1DIR) DEST5=$(MAN5DIR) install @ch_install "$(BINT)" "$(BDIR)" "$(MAN1DIR)" "$(MAN5DIR)" "$(LIBDIR)" clean: cd src/b; make clean cd src/bed; make clean cd src/$(BINT); make clean cd src/libtermcap; make clean cd ex; make clean @ch_clean "$(BDIR)" cleanall: cd bin; rm -f * cd lib; rm -f * .Bed* print: @echo "To print the source; see ./src" @echo "To print the manual pages; see ./man" @echo "To print the documents; see ./doc"