1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)computer.c	4.3 (Berkeley) 1/29/86";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: # include   "trek.h"
  12: # include   "getpar.h"
  13: # include   <stdio.h>
  14: /*
  15: **  On-Board Computer
  16: **
  17: **	A computer request is fetched from the captain.  The requests
  18: **	are:
  19: **
  20: **	chart -- print a star chart of the known galaxy.  This includes
  21: **		every quadrant that has ever had a long range or
  22: **		a short range scan done of it, plus the location of
  23: **		all starbases.  This is of course updated by any sub-
  24: **		space radio broadcasts (unless the radio is out).
  25: **		The format is the same as that of a long range scan
  26: **		except that ".1." indicates that a starbase exists
  27: **		but we know nothing else.
  28: **
  29: **	trajectory -- gives the course and distance to every know
  30: **		Klingon in the quadrant.  Obviously this fails if the
  31: **		short range scanners are out.
  32: **
  33: **	course -- gives a course computation from whereever you are
  34: **		to any specified location.  If the course begins
  35: **		with a slash, the current quadrant is taken.
  36: **		Otherwise the input is quadrant and sector coordi-
  37: **		nates of the target sector.
  38: **
  39: **	move -- identical to course, except that the move is performed.
  40: **
  41: **	score -- prints out the current score.
  42: **
  43: **	pheff -- "PHaser EFFectiveness" at a given distance.  Tells
  44: **		you how much stuff you need to make it work.
  45: **
  46: **	warpcost -- Gives you the cost in time and units to move for
  47: **		a given distance under a given warp speed.
  48: **
  49: **	impcost -- Same for the impulse engines.
  50: **
  51: **	distresslist -- Gives a list of the currently known starsystems
  52: **		or starbases which are distressed, together with their
  53: **		quadrant coordinates.
  54: **
  55: **	If a command is terminated with a semicolon, you remain in
  56: **	the computer; otherwise, you escape immediately to the main
  57: **	command processor.
  58: */
  60: struct cvntab   Cputab[] =
  61: {
  62:     "ch",           "art",          (int (*)())1,       0,
  63:     "t",            "rajectory",        (int (*)())2,       0,
  64:     "c",            "ourse",        (int (*)())3,       0,
  65:     "m",            "ove",          (int (*)())3,       1,
  66:     "s",            "core",         (int (*)())4,       0,
  67:     "p",            "heff",         (int (*)())5,       0,
  68:     "w",            "arpcost",      (int (*)())6,       0,
  69:     "i",            "mpcost",       (int (*)())7,       0,
  70:     "d",            "istresslist",      (int (*)())8,       0,
  71:     0
  72: };
  74: computer()
  75: {
  76:     int         ix, iy;
  77:     register int        i, j;
  78:     int         numout;
  79:     int         tqx, tqy;
  80:     struct cvntab       *r;
  81:     int         cost;
  82:     int         course;
  83:     double          dist, time;
  84:     double          warpfact;
  85:     struct quad     *q;
  86:     register struct event   *e;
  88:     if (check_out(COMPUTER))
  89:         return;
  90:     while (1)
  91:     {
  92:         r = getcodpar("\nRequest", Cputab);
  93:         switch (r->value)
  94:         {
  96:           case 1:           /* star chart */
  97:             printf("Computer record of galaxy for all long range sensor scans\n\n");
  98:             printf("  ");
  99:             /* print top header */
 100:             for (i = 0; i < NQUADS; i++)
 101:                 printf("-%d- ", i);
 102:             printf("\n");
 103:             for (i = 0; i < NQUADS; i++)
 104:             {
 105:                 printf("%d ", i);
 106:                 for (j = 0; j < NQUADS; j++)
 107:                 {
 108:                     if (i == Ship.quadx && j == Ship.quady)
 109:                     {
 110:                         printf("$$$ ");
 111:                         continue;
 112:                     }
 113:                     q = &Quad[i][j];
 114:                     /* 1000 or 1001 is special case */
 115:                     if (q->scanned >= 1000)
 116:                         if (q->scanned > 1000)
 117:                             printf(".1. ");
 118:                         else
 119:                             printf("/// ");
 120:                     else
 121:                         if (q->scanned < 0)
 122:                             printf("... ");
 123:                         else
 124:                             printf("%3d ", q->scanned);
 125:                 }
 126:                 printf("%d\n", i);
 127:             }
 128:             printf("  ");
 129:             /* print bottom footer */
 130:             for (i = 0; i < NQUADS; i++)
 131:                 printf("-%d- ", i);
 132:             printf("\n");
 133:             break;
 135:           case 2:           /* trajectory */
 136:             if (check_out(SRSCAN))
 137:             {
 138:                 break;
 139:             }
 140:             if (Etc.nkling <= 0)
 141:             {
 142:                 printf("No Klingons in this quadrant\n");
 143:                 break;
 144:             }
 145:             /* for each Klingon, give the course & distance */
 146:             for (i = 0; i < Etc.nkling; i++)
 147:             {
 148:                 printf("Klingon at %d,%d", Etc.klingon[i].x, Etc.klingon[i].y);
 149:                 course = kalc(Ship.quadx, Ship.quady, Etc.klingon[i].x, Etc.klingon[i].y, &dist);
 150:                 prkalc(course, dist);
 151:             }
 152:             break;
 154:           case 3:           /* course calculation */
 155:             if (readdelim('/'))
 156:             {
 157:                 tqx = Ship.quadx;
 158:                 tqy = Ship.quady;
 159:             }
 160:             else
 161:             {
 162:                 ix = getintpar("Quadrant");
 163:                 if (ix < 0 || ix >= NSECTS)
 164:                     break;
 165:                 iy = getintpar("q-y");
 166:                 if (iy < 0 || iy >= NSECTS)
 167:                     break;
 168:                 tqx = ix;
 169:                 tqy = iy;
 170:             }
 171:             ix = getintpar("Sector");
 172:             if (ix < 0 || ix >= NSECTS)
 173:                 break;
 174:             iy = getintpar("s-y");
 175:             if (iy < 0 || iy >= NSECTS)
 176:                 break;
 177:             course = kalc(tqx, tqy, ix, iy, &dist);
 178:             if (r->value2)
 179:             {
 180:                 warp(-1, course, dist);
 181:                 break;
 182:             }
 183:             printf("%d,%d/%d,%d to %d,%d/%d,%d",
 184:                 Ship.quadx, Ship.quady, Ship.sectx, Ship.secty, tqx, tqy, ix, iy);
 185:             prkalc(course, dist);
 186:             break;
 188:           case 4:           /* score */
 189:             score();
 190:             break;
 192:           case 5:           /* phaser effectiveness */
 193:             dist = getfltpar("range");
 194:             if (dist < 0.0)
 195:                 break;
 196:             dist *= 10.0;
 197:             cost = pow(0.90, dist) * 98.0 + 0.5;
 198:             printf("Phasers are %d%% effective at that range\n", cost);
 199:             break;
 201:           case 6:           /* warp cost (time/energy) */
 202:             dist = getfltpar("distance");
 203:             if (dist < 0.0)
 204:                 break;
 205:             warpfact = getfltpar("warp factor");
 206:             if (warpfact <= 0.0)
 207:                 warpfact = Ship.warp;
 208:             cost = (dist + 0.05) * warpfact * warpfact * warpfact;
 209:             time = Param.warptime * dist / (warpfact * warpfact);
 210:             printf("Warp %.2f distance %.2f cost %.2f stardates %d (%d w/ shlds up) units\n",
 211:                 warpfact, dist, time, cost, cost + cost);
 212:             break;
 214:           case 7:           /* impulse cost */
 215:             dist = getfltpar("distance");
 216:             if (dist < 0.0)
 217:                 break;
 218:             cost = 20 + 100 * dist;
 219:             time = dist / 0.095;
 220:             printf("Distance %.2f cost %.2f stardates %d units\n",
 221:                 dist, time, cost);
 222:             break;
 224:           case 8:           /* distresslist */
 225:             j = 1;
 226:             printf("\n");
 227:             /* scan the event list */
 228:             for (i = 0; i < MAXEVENTS; i++)
 229:             {
 230:                 e = &Event[i];
 231:                 /* ignore hidden entries */
 232:                 if (e->evcode & E_HIDDEN)
 233:                     continue;
 234:                 switch (e->evcode & E_EVENT)
 235:                 {
 237:                   case E_KDESB:
 238:                     printf("Klingon is attacking starbase in quadrant %d,%d\n",
 239:                         e->x, e->y);
 240:                     j = 0;
 241:                     break;
 243:                   case E_ENSLV:
 244:                   case E_REPRO:
 245:                     printf("Starsystem %s in quadrant %d,%d is distressed\n",
 246:                         systemname(e), e->x, e->y);
 247:                     j = 0;
 248:                     break;
 249:                 }
 250:             }
 251:             if (j)
 252:                 printf("No known distress calls are active\n");
 253:             break;
 255:         }
 257:         /* skip to next semicolon or newline.  Semicolon
 258: 		 * means get new computer request; newline means
 259: 		 * exit computer mode. */
 260:         while ((i = cgetc(0)) != ';')
 261:         {
 262:             if (i == '\0')
 263:                 exit(1);
 264:             if (i == '\n')
 265:             {
 266:                 ungetc(i, stdin);
 267:                 return;
 268:             }
 269:         }
 270:     }
 271: }
 274: /*
 275: **  Course Calculation
 276: **
 277: **	Computes and outputs the course and distance from position
 278: **	sqx,sqy/ssx,ssy to tqx,tqy/tsx,tsy.
 279: */
 281: kalc(tqx, tqy, tsx, tsy, dist)
 282: int tqx;
 283: int tqy;
 284: int tsx;
 285: int tsy;
 286: double  *dist;
 287: {
 288:     double          dx, dy;
 289:     double          quadsize;
 290:     double          angle;
 291:     register int        course;
 293:     /* normalize to quadrant distances */
 294:     quadsize = NSECTS;
 295:     dx = (Ship.quadx + Ship.sectx / quadsize) - (tqx + tsx / quadsize);
 296:     dy = (tqy + tsy / quadsize) - (Ship.quady + Ship.secty / quadsize);
 298:     /* get the angle */
 299:     angle = atan2(dy, dx);
 300:     /* make it 0 -> 2 pi */
 301:     if (angle < 0.0)
 302:         angle += 6.283185307;
 303:     /* convert from radians to degrees */
 304:     course = angle * 57.29577951 + 0.5;
 305:     dx = dx * dx + dy * dy;
 306:     *dist = sqrt(dx);
 307:     return (course);
 308: }
 311: prkalc(course, dist)
 312: int course;
 313: double  dist;
 314: {
 315:     printf(": course %d  dist %.3f\n", course, dist);
 316: }

Defined functions

computer defined in line 74; used 2 times
kalc defined in line 281; used 2 times
prkalc defined in line 311; used 2 times

Defined variables

Cputab defined in line 60; used 1 times
  • in line 92
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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